973項目“中國陸地生態系統碳-氮-水通量的相互關係及其環境影響機制(2010CB833500)” 2010-2014,參加
全球變化研究國家重大科學研究計畫“全球不同區域陸地生態系統碳源匯演變驅動機制與最佳化計算研究”之課題“近30年全球陸地生態系統碳源匯動態及預測研究” 2010-2014,參加
劉昭,周艷蓮*(通訊作者),居為民,高苹. 基於BEPS生態模型模擬農田土壤水分動態. 農業工程學報, 2010, 3 (in press) (EI, CSCD)
Zhou, Yanlian, Sun Xiaomin, Ju Weimin, Improvement of an Aerodynamic Roughness Model With Meteorological Measurements and TM Image. IEEE 2009, Geoinformatics (EI)
周艷蓮,孫曉敏,朱治林,溫學發等. 幾種典型地表粗糙度計算方法的比較研究. 地理研究,2007,26(5):887-896(CSCD)
Zhou Yanlian, Sun Xiaomin, Zhu Zhilin, Zhang Renhua, et al.. Surface Roughness Length Dynamic over Several Different Surfaces and Its Effects on Modeling Fluxes. Science in China Ser. D: Earth Sciences, 2006, 49 Supp.2: 262-272 (SCI)
Zhou Yanlian, Sun Xiaomin, Zhang Renhua, Zhu Zhilin, et al.. The improvement and validation of the model for retrieving the effective roughness length on TM pixel scale. IEEE 2005 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Korea(EI)
He Mingzhu, Zhou Yanlian, Liu Gaohuan, Ju weimin, et al.. Validation of MODIS gross primary productvity for a subtropical cobifeorus plantation in Southern China, Proceedings of GeoInformatics 2010, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/GEOINFORMATICS.2010.5567700 (EI)
Ju weimin, Wang Shaoqiang, Zhou Yanlian, Wang Huimin. Modeling the impact of drought on canopy carbon and water fluxes for a subtropical evergreen coniferous plantation in southern China through parameter optimization using an ensemble Kalman filter. Biogeosciences, 2010, 7, 845-857(SCI)
Ju Weimin, Gao Ping, Zhou Yanlian, Jing M.Chen, et al.. Prediction of summer grain crop yiled with a process-based ecosystem model and remote sensing data for the northern area of the Jiangsu Province, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2010, 31(6), 1573-1587(SCI)
Ju weimin, Gao Ping, Wang Jun, Zhou Yanlian, et al.. Combining an ecological model with remote sensing and GIS techniques to monitor soil water content of croplands with a monsoon climate. Agricultural Water Management, 2010, 97, 1221-1231(SCI)
Hu Zhongmin, Yu Guirui, Zhou Yanlian, Sun Xiaomin, et al.. Partitioning of evapotranspiration and its controls in four grassland ecosystems: Application of a two-source model. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2009, 149: 1410–1420
Zhu Zhilin, Sun Xiaomin, Wen Xuefa, Zhou Yanlian, et al.. Study on the processing method of nighttime CO2 eddy covariance flux data in ChinaFLUX. Science in China Ser. D: Earth Sciences, 2006, 49 Supp. 2: 36-46 (SCI)
Zhu Zhilin, Sun Xiaomin, Zhou Yanlian, Xu Jinping, et al.. Correcting method of eddy covariance fluxes over non-flat surfaces and its application in ChinaFLUX. Science in China Ser. D: Earth Sciences, 2005, 48 Supp.1: 42-50 (SCI)