hey baby[Stephen Marley演唱歌曲]

hey baby是雷鬼音樂之父Bob Marley兒子Stephen Marley的一首歌。是專輯Mind Contro的第二首歌。


這是雷鬼音樂之父Bob Marley兒子Stephen Marley的一首歌。


它是專輯Mind Contro的第二首歌。



[Stephen Marley] (Verse)
I've been gone a while away from you我離你而去已有段時日
And I hope you overstand 但我仍然希望你能諒解
That I've got to do what I must do 我有我必須去做的事情
To be a better man 讓我成為一個更好的人
Cuz if I was to just to act a fool 因假若我繼續裝瘋弄傻
Do nothing with myself不斷放縱自己聲色犬馬
Then all my blessings would be cursed我的祝福最後會被詛咒
My world would crumble in我的世界將會分崩離析
It is a joy when I sit down and每當我一人獨處的時候
Think of the good times that we have 回想只屬於我們的快樂
And what we do to make it through 和我們經歷的風雨險阻
When the good turns to the bad 以及這感情路上的反覆
Well I hope you will find it in your heart 希望你能打心眼裡明白
And know these words are true 且對我的話語深信不疑
And please don't fuss 我離去的時候不要驚奇
Because I must go do what I must do因有些事情我必須去做
[Stephen Marley] (Chorus)
Hey baby don't you worry 我的摯愛別因我而擔心
Even though the road is rocky 即使我的道路崎嶇不平
I'll be coming home to you again 終究我將回到你的身邊
Cuz if you thought that I was lost 假若你認為我已經迷失
I had to bare my cross 只因我仍然在披荊斬棘
Now I am free from all these Chains 最後我將拋棄一切束縛
[Stephen Marley] (Verse)
A time, a space, a different place 假如我們不是生活於此
How perfect we might be 也許我們將那么的完美
I would be the wind that blows我將會做那輕撫的微風
You would be that Willow tree 你也會變為飛舞的柳絮
And I could never bare the thought of you not by my side 我不敢想像沒你的相伴
So I would be the warmth of day 我願成為那白晝的溫暖
You would be the cool of night而你就是那黑夜的涼風
And everyday I pray to Jah that one day you will see 我每日都向主誠心祈禱
And overstand the fact I must fulfill my destiny望你明白我有我的命運
I hope you will find it in your heart and know these words are true我願你能明白我的真誠
And please don't cry 我不願見你因我而落淚
Cuz you know that I must do what I must do 你應明白我有我的使命

[Stephen Marley] (Chorus)
Hey baby don't you worry 我的摯愛別因我而擔心
Even though the road is rocky 即使我的道路崎嶇不平
I'll be coming home to you again 終究我將回到你的身邊
Cuz if you thought that I was lost 假若你認為我已經迷失
I had to bare my cross 只因我仍然在披荊斬棘
Now I am free from all these Chains 最後我將拋棄一切束縛
[Stephen Marley] (Bridge)
Well and it is not easy 一切的一切都是艱難的
Jah knows how I try, I try 我主知道我總是在嘗試
So don't you get weary 你不要因此而放棄等待
Jah knows how I try, I try因我主知道我永不言棄
[Mos Def] (Verse)
God knows...上帝永遠是萬知萬能的
Life is one big road生命絕不是條康莊大道
With a lot of signs and turns & twists and curves這路崎嶇不止險而又險
Even though the road is rocky 但是即使此路如同天塹
My main thing's to rock and keep on rockin'我也要攀岩附壁越過去
From city to city Backyard to yard 城市如同走馬觀花而去
And we be seein' the sights, standin' under the lights 在路燈之下觀此情此景
And the spot is hot, it's cold and lonely at night 燈光灼熱但是月夜淒冷
And I'm feenin' and I'm dreamin' and I'm holding you tight 如在夢中我仍緊握著你
But hold on, every single road I roll on 我只是希望你不要放棄
Comes to an end and I'm back home again 遠遊之子終要再次歸家
So baby please don't cry 我親愛的寶貝不要哭泣 there's no valley low and there's no mountain high沒我所不能征服的險阻
And our love don't die with the passage of time我們的愛不同曇花一現
It just grows more,and just keep strong 反而會因時間日益充溢
And even though i'm gone, I am never too far 我永遠不會離你而遠去
You're the light thru the dark, shining right thru my heart你的光芒直射我的心房
So my journey must start...因此我需開始我的旅程

[Stephen Marley] (Chorus)
Hey baby don't you worry 我的摯愛別因我而擔心
Even though the road is rocky 即使我的道路崎嶇不平
I'll be coming home to you again 終究我將回到你的身邊
Cuz if you thought that I was lost 假若你認為我已經迷失
I had to bare my cross 只因我仍然在披荊斬棘
Now I am free from all these Chains 最後我將拋棄一切束縛


