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姓 名: 兌關鎖
出生年月: 1963年2月6日
畢業院校: University of Houston
性 別: 男
民 族: 漢族
職 稱: 教授個人簡歷

兌關鎖:男,河南清豐縣人, 美國Houston大學固體力學博士。現為北京交通大學土建學院力學所教授,博士生導師。從事“複合材料細觀力學”、“塑性力學”、“彈性理論數學基礎”等課程教學,並承擔國家自然科學基金重點、橫向科研項目等多項。


包括細觀力學連續介質力學、土力學、熱動力學計算力學、功能材料等方面。近年來,在 J. Elast., Int. J. Solids Struct., Mathematics and Mechanics of solids, Mech.Rech.Commun., Appl. Math. Mech. 中國科學等雜誌發表論文70餘篇,已被SCI收錄三十餘篇,部分結果已被國外教科書和文獻所引用。
連續介質力學,智慧型材料, 複合材料, 土力學
多孔Ni-Ti形狀記憶合金力學性能研究 國家自然科學基金“面上”
複雜條件下高拱壩的失效破壞機理和安全評估-壩基岩體和結構面的破壞特性和破壞機理研究 國家自然科學基金“重點”
多孔Ni-Ti形狀記憶合金相變場的細觀力學預估 留學回國人員基金
沁南鄭莊煤氣層田鑽井工程方案設計 橫向
各向同性張量函式理論研究及在計算力學中的套用 校科技基金


Wang Zhiqiao and Dui Guansuo, Two-point constitutive equations and integration algorithms for isotropic-hardening rate-independent elastoplastic materials in large deformation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING 2008 12 75
Yuping Zhu and Guansuo Dui.Model for field-induced reorientation strain in magnetic shape memory alloy with tensile and compressive loads. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2008 1-2 459.
Yuping Zhu and Guansuo Dui.Influence of temperature on field-induced reorientation strain in magnetic shape memory alloymagnetic shape memory alloy. Materials Science Forum 2008 1 575-578.
Guansuo Dui, Zhengdao Wang and Qingwen Ren,Explicit formulations of tangent stiffness tensors for isotropic materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 2007, 69(4), 665 - 675.
Wang Zhiqiao and Dui Guansuo,Basis-free expressions for derivatives of a subclass of nonsymmetric isotropic tensor functions.Applied Mathematics and Mechanics.2007, 28(9), 1249-1257.
Yuping Zhu and Guansuo Dui.Micromechanical modeling of the stress-induced superelastic strain in magnetic shape memory alloy.Mechanics of Materials, 2007, 39(12), 1025-1034.
Wang Zhiqiao and Dui Guansuo, On the derivatives of a subclass of isotropic tensor functions of a nonsymmetric tensor. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2007, 44(16), 5369–5379.
DUI Guansuo, WANG Zhengdao & JIN Ming. Derivatives on the isotropic tensor functions. Science in China: Series G. 2006 Vol.49 No.3 321-334
Dui GS, Some Basis-Free Formulae for the Time Rate and Conjugate Stress of Logarithmic Strain Tensor.Journal of Elasticity 2006, 83(2), 113-151.
Yuping Zhu and Guansuo Dui. Three Phase Micromechanical Modeling for a Shape Memory Alloy Reinforced Composite. Key Engineering Materials Vols. 324-325 (2006) pp. 939-942
Tian DY, Jin M and Dui GS,A note on the derivation of the derivatives of invarints of stretch tensor to the right Cauchy-Green tensor.Progress in Natural Science.2006, 16(1): 96-99.
Dui GS, Discussion on "Exact expansions of arbitrary tensor functions F(A) and their derivatives". International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2005, 42(15), 4514-4515
Dui GS,Y-c Chen, A Note on Rivlin’s Identities and Their Extension.Journal of Elasticity, 2004, 76(2), 107 - 112
Dui GS,Y-c Chen Basis-free representations for the stress rate.International Journal of Solids and Structures,2004(41)16-17, 4845-4860
Dui GS, Jin M, Huang HM. On the derivation for the gradients of the principal invariants. Journal of Elasticity 2004, 75(2) 193 - 196
Yi-chao Chen and Guansuo Dui,The Derivative of Isotropic Tensor Functions, Elastic Moduli and Stress Rate.Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2004(9)5,493-511.
Dui GS, Ren QW and Shen ZJ, Conjugate stresses to Seth's strain class. MECH RES COMMUN 27 (5): 539-542, 2000
Dui GS, Ren QW and Shen ZJ, Time rates of Hill's strain tensors. J ELASTICITY 54 (2):129-140, 1999
Dui GS and Ren QW, Conjugate stress of strain E(3)=1/3(U3-I). MECH RES COMMUN 26 (5): 529-534,1999
Dui GS and Zhuo XB The explicit representation to the principal rotation angle and the principal rotation axis APPL MATH MECH 20 (6): 653-659, 1999
Dui GS, Some new representations of spin tensors. MECH RES COMMUN 26 (1): 1-6,1999
Dui GS, Determination of the rotation tensor in the polar decomposition J ELASTICITY 50 (3): 197-208 1998
兌關鎖 王正道 金 明, 各向同性張量函式的導數.中國科學,G,2006,36(1):89-102.
兌關鎖,趙國景,降階積分中剛度的奇異性分析. 工程力學 v 15 n 3 1998 p 44-50
兌關鎖,沈珠江, 土體損傷本構模型理論分析. 第八屆土力學與岩土工程會議, 1999.10,41-44 (南京)
Dui GS, Representation Theorems for Isotropic Functions, with application to Basis-Free Representation of Kinematic Quantities. Fourteenth U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Blacksburg, Virginia) June 23-28, 2002
Yi-chao Chen , Guansuo Dui, A Constitutive Theory of Porous Shape Memory Alloys, Mechanics and Materials Summer Conference 2001 (San Diego) June 27-29, 2001.
Yi-chao Chen , Guansuo Dui, A continuum theory for materials with microstructure. Fourteenth U.S. National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Blacksburg, Virginia) June 23-28, 2002
Yi-chao Chen , Guansuo Dui, A Dynamic theory for porous materials. International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, (New York),NOVEMBER 11-16,2000.




