
Chapter Chapter Chapter


出版社: 航空工業出版社; 第1版 (2004年5月1日)
平裝: 1350頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 32
ISBN: 9787801833501
條形碼: 9787801833501
尺寸: 18.2 x 12.8 x 9.8 cm
重量: 1.3 Kg


作者:(英國)丹尼爾·笛福(Daniel Defoe) (英國)H·G·韋爾斯(H.G.Wells) (英國)柯南·道爾(Conan Doyle) 等 改編:Robert Ellis Wheatley barney Paul Collins 等


《床頭燈英語學習讀本·3000詞讀遍天下書·第2輯(純英文版)(套裝共10冊)》包括了:《彼得·潘》、《楊柳風》、《大戰火星人》、《時間機器 》、《遠大前程》、《湯姆·索亞歷險記》、《黑駿馬》、《格列佛遊記》、《魯濱遜漂流記》、《馬斯克維爾獵犬》。本套讀物由美國作家執筆,以3300個最常用的單詞寫成。語言現代、地道、標準。原汁原味,而且通俗易懂。你躺在床上不用翻字典就可以津津有味地學英語。小說里有人,有人的吃、喝、拉、撤、睡,有人的七情六慾,有人與人之間複雜的關係,以及人與自然。與社會的衝突和調和。從語言習得的角度來看,本套讀物實現了使用3300個基本單詞細緻入微地表述和闡釋生活的細節和人們豐富的內心世界的目的。走進一部英文小說,你實際上就生活在一個“英語世界”里。這是解決中國人學英語沒有英語語言環境的最佳途徑。光讀幾本教科書就想學好英語,這個想法不現實。本套讀物精選了國外50部值得你在一生中去讀的文學作品,讀這些作品不但可以掌握英語,而且可以積澱西方文化,提高個人的品位和修養。




Chapter One The Darling Family
Chapter Two Seeing Peter Pan
Chapter Three The neverland Arrives
Chapter Four Learning to Fly
Chapter Five Neverland Awakes
Chapter Six The Lost Boys' New Mother
Chapter Seven The Secret House
Chapter Eight Death Rock
Chapter Nine Trapped in the Lake
Chapter Ten Ready to Go Home
Chapter Eleven Capture!
Chapter Twelve Tinker Bell Saves Peter
Chapter Thirteen The Jolly Roger
Chapter Fourteen Fight to the Death
Chapter Fifteen Going Back Home
Chapter sixteen A Bigger Family
《時間機器 》目錄:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter One Beginnings
Chapter Two My Training
Chapter Three I Am Sold
Chapter Four I Get to Know Ginger
Chapter Five A stormy Night
Chapter Six James' Promotion
Chapter Seven The Stable Fire
Chapter Eight Mrs. Gordon Falls Ill
Chapter Nine Moving On
Chapter Ten The Bearing Rein
Chapter Eleven I Move On Again
Chapter Twelve A Job Horse and Its Drivers
Chapter Thirteen Working for a Cabman
Chapter Fourteen Conversations with an Army Horse
Chapter Fifteen Life in the City
Chapter Sixteen A Busy City Becomes Even Busier
Chapter Seventeen A Lady's Good Advice
Chapter Eighteen Life Gets Even Tougher
Chapter Nineteen My Fate
Chapter One Aunt Polly Keeps Her Promise
Chapter Two Tom Learns a Lesspn about Desire
Chapter Three Tom in the Army-a New Love Is Discovered
Chapter Four Sunday Classes at the Church
Chapter Five The Church Service
Chapter Six A Conversation about Spirits
Chapter Seven Tom Gets Engaged
Chapter Eight Tom Makes a Decision
Chapter Nine A Frightening Night among the Spirits
Chapter Ten The Agreement
Chapter Eleven Potter's Capture
Chapter Twelve Aunt Polly Studies Medicine
Chapter Thirteen The Three Pirates
Chapter Fourteen Life on the Island
Chapter Fifteen Tom Secretly Visits Home
Chapter Sixteen A Difficult Night
Chapter Seventeen The Boys Come back from the Dead
Part One: A Voyage to Lilliput
Chapter One A Terrible Storm
Chapter Two The Tiny Men
Chapter Three Meeting the King
Chapter Four My First Week in Lilliput
Chapter Five I Become Free
Chapter Six I Learn More about Lilliput
Chapter Seven War and Troubles
Chapter Eight The Fire
Chapter Nine accused!
Chapter Ten Escape to Blefuscu
Part Two: A Voyage to Brobdingnag
Chapter One Left Behind
Chapter Two Inside the Giant's House
Chapter Three I Begin to Work
Chapter Four I Move To the Palace
Chapter Five A Talk with the King
Chapter Six Many Dangers!
Chapter Seven Escaping Brobdingnag

