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1992年畢業於華中理工大學(2000年5月與同濟醫科大學、原武漢城市建設學院合併,更為華中科技大學)並獲得工學學士學位,1995年畢業於武漢交通科技大學(現為武漢理工大學)並獲工學碩士學位,2002 年獲新加坡南洋理工大學博士學位。現任東南大學電氣工程學院教授、博士生導師、風力發電研究中心副主任,是IEEE 高級會員,擔任英國EPSRC 基金項目的通訊評審專家以及數十家國際核心學術期刊的審稿人,如IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Automatica, International Journals 等。


周克亮教授的主要研究方向為電力電子變流技術(拓撲、調製、多電平、多重化等)與系統(電源、電機驅動等)、交流電機(異步、同步等)變頻調速系統的建模、調製與控制、電力電子在電力系統中的套用(高壓直流輸電、有源濾波、FACTS等) 、先進控制技術及其套用(UPS精確波形控制與並聯、機電系統高精密伺服與減震等)、新能源發電技術(風力/光伏發電、併網裝置、燃料電池等)、電力電子集成(如電動汽車用大功率高功率密度電源的電路、磁性器件及EMI等)。


在上述領域,截至2008 年12 月,周克亮教授已發表學術論文50 余篇(其中SCI 收錄17 篇,三大索引收錄30 多篇),論文被引用次數300 余次(其中SCI 引用論文次數超過150 次)。據IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics官方網站的統計,所著論文【"Relationship between space-vector modulation and three-phase carrier-based PWM: a comprehensive analysis" , Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 186-196, 2002】分別位居該刊2008、2007年被下載次數最多(most frequently downloaded)的論文的第2名、第3名,並在該刊2002年發表論文被引用最多的論文(most cited)中名列第6位;所著論文【"Digital repetitive learning controller for three-phase CVCF PWM inverter, Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol. 48, no. 4, pp. 820-830, 2001】居該刊2001年所發表論文被引用最多的論文中居第12位。目前所著論文的SCI被引次數約300次,單篇SCI被引次數最高達105次。
近10 年來,周克亮教授曾先後在國內外著名學府、跨國公司學習工作,並參加多項尖端課題的研究與開發,如潛艇逆變電源和水下變頻推進裝置、高精度智慧型測繪儀器、衛星電源、高速電動車輛等。主持和參加了多項課題的研究,包括參與863 計畫項目1 項和國家自然科學基金項目2 項、主持承擔江蘇省六大人才高峰資助項目1 項、教育部博士點基金新教師項目1 項、江蘇省自然科學基金項目1 項以及橫向項目多項。周克亮博士獲得國際技術發明專利2 項,多項國家發明技術專利。2008年,在東南大學獲得魯能獎教金。同年,入選江蘇省六大人才高峰項目人才培養計畫。

Keliang Zhou

Keliang Zhou,Ph.D, Professor of School of Electrical Engineering, received his Ph.D degree from the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 2002. He received his B.E. degree from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan in 1992, the M.E. degree from Wuhan University of Transportation, Wuhan in 1995.
Since 2006, he has been with the School of Electrical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing. Currently, he is a full professor. His research interests include power electronics and motion control, advanced control and its applications, and renewable energy generation.
Dr. Zhou has authored or co-authored about 40 published technical articles in the relevant areas. He has co-authored 2 international patents on Electronic Leveling with Leica Geosystem AG, Switzerlands.
Dr. Zhou is a member of IEEE. He has served as reviewer of more than 10 referred international journals, such as IEEE Transactions, IEE Proceedings, International Journals, and so on.

Selected Publication

1 B. Zhang, D. Wang, K. Zhou, Y. Ye, Y. Wang, “Pseudo-Downsampled Iterative Learning Control”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control,to appear
2 B. Zhang, D. Wang, Y. Ye, Y. Wang, K. Zhou, “Two-Mode ILC with Pseudo-Downsampled Learning in High Frequency Range”, International Journal of Control, Vol.80, No.3, pp.349-362, 2007
3 K. Zhou, D. Wang, B. Zhang, Y. Wang, J.A. Ferreira, S.W.H. de Haan, “Dual-Mode Structure Repetitive Control “, AUTOMATICA, Vol.43 No.3, pp.546-554, 2007
4 Y. Ye, B. Zhang, K. Zhou, D. Wang, Y. Wang, “High Performance Cascade Type Repetitive Controller for CVCF PWM DC-AC Converter: Analysis and Design”, IET Electrical Power Applications, Vol.1, No.1, pp.112-118, 2007
5 Y. Ye, K. Zhou, B. Zhang, D. Wang, J. Wang, “High Performance Repetitive Control of PWM DC-AC Converters with Real-time Phase-lead FIR Filter”, IEEE Trans. on Circuit and System (II), Vol.53, No.8, pp.768-772, 2006
6 K. Zhou, K. S. Low, D. Wang, F. Luo, B. Zhang, Y. Wang, “Zero-phase Odd-harmonic Repetitive Controller for a Single-phase PWM Inverter“, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol.21, No.1, pp.193-201, 2006
7 K. Zhou, Y. Ye, D. Wang, “Concerning ‘Odd-Harmonic Digital Repetitive Control of a Single-Phase current Active Filter’ Volume 19, Number 4, July 2004” , IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol.20, No.2, pp. 511-513,2005
8 K. Zhou, D. Wang. Digital Repetitive Controlled 3-phase PWM rectifier, IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics (special issue on digital control ), Vol.18, No.1, pp. 309-316,March 2003
9 K. Zhou, D. Wang. Unified Robust Zero Error Tracking Control of CVCF PWM Converters, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems - I, Vol.49, No.4, pp. 492-501,2002
10 K. Zhou, D. Wang. Relationship between Space-vector Modulation and Three-phase Carrier-based PWM: A Comprehensive Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.49, No.1, pp. 186-196, 2002
11 K. Zhou, D. Wang. Digital Repetitive Learning Controller for Three-phase CVCF PWM Inverter, IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 820-830, 2001
12 K. Zhou, D. Wang. K. S. Low. Periodic Errors elimination in CVCF PWM DC/AC Converter Systems: A Repetitive Control Approach, IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications, Vol. 147, No. 6, pp. 694-700, 2000
13 K. Zhou, D. Wang. Zero Tracking Error Controller for Three-phase CVCF PWM Inverter, Electronics Letters, Vol. 36, No. 10, pp. 864-865, 2000
14 K. Zhou, J.A. Ferreira, H. Polinder, J.A. Melkert. SUPERBUS: A New Transport Concept Using Sustainable Drive Technology. CIPS 2006, Naples, Italy.



