- rhetorical

rhetorical adj. 帶修辭色彩的 ...
含義 詞義修辭格(semantic rhetorical devices),詞義修辭格主要藉助語義的聯想和語言的變化等特點創造出來的 修辭手法。它們主要包括 simile, metaphor, allusion...
含義 例子 常見修辭格fourteen, I am puzzled the word “rhetorical...” rhetorical question”, as far as I am...
the consumer” claim and the “rhetorical...
內容介紹社會-修辭批評(Socio-rhetorical Criticism)中的前綴“socio”,指現代人類學和社會學中的豐富資源,而社會...對文本的複雜且細緻的闡釋中。 “rhetorical” 則指一種方法,即文本...
內容介紹Early Experiences In 1969, Vincent was born in Taipei, a remote ...
Early Experiences Career Step2: