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3. 余忠, 孫科, 賴敏敏, 李垚, 蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, 小型表面貼裝磁禁止功率電感及製備方法, CN201310433093.2.
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6. 余忠, 傅臏, 孫科, 蔣曉娜, 張凱, 劉培元, 蘭中文, 周曉軍, 寬溫高BsMnZn軟磁鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL201310092739.5.
7. 余忠, 孫科, 蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, 黃曉東, 郭榮迪, 鄔傳鍵, 許志勇, 高T c、寬溫超高B s MnZn鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL201310092273.9.
8. 孫科, 傅臏, 余忠, 蔣曉娜, 劉培元, 張凱, 蘭中文, 周曉軍, 高Bs高Tc MnZn鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL201310092263.5.
9. 許志勇, 蘭中文, 孫科, 余忠, 蔣曉娜, 郭榮迪, 李樂中, c軸垂直膜面取向的M型鋇鐵氧體薄膜的製備方法, ZL201210436117.5.
10.余忠, 許志勇, 孫科, 蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, 寬溫寬頻低損耗MnZn功率鐵氧體材料及其製備方法, ZL201210220728.6.
11.許志勇, 孫科, 余忠, 蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, 較高磁導率寬溫低損耗MnZn鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL201210222035.0.
12.余忠, 孫科, 蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, 郭榮迪, 許志勇, 高磁導率高居里溫度NiZn鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL201110215629.4.
13.孫科, 余忠, 李金龍, 蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, ZnFe2O4鐵氧體薄膜製備方法,ZL201110093252.X.
14.蔣曉娜, 孫科, 余忠, 蘭中文, 王智錕, 羅明, 郭榮迪, Ka波段移相器用LiZn鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL201110001941.3.
15.蔣曉娜, 蘭中文, 余忠, 孫科, 劉培元, 莊亞明, 移相器用低損耗LiZn鐵氧體材料及製備方法, ZL200810148121.5.
16.余忠, 蘭中文, 孫科, 李樂中, 蔣曉娜, 高磁導率高飽和磁感應強度MnZn鐵氧體材料及其製備方法, ZL200810046352.5.
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22.余忠, 蘭中文, 高密度雙5000MnZn鐵氧體材料的製備方法, ZL200510021872.7.
23. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Grain growth, densification and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrites with Bi2O3additive, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2008,41(23), 235002.
24. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Effects of SnO2 addition on the microstructure and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrites,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2008,320(24), 3352-3355.
25. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Grain growth and magnetic properties of Nb2O5-doped NiZn ferrites, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2008,47(10), 7871-7875.
26. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Microstructure, electrical, and magnetic properties of ZrO2 added MnZn ferrites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2008, 44(9), 2107-2112.
27. Yu Z, Sun K, Li L, et al., Influences of Bi2O3 on microstructure and magnetic properties of MnZn ferrite,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2008,320(6), 919-923.
28. Sun K, Lan Z, YuZ, et al.,Magnetic properties of Sn-substituted NiZn ferrite thin films,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2008,320(6), 1180-1183.
29. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Influence of Fe2O3 stoichiometry on initial permeability and temperature dependence of core loss in MnZn ferrites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2008, 44(1), 13-16.
30. Yu Z, Chen D, Lan Z, et al., Effect of Bi2O3 on properties of lithium-zinc ferrite, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007, 22(6), 1173-1177.
31. Nie X, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Microstructure and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite thin films prepared by sol-gel method, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007, 17, S854-S857.
32. Yu Z, Lan Z, Sun K, et al., Density and mechanical strength of ferrite for inertial gyroscope, Materials Science Forum, 2007, 546-549, 2265-2268.
33. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Effect of Tin additive on the microstructure and loss of ferrite for switching mode power supply, Materials Science Forum, 2007, 546-549, 2287-2291.
34. Yu Z, Lan Z, Chen S, et al.,Microstructure and magnetic performance of Ni-substituted high density MnZn ferrite, Beijing International Materials Week, 2006, 25, 584-587
1. Chen L, Yu Z, Yang Y, et al.,Effects of Fe-deficiency on magnetic properties and Brillouin function characteristics for NiCuZn ferrites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2015, 387,1-5.
2. Guo R, Yu Z, Yang Y, et al., Relationship between Curie temperature and Brillouin function characteristics of NiCuZn ferrites, Journal of Applied Physics, 2015,117 (7), 073905.
3. Li L, Yu Z, Lan Z, et al., Structural and magnetic properties of Mg-substituted NiZnCo ferrite nanopowders, Ceramics International, 2014, 40(9), 13917-13921.
4. Li L, Yu Z, Lan Z, et al., Effects of annealing temperature on the structure and static magnetic properties of NiZnCo ferrite thin films, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2014, 368,8-11.
5. Guo R, Yu Z, Yang Y, et al., Effects of Bi2O3 on FMR linewidth and microwave dielectric properties of LiZnMn ferrite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 589, 1-4.
6. Guo R, Yu Z, Jiang X, et al., Dispersion spectra of permeability and permittivity for LiZnMn ferrite doped With Bi2O3, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2013,49 (7),4295-4298
7. Li J, Yu Z, Sun K, et al.,Structural and magnetic properties of ZnFe2O4 films deposited by low sputtering power,International Journal of Minerals Metallurgy and Materials, 2012, 19, 964-968.
8. Li J, Yu Z, Sun K, et al.,Grain growth kinetics and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite thin films,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012,513, 606-609.
9. Huang X, Yu Z, Jiang X, et al.,A single toroid nonreciprocal digital latching ferrite phase shifter in grooved waveguide,Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and System Technology (MMWCST), 2012, 1-3.
10. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Temperature and frequency characteristics of low-loss MnZn ferrite in a wide temperature range, Journal of Applied Physics, 2011, 109(10), 106103.
11. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Characterization and magnetic properties of polyethylene glycol modified NiZn ferrite thin films, Current Applied Physics, 2011, 11(3), 472-475.
12. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Phase formation, grain growth and magnetic properties of NiCuZn ferrites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2011, 323(7), 927-932.
13. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Temperature dependence of core losses at high frequency for MnZn ferrites, Physica B-Condensed Matter, 2010, 405(3), 1018-1021.
14. Jiang X, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Effects of Mn3O4 on magnetic property, microstructure and resistivity of LiZnferrites, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2010, 25(1), 77-82.
15. Xu Z, Yu Z, Sun K, et al., Microstructure and magnetic properties of Sn-substituted MnZn ferrites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2009, 321(18),2883-2889.
16. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Effect of annealing parameters on the magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite thin films, Journal of Materials Science, 2009, 44(16), 4348-4353.
17. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Effects of Co-substitution on wide temperature ranging characteristic of electromagnetic properties in MnZn ferrites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009, 476(1-2), 755-759.
18. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Influence of Ta2O5 Addition on the Properties of MnZn Power Ferrites, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2009, 24(2),379-382.
19. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Effects of Ta2O5 addition on the microstructure and temperature dependence of magnetic properties of MnZn ferrites, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2009, 321(5),438-441.
20. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Effects of NiO addition on the structural, microstructural and electromagnetic properties of manganese-zinc ferrite, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009,113(2-3), 797-802.
21. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Analysis of losses in NiO doped MnZn ferrites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2009,468(1-2), 315-320.
22. Jiang X, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Sintering characteristics of LiZn ferrites fabricated by a sol-gel process, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 321(2), 52-55.
23. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Grain growth, densification and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrites with Bi2O3additive, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics, 2008,41(23), 235002.
24. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Effects of SnO2 addition on the microstructure and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrites,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2008,320(24), 3352-3355.
25. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Grain growth and magnetic properties of Nb2O5-doped NiZn ferrites, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2008,47(10), 7871-7875.
26. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Microstructure, electrical, and magnetic properties of ZrO2 added MnZn ferrites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2008, 44(9), 2107-2112.
27. Yu Z, Sun K, Li L, et al., Influences of Bi2O3 on microstructure and magnetic properties of MnZn ferrite,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials,2008,320(6), 919-923.
28. Sun K, Lan Z, YuZ, et al.,Magnetic properties of Sn-substituted NiZn ferrite thin films,Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2008,320(6), 1180-1183.
29. Li L, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al.,Influence of Fe2O3 stoichiometry on initial permeability and temperature dependence of core loss in MnZn ferrites, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2008, 44(1), 13-16.
30. Yu Z, Chen D, Lan Z, et al., Effect of Bi2O3 on properties of lithium-zinc ferrite, Journal of Inorganic Materials, 2007, 22(6), 1173-1177.
31. Nie X, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Microstructure and magnetic properties of NiZn ferrite thin films prepared by sol-gel method, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2007, 17, S854-S857.
32. Yu Z, Lan Z, Sun K, et al., Density and mechanical strength of ferrite for inertial gyroscope, Materials Science Forum, 2007, 546-549, 2265-2268.
33. Sun K, Lan Z, Yu Z, et al., Effect of Tin additive on the microstructure and loss of ferrite for switching mode power supply, Materials Science Forum, 2007, 546-549, 2287-2291.
34. Yu Z, Lan Z, Chen S, et al.,Microstructure and magnetic performance of Ni-substituted high density MnZn ferrite, Beijing International Materials Week, 2006, 25, 584-587..
1. 2005年獲國家科技進步二等獎.
2. 2003年獲國防科技進步二等獎.
3. 2010年獲國防技術發明二等獎.
4. 2010年獲四川省科技進步二等獎.
5. 2012年獲國防技術發明三等獎.
6. 2012年獲四川省科技進步三等獎.
7. 2012年獲廣東省科技進步三等獎.