象徵:烏洛波洛斯(Ouroboros,咬住自己尾巴的蛇)、六芒星(Unicursal Hexagram)、混沌螺鏇(Chaos Spiral)
魔鬼的魔法是從原始混沌中抽取,天生具有破壞性。總的來說,魔鬼們在利用各種負面魔法(直接傷害、dot、debuff)方面展示出非常卓越的能力。註:DOT(Damage over time,持續傷害)
“分割,召喚,征服”(Divide, Summon and Conquer)在敵人的佇列中撒布混亂與烈火時,傳送儘可能多的額外部隊進入戰場。然後用你海量的部隊終結敵人。
Maniacs are the spawns of Ur-Vormoch, the Demon Overlord of Madness. These demons are the spirits of the unbalanced, infuriated and unpredictable nature of Chaos. A true offspring of their creator, the Maniacs excel at spreading fear and panic. The Maniacs cry and shriek in pain when attacking, and laugh when wounded.
瘋狂惡魔是癲狂魔王鄂-沃莫克(Ur-Vormoch)的造物。這些惡魔的靈魂有著不穩定的、狂怒的、不可預知的混亂本性。作為癲狂魔王的造物,這些瘋魔擅長於散播恐懼和驚慌,它們在攻擊時尖叫哭喊,受傷時放聲大笑。癲狂惡魔是瘋魔的升級形態。(受虐狂,十足的受虐狂,和本版區的某個蠟黃色頭像的同志很像- -)
Twisted Mind(Basic & Upgrade): The Maniac's sense of reasoning has crossed the normal boundaries of sanity. All forms of morality and logic have been abandoned and attempts to sap their morale or influence their mind find nothing but a multicolored mental wilderness. The Blind Brothers, who captured quite a few Maniacs during the 2nd Eclipse, say that explaining to a Maniac the reasons his violent behavior will lead him to a horrid death is like convincing a tree not to grow more bark for the winter.
Manic Laughter (Upgrade): Defending against a Demented is extremely disconcerting. It attacks a little before or a little after a normal creature would make a blow, making it slightly harder to defend against and giving it the advantage of unpredictability. When its blows come through, they land where their enemies least expect them to fall. This bolsters the Demented's resolve, and some swear they even heal themselves with the unpredictable misfortune that they cause to their enemies.
Cerberi are servants of the Demon Overlord of Voracity. These two-headed fire breathing mastiffs outclass even the sabretooth tigers or dire wolves in size, speed and ferocity.
地獄犬(Cerberi)是六大魔鬼領主中貪婪魔王(Demon Overlord of Voracity)的僕從,它們是噴吐火焰的雙頭獒犬,比劍齒虎和恐狼更加巨大,快速和兇猛。地獄魔犬(Cerberus)是犬魔的升級形態。(愚忠的肥狗,儘管也是經典兵種,但是只剩下兩個頭了- -,人送外號雙頭穿山甲)
Unlimited Retaliation (Basic & Upgrade): A Hell Hound is never caught off guard and attacking one never goes unpunished. Trained for the hunt of extremely dangerous prey and as guards for even more dangerous treasures, its doubly keen sense of smell and hearing make it impossible to attack without getting at least one bite in return.
Eye of Gluttony (Basic & Upgrade): Once a Hell Hound or Cerberus has been wounded by an enemy, its senses are filled with an uncontrollable hunger to bring down its aggressor. The odor of its assailant overcomes it and gives rise to a ravenous frenzy. In this state, the two-headed beast's attacks are more devastating against its marked foe until all its aggressors are killed or the combat ends.
Voracious (Upgrade): A Cerberus is voracious, and as the saying goes in Sheogh, "Two heads are better than one, as long as you have two plates to feed them with." The Cerberus affections multiple targets when they are aligned in front of it: it makes it all the easier to find something to bite.
Some children of Asha (Humans, Elves, Dwarves, etc.), having promised themselves to Urgash and thelords of Sheogh, are raised after their death as Incubi (male) or Succubi (female). As reincarnations of powerful Demon cultists, they usually have a relatively high and unusual rank in the hierarchy of Demonkind. However, though many think they have the wit, devotion, and power needed to achieve this desirable status, in reality many of the pretenders end as lesser Incubi/Succubi (servants, sex slaves, etc…).
Their “mortal” origins make them useful as spies, infiltrators, and diplomats. To support this role, they are granted powers of illusion, charm and shape-shifting, so as to appear almost as beautiful and charismatic as Angels, but in a "carnal", sensual way, which allows them to influence lesser minds. Particularly in the development of the sects of Demon Cultists, it is almost inevitable that an Incubus or a Succubus will be present.
一些亞莎的子民(人類,精靈,矮人等等)將自己許諾給鄂加斯和謝爾戈的魔王,在死後男性會重生為夜魔(Incubus,複數為Incubi),女性為魅魔(複數為Succubi)。重生為惡魔信徒(Demon cultists)的她(他)們在惡魔的等級制度中處於一個相對比較高級而且不尋常的位置。不過,雖然她(他)們擁有的智慧、忠誠和力量足以獲得地位,但實際上許多惡魔教徒最後會成為地位低下的夜魔和魅魔(比如成為僕人、性奴隸等等)。由於她(他)們的出身,通常是以間諜、滲入者和外交人員出現的,因此她(他)們擅長於幻像、迷惑和變形,外表和天使一樣漂亮和富有魅力,從工口(這是游家邪惡的版主寫的,不過我很贊同),肉體方面上看,使她(他)們可以影響那些意志比較脆弱的存在。在惡魔教派的發展過程中,夜魔或者魅魔是必然會出現的。魅姬(Temptress)是魅魔(Succubus)的升級形態(蝙蝠翅,大美腿,長鞭子,魅魔就是這樣)
Pleasure in Pain (Basic): Attacking a Succubus is never a painless affair. Each battle becomes a romantic dance similar to the courting parade of two wild Griffins at the beginning of spring. When one attacks the Succubus, there is a natural and instinctive pheromone-driven reaction, and the pretender does a little bit of damage to itself in its over aggressiveness as if to prove to its partner that he or she would make a worthy mate.
Seduce (Upgrade): "I knew I should o' killed her! But something made me wanna kiss her instead." Many a soldier who was lucky enough to survive an encounter with a Lilim on the battlefield, tells the same story. The creature has a mesmerizing power, and its sulfurous perfume seems to contain a hidden promise of pleasure, if its assailants would simply throw down their weapons.
Rapture in Agony (Upgrade): A battle with a Lilim is an exhilarating experience that has given even the most faithful warriors pause for reflection. Each successful attack against the beautiful creature comes with a dose of delicious pain. The tale of Lord Harris who left his young bride to battle the Lilim Frissona a thousand times is told at wedding parties all over Ashan. It is politely considered a warning for the groom, but most brides consider it a warning for them to assure that their wedding night becomes an unforgettable experience for their new husband.
Servants of the Demon Overlord of Destruction, Juggernauts are easily identified by their immense horns and their basalt-covered fists and hooves. In battle, they rush violently (and sometimes blindly) into the enemies lines, impaling their enemies with their horns, crushing them with a swing of their massive arms, or trampling them to a bloody pulp.
狂暴惡魔(Juggernaut)(也就是公布動畫中那個被召喚出來並殺死大公的惡魔)是惡魔領主中毀滅魔王(Demon Overlord of Destruction)的僕從,悍魔很容易辨認,它們有著巨大的尖角和用玄武岩覆蓋的拳腳。它們會瘋狂的(有時候甚至是盲目的)衝進敵陣中,用尖角把敵人釘死,揮舞巨大的手臂軋碎敵人,或者將敵人踩成肉漿。如果需要,它們還可以充當攻城槌。暴怒惡魔(Ravager)是悍魔的升級模式。(真的要吐槽,人家H5帥哥尼克萊單挑七級大惡魔——儘管沒升級,你連個二級兵都打得同歸於盡。。。傷心了——必須留著這句話)
Chaotic Armor (Basic & Upgrade): The Juggernauts have made a pact with Ur-Khrag, the Overlord of Destruction. In exchange for their promise to destroy all that Asha has created, they have been given an organic armor that mutates constantly, making it impossible to hamper magically. Many a wizard has died with eyes open in astonishment, as his most powerful spell has no affect against the creatures.
Unstoppable Charge (Basic & Upgrade): Juggernauts affection opportunities to destroy all living and un-living creations of Asha, the Dragon-Goddess of Order. Whether organic or mineral, their charge creates a wake of destruction that obliterates everything in its path on the way to its target. It is said that they particularly adore the sound of shattering stone. It is music to their ears that remind them of the mines in Sheogh where they often choose to live.
Taunting Presence (Upgrade): The Ravager's presence on the battlefield is so impressive that all enemies around it consider it to be the only force capable of determining the outcome of the battle. This magical aura of imminent destruction acts like a beacon and the Ravager draws all attacks towards itself, even when a closer and more dangerous foe is standing right next to the aggressor.
( 介紹:
Tormentors are the servants of Ur-Traggal, Demon Overlord of Pain. Tormentors are consumed by the endless suffering of Urgash and inflict upon their own bodies unthinkable horrors. They draw power from their own agony, and use their deformations to strike their enemies. The Tormentors' skeleton is his main weapon, as he is able to tear out pieces of his body to use in combat. His ribs can pierce through his chest to pin an adversary: his bones can elongate and project through his fingers to provide him with razor-like talons.
虐待惡魔是痛苦魔王(Demon Overlord of Pain)鄂-崔加爾(Ur-Traggal)的僕從,它們被鄂加斯那無盡的痛苦所侵蝕,並對自己的身體施以讓人難以想像的恐怖行為。它們從自身的痛苦中獲取力量來攻擊敵人。笞魔的主要武器是骨骼,它們可以撕下身體的一部分用來作戰,比如肋骨可以刺破自己胸腔的同時釘住敵人,骨骼可以伸長,指骨可以伸出指外變的如剃刀一般利爪。處刑惡魔(Lacerator)是笞魔的升級形態。(在實際中這個兵種貌似總是彎著腰看起來又胖又圓)
Retractable Spikes (Basic): It is said that nothing is more painful than a compound fracture, when pieces of bone pierce through the skin. A notable exception is when someone else's bones come piercing into your own. The Tormentors, who worship pain religiously, have the power to use their bones as weapons. They explode from their bodies like spikes and attack indiscriminately anyone who has the misfortune to be standing beside them. It hurts their victims even more than it hurts them.
Taste of Pain (Basic & Upgrade): Ur-Traggal, the Overlord of Pain, awards power to demons that seek situations where pain is distributed abundantly. There is no better place than on a battlefield. Ur-Traggal's favored creatures, the Tormented and Lacerators, have vowed unwavering allegiance to the philosophy and become more powerful with each blow they deliver or receive. Thus their common phrase of greeting "Give me your pain!” is often politely accompanied by a generous punch in the face.
Exploding Spikes (Upgrade): "Stab Lacerator in back or Lacerator's back stab you." An old Orc proverb taught to children to remind them to finish a job quickly once it has been started, draws its origin from legendary encounters with Lacerators. These creatures have the extraordinary power to expulse explosive pieces of bone laced with acid from their bodies that cause damage to all those around them.
The Breeders were the result of Urgash crafting a material form that translated some of his own primordial drives. Specifically, the drive to consume mana and the drive to populate Ashan with hordes of creatures loyal to the dictates of Chaos. Bestowed upon Ur-Mespharoth, the Demon Overlord of Proliferation, the Breeder is an obese, pulsing mass of flesh that continually creates Imps. The Imps that she births are “spit” from the various orifices that randomly appear on her body.
Though this demon is almost incapable of movement, she constantly twitches and contracts with her insatiable need to procreate. This drive to reproduce eats her from the inside out, and much of her energy is consumed in efforts to control the mutations of her body. She will occasionally consume her own Imp offspring. She uses the mana energy that she ingests to impregnate herself, as nourishment, and to help her control the gruesome deformities that are created by her ceaseless cycle of birthing.
繁殖惡魔是鄂加斯試圖創造注入了自己部分本源欲望的軀體時獲得的產物——其中包括了吞噬魔力的欲望、以及用忠於混亂君王的生物大潮淹沒亞山大陸的欲望。劃歸濫殖魔王(Demon Overlord of Proliferation)鄂-梅斯法洛斯(Ur-Mespharoth)管屬的飼魔是一種肥胖的生物;她脈動的巨大肉體一刻不停地產育著魔嬰(Imp)。她所生下的魔嬰會從她身上倏生忽滅的諸多孔洞中噴濺而出。
雖然這種惡魔幾乎無法移動,她仍然被自身無盡的生殖欲望所刺激而不停抽搐伸縮。這生育的欲望吞噬著她試圖破體而出;她大部分的能量/精力不得不消耗在壓制自身的變異上。她有時會吃掉她自己生下的魔嬰,她所吞噬的魔力被用來讓自身受孕、補充營養、以及壓制她因無盡的生殖而造成的醜惡的畸態。繁殖母魔(Mother Breeder)是飼魔的升級形態。(介紹又臭又長,本體又惡又肥,如果不好用的話我真的愧對我的魔族了)
Mana Leech (Basic & Upgrade): Mana is a creative resource that allows one to make something out of nothing. The creatures of Ur-Aazheel, the Overlord of Proliferation, can smell Mana a mile away. Breeders not only rely on Mana to reproduce but can also channel its power from an enemy to their leader, whenever they are the target of an attack.
Proliferation (Upgrade): "Breeders breed fear. Breeder Mother breeds good reason." This Orc proverb used to illustrate the difference between an Orc of too many words and an Orc of action, draws it origins from the demonic creatures that they have fought bravely for centuries. Breeders multiply extremely quickly, and when one thinks that there are already a good number, there always seem to be a few more than originally counted.
Punished and jailed, Urgash, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos, is consumed by hatred for his sister Asha and her creations. Ur-Haazheel, Demon Overlord of Hate, is the expression of that endless enmity and the mighty Pit Fiends are his most spectacular agents. Surpassed in their violent nature by only the most vehement Arch Demons, Pit Fiends are the most dangerous creatures found in the Infernal legions.
懲罰與監禁,混亂龍神鄂加斯(Urgash,the Dragon-god of Chaos)被對亞莎以及其臣民的憎恨所消蝕。憎恨魔王(Demon Overlord of Hate)鄂-哈基爾(Ur-Haazheel)正是這極端恨意的表現,那些驚人般強大的深淵惡魔(Pit Fiend)(不知道游家怎么想的H5的時候還是深淵惡魔,這裡翻譯成為深淵邪魔,結果其他論壇都被影響)是其僕從。深淵邪魔是地獄軍團最危險的生物,只有上階惡魔(Arch Demon)才有比它們更殘暴的本性。深淵領主(Pit Lord)是深淵邪魔的升級形態。(我說個人的想法,深淵惡魔在H5裡面的作用比最終的大惡魔都要好用,遠程炮台近戰屠殺,而且技能強悍,轉換成為深淵之子那無法附加的不和諧技能更加令人髮指,可是因為只是六級兵種,而且移動和主動略低,限制了其張狂地表現- -。這次榮升為頂級兵種——總共就三級,我覺得實至名歸)
Hateful Retaliation (Basic & Upgrade): "Never underestimate a raging Pit Fiend's intelligence. They may fight like a possessed creature, but they have one hell of a good memory!" Those legendary words of advice were given by the Arch-Angel Harrodal to Pavel Griffin the week before he was slain in battle against a legion of demons. Pit Fiends never forget to retaliate against a creature that has done them damage in a battle, no matter where they are on the field of battle. They seem to keep a mental hate list, and there is always room for another name.
Blinded by Rage (Basic & Upgrade): A Pit Fiend is driven by Hatred the way a cart is driven by a horse. Nothing can control its anger on a battlefield and it is immune to all mental attacks that would affect even the strongest of wills. Ur-Hekal, the Overlord of Hate, is said to be the only power capable of making a Pit Fiend stop an attack, and since Ur-Hekal has never found a good reason not to attack someone, his favored creatures are considered uncontrollable even by the Princes of Sheogh.
Blade of Hatred (Basic & Upgrade): "Suddenly, all I could think about was that Rapheous owed me three crystals, and that I needed to make him pay. So I threw a fire ball at him." In this excerpt from a Seven Cities' Court martial Trial the wizards were the first to understand the maliciousness of the Pit Fiends' power of Hatred. When confronting a Pit Fiend the attacker might become momentarily infected by its hate. At that point anything can happen, and one might even attack an old friend over some ridiculous old squabble, until brought to reason by an attack from the true enemy on the battlefield.
Boundless Hate (Upgrade): A Pit Lord is the embodiment of pure Hatred. When it leashes its Boundless Hate, all enemies on the battlefield suffer the consequences, and even his allies take note. As the saying goes in Sheogh, "Never forget to bring a present to a Pit Lord's spawnday party. He'll certainly hate the present, but he'll hate you more if you forget."