lok tar

lok tar為暴雪公司開發的《魔獸》系列遊戲中的虛擬語言——獸人語中的經典台詞。



Lok-tar ogar:為了勝利(或因求勝帶來的)死亡。 不勝利 毋寧死。 不勝即敗 不勝則亡。


部分獸人語: "Aka'Magosh" = "A blessing on you and yours"

"Bin mog g'thazag cha" = "I will protect you"

"Dabu" = "I obey"

"Dae'mon" = "Twisted soul"; appears to be used in the same way as Man'ari in Draenei.

"Dranosh" = "Heart of Draenor"

"Gar'mak" = "Anguish"

"Gol'Kosh" = "By my axe"

"Grombolar" = "Bowels of the giant"

"Grommash" = "Giant's Heart"

"Kagh!" = "Run!"

"Lak'tuk" = "Suffering"

"Lo'Gosh" = "Ghost Wolf"

"Lohn'goron" = "Hero's Sojourn"

"Lok-Narash" = "Arm yourselves"

"Lok-Regar" = "Ready for orders"

"Lok'tar!" = "Victory!" (A war cry. Also a greeting while in combat.)

"Lok'tar ogar" = "Victory or death" (A war cry)

"Lok'amon" = Traditional orcish song sung about starting a family.

"Lok'tra" = Traditional orcish song sung about a battle.

"Lok'vadnod" = Traditional orcish song sung about the life of a hero.

"Mag'har" = "Uncorrupted" BtDP 355, brown-skinned orcs based in Garadar in Nagrand.

"Mok'nathal" = "The Sons of Nath" (honorable title)

"Nagrand" = "Land of Winds"

"Oshu'Gun" = "Mountain of Spirits"

"Swobu" = "As you command"

"Throm-Ka" = "Well met" (A greeting.)

"Trk'hsk" = "Bloodshed in battle" (some orcs in the Durnholde area use the word with a different meaning, namely "that sacrificed to the earth" in order to make crops grow.)

"Zug-zug" or "Zug zug" = Acknowledgment and agreement; roughly the equivalent of "okay".



