⑤兼任國際SCI源刊《Mycologia》、《Mycologia Progress》、《Mycoscience》、《Mycotaxon》、《Plant Molecular Biology》、《Plos One》等多個刊物論文評閱專家。
⑥先後與法國農業研究中心Bruno Low Gam教授、美國維吉尼亞州立大學Brett Tyler教授、古巴科學院生物研究所Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz教授建立了合作關係。

1995.9-1998.7: 雲南農業大學植物病理系,攻讀植物病理學碩士學位,主要開展卵菌分子植物病理學研究,獲農學碩士學位;
1998.9-2001.7: 山東農業大學園藝學科,後轉入植物病理學科博士點,攻讀博士學位,主要開展無性絲孢真菌分類研究,獲農學博士學位;
2003.9-至今: 山東農業大學教授、博士生導師,山東省優秀中青年科學家,植物病理學科帶頭人,主要從事真菌分類、真菌分子系統學及分子遺傳學研究; 2002.9-2004.10: 山東農業大學園藝學博士後流動站工作;
一:開展調控卵菌辣椒疫黴菌與寄主互作及其發育關鍵基因的功能機制、蛋白晶體結構生物學及其綜合防控技術研究,探明了多個靶標基因致病分子機制,解讀了2個重要蛋白結構生物學,取得了重要科學成果,先後在《Plos Pathogenic》、《Plant Molecular Biology》、《Molecular Ecology》、《Plos One》、《BMC Biotechnology》等多種SCI源刊發表高論文20餘篇,系統開展了重要蔬菜病害綜合防控技術研究。
二:系統開展絲孢真菌物種多樣性及其性別分化系統學研究,開展了68個屬分類研究,發表新屬5個、新種160個、新記錄60個,建立腐生絲孢真菌分類技術方法,先後在國際真菌學重要刊物《Mycologia》《Fungal Biology》、《Mycological Progress》、《Mycoscience》、《Sydowia》、《Nova Hedwigia》、《Mycotaxon》等發表SCI論文108篇,系列成果得到國際同行學者的認可與贊同,在國內外真菌學領域具重要的學術地位。
3)蔬菜卵菌綜合防控技術研究與示範,公益性行業科技專項, 201003004, 1814.0萬元,首席科學家
3)中國西南地區凋落枯枝暗色絲孢真菌屬、種多樣性研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,30770015 ,29.0萬元
6)中國真菌志:磚格分生孢子類Ⅲ編研:國家自然科學基金《中國真菌志》重大項目子項目, 31093440, 56萬元
8)辣椒疫霉誘導壞死蛋白基因克隆及功能機制研究,973計畫專題, 2009CB119000,50.0萬元
1 、深入開展無性暗色絲孢真菌真菌系統學研究,取得了系列突出的科研成果
近10 餘年來深入開展了真菌系統分類研究,取得了系列科學發現和重要理論性成果,創立了2個新科、8 個新屬及其分類學理論。正確鑑定68 個屬218個新種、26新組合、120新記錄種。重建了該14 個疑難屬的種級分類標準與分類框架,完善了相關屬的系統分類學理論。系列原創性成果豐富了無性型真菌屬、種系統分類方法與分類學理論,在國際真菌學界產生了重要的學術影響,具重要的學術價值和理論水平。
2 、深入開展重要蔬菜卵菌高致病流行機制和綜合防治技術研究,取得了系列突出性成果
(1)明確了重要蔬菜卵菌病害辣椒疫病、黃瓜疫病、黃瓜霜霉病、大白菜霜霉病災變規律,初步探明了辣椒疫霉致病遺傳分化遺傳機制,界定了多個辣椒疫黴菌重要功能基因作用機制,授權國家技術發明專利18項,建立了辣椒疫病和黃瓜疫病快速診斷技術及疫情預警技術各4套,黃瓜霜霉病和大白菜霜霉病快速診斷及疫情預警技術各1套,檢測準確率95%以上; (2)明確了辣椒疫病為5個生理小種、分化為A1,A2交配型及其致病特性及分布特性,其中3號小種為優勢小種,授權國家技術發明專利18項。(3)篩選優質、高產抗病辣椒、黃瓜和大白菜種質39個,審定優質、高產、抗辣椒疫病品種4個,抗黃瓜疫病新品種4個,抗大白菜品種4個; (4)研製辣椒疫病、黃瓜疫病生防菌製劑8種,均審定農業部菌肥製劑產品產品,制定產品質量標準2項,授權技術發明專利5項; (5)研選出4-5種高效、低毒、低殘留化學藥劑及其高效減量用藥技術各1套,建立重要蔬菜卵菌抗藥性風險評價技術,授權技術發明專利5項; (6)研製設施黃瓜霜霉病新型生態防控薄膜產品技術1項,授權國家技術發明專利1項,(7)研發了辣椒和黃瓜疫病殺菌薄膜產品防病技術1項,授權技術發明專利1項; (8)集成各項關鍵技術,制定地方技術或防治技術規程22項,農業部技術標準8項,每種卵菌病害分別研製出3套綜合防控技術。3核心區示範推廣70萬畝,輻射推廣2200萬畝,防治效果達80%以上,農藥使用量減少30%,累計挽回經濟損失78億元以上; (9)建立了國內從事蔬菜卵菌病害研究技術隊伍,擴大了我國蔬菜卵菌學研究的國際聲譽與地位,提升了我國蔬菜卵菌學研究的水平,在蔬菜行業內享有較高的地位很聲譽。
4)獲2004年度“教育部霍英東教育基金會”頒發“霍英東教育基金青年教師二等獎”,證書號:92032 (首位)。
1)辣椒疫霉果膠裂解酶Pcpel1基因、蛋白質製備方法與套用,ZL 2009 1 0017995.1,發明人,張修國
2)一種多聚半乳糖醛酸酶抑制蛋白基因CaPGIP1及其抗病性技術,ZL 2011 1 0158939. 7,發明人,張修國
3)一種辣椒疫黴菌皺縮壞死蛋白PcCRN1基因克隆及其功能技術,ZL 2011 1 0162600 .4,發明人,張修國
4)一種辣椒疫黴菌誘導壞死蛋白Pcnpp1基因分離、體外突變及其沉默突變體製備方法,ZL 2011 1 0162973. 1,發明人,張修國
5)來自辣椒疫黴菌的肉鹼脂醯轉移酶PCCAT1及其編碼基因與套用,ZL 2012 1 0136612. 4,發明人,張修國
6)辣椒疫霉多聚半乳糖醛酸酶Pcipg5基因、蛋白製備方法及其套用,ZL 2009 1 0017994. 7,發明人,張修國
7)來自辣椒疫黴菌的果膠裂解酶PCPEL20及其編碼基因與套用,ZL 2012 1 0140547. 2 ,發明人,張修國
8)來自辣椒疫黴菌的果膠裂解酶PCPEL18及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0140039. 4, 發明人,張修國
9)來自辣椒疫黴菌的果膠裂解酶PCPEL15及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0140118. 5, 發明人,張修國。
10)來自辣椒疫霉的多聚半乳糖醛酸酶PCIPG21及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0143540.6, 發明人,張修國
11)基於多聚半乳糖醛酸酶Pcipg8基因開發的檢測辣椒疫黴菌的引物及方法, ZL 2012 1 0123020.9, 發明人,張修國
12)來自辣椒疫黴菌的肉鹼脂醯轉移酶PCCAT2及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0136687.2, 發明人,張修國
13)來自辣椒疫黴菌的果膠裂解酶PCPEL16及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0140735.5, 發明人,張修國
14)來自辣椒疫黴菌的阿魏酸酯酶PCFAE1及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0164121.0, 發明人,張修國
15)來自辣椒疫霉的多聚半乳糖醛酸酶PCIPG22及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0143334.5, 發明人,張修國
16)基於果膠裂解酶Pcpe115基因開發的檢測辣椒疫黴菌的引物及方法, ZL 2012 1 0140038.X, 發明人,張修國
17)來自辣椒疫霉的多聚半乳糖醛酸酶PCIPG20及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0143343.4, 發明人,張修國
18)來自辣椒疫黴菌的阿魏酸酯酶PCFAE2及其編碼基因與套用, ZL 2012 1 0164062.7, 發明人,張修國
19)隸屬於R型水合酶的基因片段及其編碼蛋白與套用, ZL 2013 1 0090127.2, 發明人,張修國
20)一種隸屬於R型水合酶的基因片段及其編碼蛋白與套用,ZL 2013 1 0091588.1, 發明人,張修國
1)山東省地方標準:大白菜霜霉病診斷及檢測技術標準, DB 37/T 2269—2013, 張修國等
2)山東省地方標準:番茄葉霉病診斷及檢測技術標準,DB 37/T 2271—2013, 張修國等
3)山東省地方標準:黃瓜灰霉病診斷及檢測技術標準,DB 37/T 2272—2013, 張修國等
4)山東省地方標準:黃瓜疫霉病診斷及檢測技術標準,DB 37/T 2273—2013,張修國等
5)山東省地方標準:辣椒白粉病診斷及檢測技術標準,DB 37/T 2274—2013,張修國等
6)山東省地方標準:辣椒瘡痂病診斷及檢測技術標準, DB 37/T 2275—2013,張修國等
7)山東省地方標準:辣椒疫霉病診斷及檢測技術標準, DB 37/T 2276—2013,張修國等
8)山東省地方標準:蔬菜病蟲害綜合防治技術規程第4部分:番茄葉霉病, DB37/T 2600.4—2015,張修國等
9)山東省地方標準:蔬菜病蟲害綜合防治技術規程第7部分:黃瓜灰霉病, DB37/T 2600.7—2015,張修國等
10)山東省地方標準:蔬菜病蟲害綜合防治技術規程第9部分:黃瓜疫病, DB37/T 2600.9—2015張修國
11)山東省地方標準:蔬菜病蟲害綜合防治技術規程第10部分:辣椒瘡痂病, DB37/T 2600.10—2015, 張修國
12)山東省地方標準:蔬菜病蟲害綜合防治技術規程第11部分:辣椒疫霉病, DB37/T 2600.11—2015, 張修國
1)微生物菌劑:微生物肥(2011)臨字(1491)號, 張修國等
2)生物有機肥: 微生物肥(2011)臨字(1512)號, 張修國等
3)微生物菌劑:微生物肥(2013)臨字(1807)號, 張修國等
4)微生物菌劑:微生物肥(2014)臨字(2240)號, 張修國等
出版專著《Taxonomic Classification of Hyphomycetes》1部,科學出版社,2012。
1) Pierre Gladieux, Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Isabel Róldan-Ruiz, Valérie Caffier, Thibaulf Leroy, Martine Devaux, Sabine Van Glabeke, Els Coart, Bruno Le Cam*. Evolution of the population structure of Venturia inaequalis, the apple scab fungus, associated with the domestication of its host. Molecular Ecology, 2010, 19:658-674 (2區SCI: IF=6.494)
2) Chun-Yuan Zhu, Xiao-Yan Yang, Rong-Fei Lv, Zhuang Li, Xiao-Meng Ding, Brett M. Tyler, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Phytophthora capsici homologue of the cell cycle regulator SDA1is required for sporangial morphology, mycelial growth and plant infection. Mol Plant Pathol. 2016,17: 369-387.( 1區SCI: IF=4.335)
3) Li Fu, Chun-Yuan Zhu, Xiao-Meng Ding, Xiao-Yan Yang,Paul F. Morris,Brett M. Tyler, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Characterization of cell death-inducing members of the pectate lyase gene family in Phytophthora capsici and their contributions to infection of pepper. Molecular plant-microbe interactions 2015, 28: 766-775. (2區SCI: IF=4.145)
4) Bao-Zhen Feng,Xiao-Ping Zhu,Li Fu,Rong-Fei Lv,Dylan Storey,Paul Tooley,Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Characterization of necrosis-inducing NLP proteins in Phytophthora capsici.BMC Plant Biology 2014, 14:126 doi:10.1186/1471-2229-14-126 (2區SCI: IF=3.813)
5) Xiu-Ju Wang , Xiao-Ping Zhu , Paul Tooley , Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Cloning and functional analysis of three genes encoding polygalacturonase-inhibiting proteins from Capsicum annuumand transgenic CaPGIP1 in tobacco in relation to increased resistance to two fungal pathogens. Plant Molecular Biology, 2013, 81:379-400 (2區SCI: IF=4.072).
6)Hui-Zheng Wang, Kai Zhang, Jie Zhu, Wei-Wei Song, Li Zhao, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Structure Reveals Regulatory Mechanisms of a MaoCLike Hydratase from Phytophthora capsiciInvolved in Biosynthesis of Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs). PLoS One, 2013, 8(11): e80024. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080024.(2區SCI: IF=3.702)
7)Pierre Gladieux, Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Damien Afoufa-Bastien, Rosa-Maria, Valdebenito Sanhueza, Mohamed, Sbaghi, Bruno Le Cam*. On the origin and spread of the scab disease of apple: out of central Asia. PLoS One, 2008, 1:e1455:1-14 (2區SCI: IF=3.702)
8)Kai Zhang, Jian Ma, Yong Wang, Xiu- Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Piricaudiopsis from southernChina. Mycologia, 2009, 101(3):417-422 (2區SCI: IF=2.388).
9)Kai Zhang, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang* .New species and records of Shrungabeeja from southernChina. Mycologia, 2009, 101(4):573-578 (2區SCI: IF=2.388).
10)Yong Wang, Yun-FeiPei, Nichole R. O’Neill, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Ulocladium cantlocussp. nov. isolated from northwesternChina: its morphology and molecular phylogenetic position. Mycologia, 2010, 102(2):374-383 (2區SCI: IF=2.388).
11)Yong Wang, Yun Geng, Yun-FeiPei, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Molecular and morphological description of two new species of StemphyliumfromChinaandFrance. Mycologia, 2010, 102(3):708-717 (2區SCI: IF=2.388).
12)Yong Wang, Bruno Le Cam, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Ulocladiumfrom Southwest China. Mycologia, 2008, 100(3):455-459 (2區SCI: IF=2.388).
13)Jian Ma, Yong Wang, Nichole R. O’Neill, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A revision of the genus Lomaantha, with the description of a new species. Mycologia, 2011, 103(2):407-410. DOI: 10.3852/10-176. (2區SCI: IF=2.388).
14)Yun Geng, Zhuang Li, Li-Yun Xia, Qun Wang, Xian-Mei Hu, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the mating-type loci in the asexual ascomycete genus Ulocladium. Mycologia, 2014, 106(4): 649–665. (2區SCI: IF=2.128)
15)Yong Wang, Yun Geng, Jian Ma, Qi Wang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Sinomyces: a new genus of anamorphic Pleosporaceae. Fungal Biology, 2011, 115:188-195 (2區SCI: IF=2.259).
16)Wen-Xiu Sun, Yong-Jian Jia,Bao-Zhen Feng, Nichole R. O’Neill,Xiao-Ping Zhu,Bing-Yan Xie,Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Functional analysis of Pcipg2 from the straminopilous plant pathogen Phytophthora capsici. Genesis, 2009, 47:535-544 (2區SCI: IF=2.406).
17)Hui-Zheng Wang, Li Fu, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Comparison of expression, purification and characterization of a new pectate lyase from Phytophthora capsiciusing two different methods. BMC Biotechnology, 2011, 11:32 (2區SCI: IF=2.511).
18)Yong Wang, Yun-FeiPei, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Molecular and morphological description of a new species of Ulocladiumfrom Southern China. Mycological Progress, 2009, 8:207-214 (3區SCI: IF=1.791).
19)Yong Wang, Hong-Bo Fu, Nichole R. O ’Neill, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Stemphylium from Northwest China. Mycological Progress, 2009, 8:301-304 (3區SCI: IF=1.791).
20)Yun-Fei Pei, Yong Wang, Yun Geng, Nichole R. O’Neill, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three novel species of Stemphyliumfrom Sinkiang,China: their morphological and molecular characterization. Mycological Progress, 2011, 10:163-173(3區SCI: IF=1.791).
21)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Yong Wang, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. New species and record of Pseudoacrodictysfrom southernChina. Mycological Progress, 2011, 10: 261-265. (3區SCI: IF=1.791).
22)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Taeniolina from southernChina. Mycological Progress, 2011, 11:71-74 (3區SCI: IF=1.791).
23)Jian Ma, Yong Wang, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Neosporidesmiumfrom Hainan,China. Mycological Progress, 2011, 10:157-162. (3區SCI:IF=1.791).
24)Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Shou-Cai Ren, Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Solicorynesporafrom Hainan,China. Mycol progress, 2012, 11:639–645 (3區SCI: IF=1.791).
25)Bao-Zhen Feng, Pei-Qian Li, He-Mei Wang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Functional Analysis of Pcpme6 from Oomycete Plant Pathogen Phytophthora capsici. Microbial Pathogenesis, 2010, 49:23-31 (SCI: IF=1.828).
26)Hui-Zheng Wang, Jiu-Biao Guo, Hai Pang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Identification and characterization of a new monoamine oxidase type C-like dehydratase from Phytophthora capsiciinvolved in polyhydroxyalkanoates biosynthesis. Biotechnology Letter, 2010, 32(11):1719-1723(SCI: IF=1.838).
27)Pei-Qian Li, Bao-Zhen Feng, He-Mei Wang, Paul W. Tooley, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Isolation of nine Phytophthora capsicipectin methylesterase genes which are differentially expressed in various plant species. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 2011, 51:61-70 (SCI: IF=1.823).
28)Yong-Jian Jia, Bao-Zhen Feng, Wen-Xiu Sun, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Polygalacturonase, pectate lyase and pectin methylesterase activity in pathogenic strains of Phytophthora capsici incubated under different conditions. Journal of Phytopathology, 2009, 157:585-591 (SCI: IF=1.076).
29)Wen-Xiu Sun, Yong-Jian Jia, Nichole R. O’Neill, Bao-Zhen Feng,Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Genetic diversity in Phytophthora capsici from easternChina. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 2008, 30:414-424 (SCI: IF=1.31).
30)Bao-Zhen Feng, Pei-Qian Li, Li Fu, Bing-Bing Sun, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Identification of 18 genes encoding necrosis-inducing proteins from the plant pathogen Phytophthora capsici (Pythiaceae: Oomycetes). Genetics and Molecular Research, 2011, 10(2):910-922 (SCI: IF=0.972).
31)Li Fu, Hui-Zheng Wang, Bao-Zhen Feng, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Cloning, Expression, Purification and Initial Analysis of a Novel Pectate Lyase Pcpel1from Phytophthora capsici. Journal of phytopathology. 2013, 161(4):230-238 (SCI: IF=1.076).
32)Hui-Zheng Wang, Jiu-Biao Guo, Hai Pang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of the MaoC-like dehydratase from Phytophthora capsici. Acta Crystallographica Section F, 2010, 66:272–274(SCI: IF=0.527)
33)Hui-Zheng Wang, Jie Zhu, Wei-Wei Song, Xiu-guo Zhang*. Cocrystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of an inactive MaoC-like hydratase mutant with the substrate crotonyl-CoA. Acta Crystallographica Section F, 2012, 68:483-485 (SCI: IF=0.527)
34)Yong Wang, Yun-FeiPei, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Molecular and morphological description of a new species of Ulocladiumfrom Southern China. Mycological Progress, 2009, 8:207-214 (SCI: IF=1.791).
35)Yong Wang, Hong-Bo Fu, Nichole R. O ’Neill, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Stemphylium from Northwest China. Mycological Progress, 2009, 8:301-304 (SCI: IF=1.791).
36)Yun-Fei Pei, Yong Wang, Yun Geng, Nichole R. O’Neill, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three novel species of Stemphyliumfrom Sinkiang,China: their morphological and molecular characterization. Mycological Progress, 2011, 10:163-173(SCI: IF=1.791).
37)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Yong Wang, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. New species and record of Pseudoacrodictysfrom southernChina. Mycological Progress, 2011, 10: 261-265. (SCI: IF=1.791).
38)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Taeniolina from southernChina. Mycological Progress, 2011, 11:71-74 (SCI: IF=1.791).
39)Jian Ma, Yong Wang, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Neosporidesmiumfrom Hainan,China. Mycological Progress, 2011, 10:157-162. (SCI: IF=1.791).
40)Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Shou-Cai Ren, Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Solicorynesporafrom Hainan,China. Mycol progress, 2012, 11:639–645 (SCI: IF=1.791).
41)Ji-Wen Xia, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. Minimelanolocus bicolorata sp. nov., Paradendryphiopsis elegans sp. nov. and Corynesporella bannaensesp. nov. from southernChina. Mycoscience 55: 299-307(SCI: IF=1.165)
42)Ji-Wen Xia, Li-Guo Ma, Ying-Rui Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2013. Corynesporopsis curvularioidessp. nov. and new records of microfungi from southernChina. Cryptogamie Mycologie 34(3): 281-288 (SCI: IF=1.044)
43)Ji-Wen Xia, Shou-Cai Ren, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2012. Heteroconium bannaense sp. nov. and a new record of the genus fromChina. Mycotaxon 121: 413-417 (SCI: IF=0.821)
44)Ji-Wen Xia, Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2013. Two new species of Spadicoides from southernChina. Mycotaxon 126: 55-60 (SCI: IF=0.821)
45)Ji-Wen Xia, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. A new species of Sporidesmiopsisand three new records of other dematiaceous hyphomycetes from southernChina. Nova Hedwigia 98(1-2): 103-111 (SCI: IF=0.809)
46)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Rafael F. Castañeda Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. Nakataea setulosasp. nov. and Uberisporaformosasp. nov. from southernChina. Mycological Progress 13: 753-758 (SCI: IF=1.606)
47)Li-Guo Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. Two new species of Spadicoides and Gangliostilbefrom southernChina. Mycological Progress 13: 547-552 (SCI: IF=1.606)
48)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz. 2014. Arachnophora dinghuensissp. nov. and Websteromyces inaequalesp. nov., and two new records of anamorphic fungi from dead branches of broad-leaved tree inChina. Mycoscience 55: 329-335 (SCI: IF=1.165)
49)Xiao-Xia Li, Ji-Wen Xia, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2013. A new species of Bahusutrabeeja from Guangxi,China. Mycotaxon 126: 227-230 (SCI: IF=0.821)
50)Li-Guo Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. A new species of Pseudospiropesand new Cordanaand Sporidesmiopsisrecords fromChina. Mycotaxon 127: 207-212 (SCI: IF=0.821)
51)Li-Guo Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. Three new species of Pleurophragmium from Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon 127: 213-219 (SCI: IF=0.821)
52)Xiao-Xia Li, Li-Guo Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2013.Three newly recorded species of Parasympodiellaand Chalara fromChina. Mycotaxon 126: 121-126 (SCI: IF=0.821)
53)Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2012. New species and records of Sporidesmiumfrom southernChina. Mycotaxon 119: 17-25 (SCI: IF=0.821)
54)Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang. 2012. New species and a new record of Solicorynesporafrom southernChina. Mycotaxon 119: 95-102 (SCI: IF=0.821)
55)Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2012. Acrogenospora hainanensissp. nov. and new records of microfungi from southernChina. Mycotaxon 120: 59-66 (SCI: IF=0.821)
56)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2014. New species of Corynesporopsisand LyleafromChina. Sydowia 66 (2): 241–248 (SCI: IF=1.021)
57)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2015. Anungitea guangxiensisand Ellisembia longchiensis, two new species from southernChina. Mycotaxon 130: 41–46 (SCI: IF=0.705)
58)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Zhuang Li* & Xiu-Guo Zhang. 2015. Sporidesmiopsis mallotisp. nov. and new records from southernChina. Mycotaxon 130: 827–833 (SCI: IF=0.705)
59)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Zhuang Li* & Xiu-Guo Zhang. 2015. Codinaea jianfenglingensissp. nov. and new records from southernChina. Mycotaxon 130: 835–841(SCI: IF=0.705)
60)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Xiu-Guo Zhang & Zhuang Li*. 2016. A new species of Blastophragmaand three new records of other dematiaceous hyphomycetes from southernChina. Nova Hedwigia 102(1-2): 223–232(SCI: IF=1.195)
61)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Xiu-Guo Zhang & Zhuang Li*. 2016. Two new species of Endophragmiellafrom southernChina. Nova Hedwigia103(3-4): 349–357 (SCI: IF=1.195)
62)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Zhuang Li* & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Sympodiosynnema, a new genus of dematiaceous hyphomycetes from southernChina. Mycotaxon 131: 45–48 (SCI: IF=0.705)
63)Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Xiu-Guo Zhang & Zhuang Li*. 2016. Atrosynnema, a new hyphomycete from dead branches inChina. Mycotaxon 131: 287–290 (SCI: IF=0.705)
64)Ji-Wen Xia, Chun-Ling Yang, Jin-Ye Wang, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Dictyoceratosporella wuzhishanensissp. nov. from Hainan Province, China. Mycotaxon 131: 419–422 (SCI: IF=0.705)
65)Ji-Wen Xia, Jin-Ye Wang, Chun-Ling Yang, Zhuang Li*& Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Ellisembia henanensissp. nov. and two new hyphomycete records from centralChina. Mycotaxon 131: 597–603 (SCI: IF=0.705)
66)Ying-Rui Ma,Ji-Wen Xia,Jian-Mei Gao,Xiang-Yu Li, Rafael F. Castañeda- Ruíz,Xiu-Guo Zhang* & Zhuang Li*. 2015. Atrokylindriopsis, a new genus of hyphomycetes from Hainan,China, with relationship to Chaetothyriales. Mycological Progress 14: 77–81 (SCI: IF=1.913)
67)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang & Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz. 2014. Arachnophora dinghuensissp. nov. and Websteromyces inaequalesp. nov., and two new records of anamorphic fungi from dead branches of broad-leaved trees inChina. Mycoscience 55: 329–335 (SCI: IF=1.288)
68)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2015. Two new species of Sporidesmiellafrom southernChina. Nova Hedwigia 101(1-2): 131–137 (SCI: IF=1.195)
69)Ying-Rui Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Two new species of Pseudoacrodictysfrom Hainan,China. Nova Hedwigia 102(1-2): 69–75 (SCI: IF=1.195)
70)Ying-Rui Ma, Ji-Wen Xia & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2015. A new species of Endophragmiella from Guizhou,China. Mycotaxon 130: 451–454 (SCI: IF=0.705)
71)Ying-Rui Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang* & Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruiz. 2015. New species of Phaeomonilia and Mirandinafrom dead branches inChina. Mycotaxon 130: 775–781 (SCI: IF=0.705)
72)Jian-Mei Gao, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Zhuang Li* Ξu-Guo Zhang. 2015. Blastophragma chongqingensesp. nov. and a new record of Bahusutrabeeja angularisfrom southernChina. Mycotaxon130: 821–825 (SCI: IF=0.705).
73)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia & Xiu-Guo Zhang. 2016. Three new species of Hemicorynesporaand Solicorynesporafrom southernChina. Mycotaxon131: 263–268 (SCI: IF=0.705).
74)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang, You-Qiang Luo & Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruiz. 2016. Solicorynesporaspecies associated with dead branches of subtropical forests in southern china. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 37 (1): 37–44
75)Ying-Rui Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Jian-Mei Gao, Zhuang Li* & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Anacacumisporium, a new genus based on morphology and molecular analyses from Hainan,China. Cryptogamie, Mycologie 37 (1): 45–59
76)Ying-Rui Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Jian-Mei Gao, Zhuang Li & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Dictyoceratosporella, gen. nov., with the description of two new species collected from Hainan,China. Sydowia 68: 57–61
77)Jian Ma, Ji-Wen Xia, Xiu-Guo Zhang & Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruiz. 2016. Two new species of Solicorynesporafrom Jinggangshan Mountain,China. Nova Hedwigia 103(1-2): 117–124 (SCI: IF=1.195)
78)Xiang-Yu Li, Ji-Wen Xia, Shu-Yan Liu* & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Three new records of hyphomycetes from southernChina. Mycosystema 35(8): 1018–1021
79)Chun-Ling Yang, Jin-Ye Wang, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Phaeomonilia nanningensissp. nov. and a new Craspedodidymumrecord from southernChina. Mycotaxon131: 547–551 (SCI: IF=0.705).
80)Jin-Ye Wang, Chun-Ling Yang, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Jian-Mei Gao, Yu-Mei Cai* & Xiu-Guo Zhang. 2016. Capsicispora mycophilagen. & sp. nov. from southernChina. Mycotaxon131: 559–563 (SCI: IF=0.705).
81)Jian-Mei Gao, Chun-Ling Yang, Jin-Ye Wang, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Helicoma jianfenglingensesp. nov. and Cubasinaand Endophragmiellaspecies new toChina. Mycotaxon131: 351–356 (SCI: IF=0.705).
82)Jian-Mei Gao, Jin-Ye Wang, Chun-Ling Yang, Ji-Wen Xia, Ying-Rui Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. 2016. Pseudoacrodictysfrom southernChina: P. ambiguasp. nov. and a new record. Mycotaxon131: 553–558 (SCI: IF=0.705).
83)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Spadicoides camelliae and Diplococcium livistonae, two new hyphomycetes on dead branches from Fujian Province,China. Mycoscience, 2012, 25-30(SCI: IF=0.752).
84)Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Pseudospiropes linderae sp. nov. and notes on Minimelanolocus(both anamorphic Strossmayeria) new toChina. Nova Hedwigia, 2012, 93(3-4), 465-473 (SCI: IF=0.913).
85)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Endophragmiellafrom southern ChinaMycotaxon, 2011, 117: 279-285 (SCI: IF=0.752).
86)Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Sporidesmiellafrom southernChina. Mycoscience, 2012, 187-193. (SCI: IF=0.752)
87)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Craspedodidymum and Corynespora spp. nov. and a new anamorph recorded from southern China Mycotaxon, 2011, 117: 351-358 (accepted) (SCI: IF=0.752).
88)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Corynesporellaand two first records from China Mycotaxon, 2012, 119: 83-88. (SCI: IF=0.752).
89)Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Li-Guo Ma, Shou-Cai Ren, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Ellisembiafrom Hainan, China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 114:417-421 (SCI: IF=0.752).
90)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Rafael F. Castañeda-Ruíz,Xiu-Guo Zhang*. New species of Phaeodactyliumand Neosporidesmium fromChina. Sydowia, 2011, 63 (1): 125-130 (SCI=0.383).
91)Jian Ma, Shou-Cai Ren, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. New records of CorynesporopsisfromChina. Mycotaxon, 2010, 114:423-428 (SCI: IF=0.752).
92)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Minimelanolocusfrom Fujian,China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 114:373-376 (SCI: IF=0.752).
93)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Heteroconiumfrom Fujian,China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 114:315-318 (SCI: IF=0.752).
94)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Dactylellafrom Fujian,China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 114:259-261 (SCI: IF=0.752).
95)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Kylindria from Fujian,China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 114:367-371 (SCI: IF=0.752).
96)Yi-Dong Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Podosporiumand a new record from southernChina. Mycotaxon,2010, 114:401-405 (SCI: IF=0.752).
97)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Spadicoidesfrom Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 113:255-258 (SCI: IF=0.752).
98) Kai Zhang, Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Berkleasmiumfrom Chongqing,China. Mycotaxon, 2009, 108:5-7 (SCI: IF=0.752).
99)Kai Zhang, Li-Guo Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new hyphomycete species from Guangxi,China. Mycotaxon, 2009, 108:123-125 (SCI: IF=0.752).
100)Kai Zhang, Hong-Bo Fu, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Minimelanolocusfrom Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon, 2009, 109:95-101 (SCI: IF=0.752).
101)Kai Zhang, Hong-Bo Fu, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Corynesporafrom Hainan,China. Mycotaxon, 2009, 109:85-93 (SCI: IF=0.752).
102)Yun-FeiPei, Yun Geng, Yong Wang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Stemphyliumfrom Sinkiang,China. Mycotaxon, 2009, 109:493-497 (SCI: IF=0.752).
103)Yong-Jian Jia, Bao-Zhen Feng, Wen-Xiu Sun, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Polygalacturonase, pectate lyase and pectin methylesterase activity in pathogenic strains of Phytophthora capsici incubated under different conditions. Journal of Phytopathology, 2009, 157:585-591 (SCI: IF=0.868).
104)Yong Wang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Stemphylium from Shandong,China. Nova Hedwigia, 2009, 88 (1-2):199-203 (SCI: IF=0.913).
105)Yun-FeiPei, Yong Wang, Yun Geng, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of Stemphyliumfrom Sinkiang,China. Mycotaxon, 2010, 111:167–173 (SCI: IF=0.752).
106)Jian Ma, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of the genus MinimelanolocusinChina. Mycotaxon, 2008, 104:147-151 (SCI: IF=0.752).
107)Jian Ma, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new Ellisembia species from Hainan,China. Mycotaxon, 2008, 104:141-145 (SCI: IF=0.752).
108)Kai Zhang, Jian Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Sporidesmiumfrom Hainan,China. Mycotaxon, 2008, 104:165-169 (SCI: IF=0.752).
109)Kai Zhang, Jian Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Corynespora from Hainan,China. Mycotaxon, 2008, 104:159-163 (SCI: IF=0.752).
110)Jian Ma, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Corynesporafrom Hainan, China. Mycotaxon, 2008, 104:153-157 (SCI: IF=0.752).
111)Jian Ma, Li-Guo Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new hyphomycetes from southernChina. Mycotaxon, 2011, 117: xxx-xxx (accepted) (SCI: IF=0.752).
112)Jian Ma, Yi-Dong Zhang, Li-Guo Ma & Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new Minimelanolocusspecies from southernChina. Mycotaxon, 2011, 117: xxx-xxx (accepted) (SCI: IF=0.752).
113)Feng Xue, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Ulocladium capsicuma, a new species identified by morphological and molecular phylogenetic data. Sydowia, 2007, 59 (1):161-178 (SCI: IF=0.383).
114)Guang-Min Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Corynesporafrom Guangdong,China. Mycotaxon, 2007, 99:347-351 (SCI: IF=0.752).
115)Cheng-Kui Shi, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Sporidesmiumfrom Guangxi, China. Mycotaxon, 2007, 99:359-366 (SCI: IF=0.752).
116)Jian Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of SporidesmiumfromChina. Mycotaxon, 2007, 99:367-371 (SCI: IF=0.752).
117)Jian Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of CorynesporafromChina. Mycotaxon, 2007, 99:353-358 (SCI: IF=0.752).
118)Zhi-Qiang Shang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Taxonomic studies of Pseudospiropesfrom Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon, 2007, 100:149-153 (SCI: IF=0.752).
119)Zhi-Qiang Shang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new Corynesporaspecies from Jiangsu,China. Mycotaxon, 2007, 100:155-158 (SCI: IF=0.752).
120)Xiao-Mei Wang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. A new species of Corynesporafrom Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon, 2007, 101:77-79 (SCI: IF=0.752).
121)Jian Ma, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Two new species of Sporidesmiumfrom Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon, 2007, 101:73-76 (SCI: IF=0.752).
122)Yong Wang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Three new species of StemphyliumfromChina. Mycotaxon, 2006, 96:77-81 (SCI: IF=0.774).
123)Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Cheng-Kui Shi. Taxonomic studies of CorynesporafromChina. Mycotaxon, 2005, 92:417-423 (SCI: IF=0.752).
124)Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Min Ji. Taxonomic studies of Corynesporafrom Yunnan,China. Mycotaxon, 2005, 92:425-429 (SCI: IF=0.752).
125)Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Jun-Jie Xu. Taxonomic studies of Corynesporafrom Guangxi,China. Mycotaxon, 2005, 92:431-436 (SCI: IF=0.752).
126)Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Tian-Yu Zhang. Notes on the genus Pithomyces(Hyphomycetes) fromChina. Mycotaxon, 2003, 85:241-245 (SCI: IF=0.752).
127)Xiu-Guo Zhang*,Yue-Ming Wu, Tian-Yu Zhang. Taxonomic studies of StemphyliumfromChina. Mycotaxon, 2003, 85:247-252 (SCI: IF=0.752).
128)Xiu-Guo Zhang*, Yue-Ming Wu. A new species of Pithomyces. Mycotaxon, 2003, 85:131-133 (SCI: IF=0.752).
129)Xiu-Guo Zhang *, G-S Zheng, H-Y Han, Ch-K Shi, C-J Chang. RAPD PCR for Diagnosis of P. parasiticaisolates which cause black shank on tobacco. Journal of Phytopathology, 2001, 149:569-574 (SCI: IF=0.891).
130)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Notes on dematiaceous hyphomycetes from dead wood Ⅱ. Three new records forChina. Mycosystema, 2010, 29(6):841-844.
131)Li-Guo Ma, Jian Ma, Kai Zhang, Xiu-Guo Zhang*. Listeromycesnew to mainlandChina. Journal of fungal research, 2010, 8(1):5-6.
132)Ma Jian, Zhang Xiu-Guo*. Zhang Xue-Qing. A preliminary report of dead wood dematiaceous hyphomycetes from south of China I. Journal of Fungal Research, 2007, 5(1):3-4.
133)Zhang Xiu-Guo*, Wang Xiao-Mei. Notes on dead wood dematiaceous hyphomycetes Ι. Two newly recorded species fromChina. Mycosystema, 2008, 27(1):140-142.
134)Zhang Xiu-Guo, Zhang Tian-Yu. Studies on the genus UlocladiumPress fromChina. Mycosystema, 2002, 21(1):25-26.
135)Zhang Xiu-Guo, Zhang Tian-Yu. Taxonomic studies of Stemphyliumfrom China I. Mycosystema, 2002, 21(3):324-326.
136)Zhang Xiu-Guo, Zhang Tian-Yu, Sun Xia. Pithomyces, A newly recorded genus forChina. Mycosystema, 2001,20 (2):275-276.
137)Xiu-Guo Zhang*, W-X Sun, Le Guo, J-F Yu, C-J Chang. Genetic and Pathogenic Variation among tobacco black shank strains of P. parasiticafrom the main tobacco growing regions inChina. Journal of Phytopathology, 2003, 151:259-266
138) 薛峰,張修國*,王勇,王漢忠。中國匍柄霉屬研究II:一新種及四個中國新記錄。Mycosystema, 2005, 24(3):322-329.
139) 張天宇,趙國柱,張修國,劉會梅,吳悅明。中國真菌志:“暗色磚格分生孢子真菌26屬-鏈格孢屬除外”第三十一卷:2009, 1-231.
140) 張修國,張天宇。匍柄霉屬兩個中國新記錄種。Mycosystema, 2002, 21(2):288-289.
141) 於金風,張修國*,李紅美,張天宇。立枯絲核菌第一融合群的遺傳分化。Mycosystema, 2003,22(1):69-73.
142) 於金鳳, 張天宇, 張修國*。山東小麥紋枯病菌致病性與遺傳分化關係研究。植物病理學報,2007,37(4): 418-425.
143) 張修國,羅文富等。菸草黑脛病發生動態與黑脛病菌全基因組(DNA)遺傳分化關係的研究。中國農業科學,2001, 34(4):379-384.
144) 張修國,羅文富等。菸草黑脛病菌親緣關係的RAPD分析。Mycosystema, 2000, 19(1): 39-44.