上海宇鯊服飾有限公司於2011年3月成立。現占地面積近10000餘平方米,擁有服裝專用配套設備200餘台以及進口繡花電腦設備,員工300餘人。設有8條專業生產流水線,分別生產男女襯衫。主要以棉、麻、化纖 面料為主,混紡、絲、人造纖維為輔的中高檔梭織產品,年生產加工能力可達18萬件/套。是男士襯衫、女士襯衫等生產加工的公司,擁有完整、科學的質量管理體系。上海宇鯊服飾有限公司的誠信、實力和產品質量獲得業界的認可。歡迎各界朋友薦臨參觀、指導和業務洽談。


Sunbeam是一款來自澳大利亞的咖啡磨具牌子,生產銷售咖啡研磨器具已有100多年的歷史。Sunbeam部分產品來源於世界咖啡師大賽(World Barista Champion)的設計作品。
For over 100 years, Sunbeam has been simplifying the lives of everyday Australians.
Here at Sunbeam, we make products for real people, and real, Australian needs. Through cutting-edge innovation and intelligent design, we aim to make it easier and simpler for you to do those things you do every day: clean, cook, organise, or even entertain.
Our history is one of innovation and creativity. It harks back to 1910, when we imported the revolutionary Princess Electric Iron from the U.S - and forever changed the way Australians took to their ironing. Following the popularity of this first small electrical appliance, Sunbeam began importing more and more - and in 1948, launched the Sunbeam Mixmaster, the first small electrical appliance to be manufactured in Australia. Costing more than a month's wages, the Mixmaster sold more than 725,000 units in just 10 years.
Today, our commitment to simple, sophisticated and elegant design has remained unchanged. Our products don't just look smart. They are smart.
Over the years, our superior design has been awarded and recognised, over and over again. Most recently, in 2008, we won the prestigious, global Red Dot Award for our Café Series Contact Grill. Acclaimed for its combination of design and aesthetics, the Contact Grill beat over 3,000 entries from 51 different countries. We have also received a wide range of design awards - including the Australian International Design Award for our Innovo 2 Burner Gas BBQ.
Sunbeam is division of GUD Holdings Limited, a publicly listed Australian company. Other companies in the GUD group include: Oates cleaning hardware; automotive products brands Ryco, Cooper, Wesfil and Goss; Davey pumps and water products; and Lock Focus locks and filing cabinets .

Sunbeam(聖保瑪)是廣州虹杉生物科技有限公司擁有的化妝品牌子。聖保瑪Sunbeam(Sunny Beauty Miss)譯為:美麗而又快樂的女人;也是Sunny Method Woman的一種雅稱,即“使女性年輕美麗的方法” 。

英式音標[猂諛渂戀椀:m];美式音標[猂諛渂戂椀洀崀 ;sunbeam是“陽光光束,快樂的人”的意思。
例句:Raindrops caught in a sunbeam seem to opalesce.日光中的雨滴似乎是乳白色。