
You make me wannaroll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下車窗來尋找心中的她
Hey babyYeah, when I first saw that bikini top on her當我第一眼看見她身上的比基尼時
She’spoppin’ right out of the South Georgia water她正從Georgia水中上岸來
Thought, "Oh, good lord, she had them long tanned legs"我YY道:額滴神啊!她有著一對長得黑亮的美腿
Couldn’t helpmyselfso I walked up and said於是忍不住走上前搭訕道
Baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wannaroll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
Down a back road blowin’ stop signs through the middle毀掉那些立在鄉村小道中間的停車標志
E very little farm town with you與你並肩走過每一個農場小鎮
In this brand new Chevy with a lift kit在這全新的雪弗蘭皮卡,心情大好
Would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it最好能和你在這裡尋求刺激
So baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wannaroll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
She was sippin’ on southern and singin’ Marshall Tucker她一邊慢酌淺飲,一邊哼唱著Marshall Tucker
We were falling in love in the sweet heart of summer我們在仲夏的甜蜜中雙雙墜入愛河
She hopped right up into the cab of my truck and said她猛的跳進我卡車的駕駛座上,放話說:
"Fire it up, let’s go get this thing stuck"激起你的熱情,好好來乾一場
Baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
Down a back road blowin’ stop signs through the middle毀掉那些立在鄉村小道中間的停車標志
Every little farm town with you與你並肩走過每一個農場小鎮
In this brand new Chevy with a lift kit在這全新的雪弗蘭皮卡,心情大好
Would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it最好能和你在這裡尋求刺激
So baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
When that summer sun fell to its knees當仲夏的驕陽要下山時
I looked at her and she looked at me我和她在深情地對望
And I turned on those KC lights and drove all night我打開那些KC燈遊了一整晚車河
'Cause it felt so right, her and I, man we felt so right因為這太爽了,她和我一起實在太爽了
I put it in park and我們在小公園裡
Grabbed my guitar我拿起吉他
And strummed a couple chords彈奏了幾個和弦
And sang from the heart唱出我的心聲
Girl you sure got the beat in my chest bumpin’美女你一定感受到了我胸膛的跳動
Hell I can’t get you out of my head你存在我深深的腦海里
Baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
Down a back road blowin’ stop signs through the middle毀掉那些立在鄉村小道中間的停車標志
Every little farm town with you與你並肩走過每一個農場小鎮
Baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
Down a back road blowin’ stop signs through the middle毀掉那些立在鄉村小道中間的停車標誌
Every little farm town with you與你並肩走過每一個農場小鎮
In this brand new Chevy with a lift kit你身穿嶄新的Chevy,心情大好
Would look a hell of a lot better with you up in it最好能和你在這裡尋求刺激
Come on快來吧
Baby you a song寶貝你是一隻動人的鏇律
You make me wanna roll my windows down and cruise你讓我忍不住搖下窗來尋找心中的她
Come on girl快來美女
Get those windows down and cruise快搖下車窗獵艷。