- fennel

fenn el n [植]茴香
: fennel 學名: Fructus Foeniculi ...
Overview Dali County is located in the eastern Guanzhong Plain i...
Overview Historical Evolutionfenn el n [植]茴香
阻尼抽、不鏽鋼刀叉組合、水槽阻尼抽·德國FENNEL: 金屬色ABS捲簾門...
公司介紹 品牌 工藝 亮點 風格Introduction Yongnian County is located in southern Hebei, Taiha...
Introduction Geographic Location(fennel),但指明要產自中東的,即可。孜然為重要調味品,氣味芳香而濃烈,適宜...實龍崗巴剎回教食品雜貨攤,或爪哇街一帶雜貨店,說買茴香(fennel...
美食介紹 孜然介紹 製作方法一 製作方法二 製作方法三wormwood)兩種茴香(Green anise及Fennel)及牛膝草。釀造...及Fennel)及牛膝草。釀造方式:浸漬。波西米亞儀式於1990年由希氏苦艾酒發明...
簡介 草藥成分Introduction Zhumadian "" this is" ramie ", due to the ramie is ...
Introduction Historical EvolutionDevelopment Present Situation New Delhi is today India's politic...
Overview Source Name Historical Records