


,市場上已有眾多牌號的國產相機和國產膠捲.19世紀中葉攝影術傳入中國,並用於滿清政府的外交活動.20世紀國中國在新聞報導中開始使用新聞照片.中國最早刊登照片的雜誌是1904年創刊的《東方雜誌》,最早刊登照片的報紙是《京話日報》,1906年3月29日該報曾用照片揭露法國傳教士殺害南昌縣知縣的真相.中國最早的攝影展覽是1919年,由黃振玉、陳萬里主持的北京大學影展.1923年冬成立了“藝術寫真研究會”,即北平光社的前身.此後廣州有景社、白綠社、紅窗社、虹社,上海有中華攝影社(簡稱華社)、黑白影社,南京有美社,北平有銀光社、雪浪社等攝影社團組織.出現了《天鵬》、《中華攝影雜誌》、《晨風》、《華昌攝影月刊》、《飛鷹》等攝影刊物,攝影活動異常活躍,造就了陳萬里、劉半農、胡伯翔、郎靜山、陳傳霖、盧施福、蔣漢澄、鄭景康、張印泉等一批知名攝影家.抗日戰爭爆發後,在艱苦的鬥爭中鍛鍊成長了沙飛、吳印鹹、徐肖冰、石少華、齊觀山等一批攝影家.1956年12月,中國攝影家成立了全國性攝影組織——中國攝影學會(中國攝影家協會的前身),負責全國攝影家的藝術創作與經驗交流的組織工作,舉辦各類全國攝影展覽,創辦《中國攝影》、《大眾攝影》等刊物,為攝影家展出、發表攝影作品和攝影論文提供園地,組織中外攝影家的交流活動,指導民眾的業餘攝影創作活動,進一步推動攝影事業的發展.中國實行改革開放政策以後,各行各業及各地的攝影學會、協會相繼建立,攝影活動空前活躍,中國攝影事業自此進入蓬勃發展的時期. BC, Mozi on the light direction and the principle of pinhole imaging, is the world an important part of ancient optics .19 mid-century,China's photography has entered a practical stage of .20 century, 40 years, theChinesephotographer Zhang Yinquan developed 135 camera and long lenses, and later German fundamentals of the structure of products similar to .50 years, China has begun to have their own cameras and photographic materials industry .60 years, successfully developed China's high-end cameras, "RedFlag" and "Dongfeng" Brand . Since the reform and opening up, China's rapidindustrialdevelopment in cameras on the market have been a number of brands of Chinese-made camera and a .19-made film was introduced to China by mid-century photography, and for theQinggovernment's diplomatic activities in China in the early centuries .20 reported in the press start using photographs. China's first magazine published a photo in 1904 founded the "Journal of the East", the first newspaper published a photo of "if Beijing Daily", March 29, 1906 the newspaper had used photographs to expose French missionary killed in Nanchang County magistrate the truth. China's first photography exhibition in 1919 by Huang Zhenyu, Chen Wan Li of Peking University under the auspices of the winter festival was set up .1923 "Art Photo Research Association", that is, the predecessor of PekingOpticalSociety. then in Guangzhou KingClub, white-green society, red window Club,RainbowClub, Shanghai has China Photographic Agency (referred to as the Chinese community), black and white film Club, Nanjing America Club, there are silver Peking Club, Xuelang communities such as photography community organizations. There has been "Tianpeng "," Chinese journal of photography, "" Morrowind, "" Huachang Photography Monthly "," Eagle "and other photographic publications, photography activities, very active, creating Chen Wan Li, Liu Bannong, Hu Bo Xiang,LangChing-shan, Chen Chuan-lin, Lu Shi fu, JIANG Han-Cheng, Zheng-kang, ZHANG Yin-quan and some other well-known photographer. Anti-Japanese War broke out, tempered in the arduous struggle to grow the ShaFei, Wu Yinxian, Xu Xiaobing, Shi Shaohua, Qi Guanshan and a number of photographers .1956 12 months, Chinese photographer set up a national photographic organizations - China Photographic Society (the predecessor of the Chinese Photographers Association), responsible for the national photographer artistic creation and exchange of experience in organizational work, organize the national photographic exhibition,founderof "Chinese Photography", "Popular Photography" and other publications for photographers exhibited and published photography and photographic papers provide a forum for Chinese and foreign photographers organize exchange activities to guide the masses of amateur photography creative activities to further promote the development of photography. China's reform and opening-up policy After all walks of life and from around the Photographic Society, the Association haveestablishedan unprecedented photographic activities, active, Chinese photography industry then entered a period of vigorous development.


