reality[電影La Boum(初吻)里的主題曲]

reality[電影La Boum(初吻)里的主題曲]

《Reality》是1980年克勞德皮諾托執導的法國電影《La Boum》(初吻)的主題曲,也是蘇菲·瑪索的成名作。這首歌由Richard Sanderson演唱,曾成為15個國家的冠軍歌曲,並在歐洲和亞洲售賣了800萬張。後來在韓國電影《陽光姐妹淘》中也出現過這首歌。甜蜜溫暖的感覺很是讓人沉醉,仿佛回到了白衣飄飄的八十年代……



《reality》是電影《La Boum》(初吻)里的主題曲,成為15個國家的冠軍歌曲,並在歐洲和亞洲售賣了800萬張。演唱者為Richard Sanderson。

Richard Sanderson Richard Sanderson


Reality 真 實

翻譯:秋秋 & 魚(demos)

Met you by surprise I didn't realize 偶然中遇見你,但我並沒有意識到

That my life would change forever 我的生命將從此改變

Saw you standing there 看見你佇立在那兒

I didn't know I cared,There was something special in the air 我不知道我會在意,空氣中已經漸漸的有點特別

Dreams are my reality   夢境是我的真實!

The only kind of real fantasy 是唯一一種真實的夢幻

illusions are a common thing   錯覺已成平常事

I try to live in dreams 我試圖活在夢境裡

It seems as it's meant to be 彷佛注定就該如此

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實!

A different kind of reality 一種與別不同的真實

I dream of loving in the night   我夢見在夜裡相愛

And loving seems alright 而愛得如此美好

Although it's only fantasy 雖然這只不過是夢幻

If you do exist honey don't resist   假如你真的存在 親愛的 請不要拒絕

Show me a new way of loving   給我一種暫新的戀愛方式

Tell me that it's true 告訴我那是真實的

show me what to do 讓我知道該怎樣做

I feel something special about you 我感受到你的特別

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實!

The only kind of reality 一種與別不同的真實

May be my foolishness is past 也許我的愚蠢將成為過去

And may be now at last 也或許現在就是結束

I'll see how the real thing can be   我將見證那些真實事情的實現

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實!

A wondrous world where I like to be 一個我沉浸的奇妙世界

I dream of holding you all night and holding you seems right 我夢見整夜擁抱著你 抱著你感覺如此美好

Perhaps that's my reality 大概這就是我的真實

Met you by surprise I didn't realize 偶然中遇見你,但我並沒有意識到

That'my love would change forever 我的愛情將從此改變

Tell me that it's true, feeling that are new  告訴我那是真實的,感受它的新奇

I feel something special about you 我感受到你的特別

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實!

A wonderous world where I like to be 一個我沉浸的奇妙世界

Illusions are a common thing 錯覺已成平常事

I try to live in dreams 我試著活在夢境裡

Although it's only fantasy 雖然這只不過是夢幻

Dreams are my reality 夢境是我的真實!

I like to dream of you close to me 我喜歡夢見你與我親近

I dream of loving in the night  我夢見在夜裡相愛

And loving you seems right 而愛得如此美好

Perhaps that's my reality 大概這就是我的真實


