影片狀態:連載至4集影片主演:CARL NG BERNARD TAN
語言: 英語
類型: 都市
該劇講述了經過兩年的非常成功的ratings-topping季節,5的tentpole戲劇入境點回到了三分之一季,保持領先一步的犯罪和威脅有關邊境安全,探討社會問題接近心中所有新加坡人–非法外國工人,販賣人口,違禁品,歹徒,傭人虐待,高利貸,賣淫等。這個賽季將返回大多數成員的團隊–領袖蔡格倫(卡爾吳),老昌關猛(伯納德),技術專家諾拉拉瑪特(fadhilahsamsudin)跑酷高手dynesh斯南(德瓦拉揚瓦拉德拉揚),同心協力英勇馬太勇(達里爾),以及他們的政治頭腦老闆加爾文黃家隊聯絡卡拉楊(王淑美)。他們加入了不少新成員·楊(雅惠)。突出的是壓軸天使集團兩隻最後的季節。賽季結束扣人心弦的懸念;本季的回答所有的問題的球迷和媒體都問發生了什麼–傑克遜?後來格倫怎么樣了?–最終導致爆炸之間的攤牌前朋友變成敵人。新的威脅和惡棍比比皆是,本賽季,作為該系列的企業新的地形隊小量已處理的神秘威羅特boonprasong(朱丹李)自稱是遠親天使集團前我和一個新的危險的犯罪辛迪加來自菲律賓,包括米格爾羅德里格茲(西蒙),他心愛的塔拉音樂(karylietatlonghari)和他的左右手阿隆拉韋洛(穆尼奧斯)After two highly successful ratings-topping seasons, Ch 5’s tentpole drama Point of Entry is back for a third season, keeping one step ahead of crimes and threats concerning border security while probing social issues close to the hearts and minds of all Singaporeans – illegal foreign workers, human trafficking, contraband, gangsters, maid abuse, loansharks, prostitution etc. This season sees the return of most of the members of the team – leader Glenn Chua (CARL NG), veteran Cheong Guan Meng (BERNARD TAN), tech expert Norah Rahmat (FADHILAH SAMSUDIN) parkour expert Dynesh Krishnan (DEVARAJAN VARADARAJAN), gung ho valiant Matthew Yong (DARRYL YONG), as well as their politically savvy boss Calvin Wong and Home Team liaison Kara Yeo (JAYMEE ONG). They are joined by spunky new member MELISSA YEO (YA HUI).The highlight is the grand finale to the Angel Syndicate saga of the last two seasons. Both seasons ended with nail-biting cliffhangers; this season promises answers to all of the burning questions fans and the media have been asking – What happened to Jackson? What became of Glenn? – culminating in an explosive showdown between the two former friends turned enemies.New threats and villains abound this season, as the series ventures to new terrain as Team Epsilon has to deal with the mysterious Virote Boonprasong (JOURDAN LEE) who claims to be a distant relative of Angel Syndicate ex-leader Noi and a new dangerous crime syndicate hailing from the Philippines, comprising Miguel Rodriguez (SIMON IBARRA), his beloved Tala Sison (KARYLIE TATLONGHARI) and his right hand man Aron Ravelo (MICAH MUNOZ).