- consecutive

連續的, 聯貫的
"secutive 連續的
連續的, 聯貫的
交替傳譯(consecutive interpreting)- 口譯員坐在會議室里,一面聽源語講話,一面記筆記。當講者發言結束或停下來等候傳譯的時候,口譯員用清楚、自然的目的語,準確、完整地重新表達源語發言的全部...
"secutive 連續的
Introduction As a focus on air - conditioning products of a larg...
Introduction Honor Enterprise CultureMain Product At present company product has formed in Deere, Sai...
Main Product Humanistic Care Lineup》 〈形〉 連續;多次[consecutive;repeated] 累召不應...[consecutive;repeated] 累召不應。——《後漢書...
組詞 釋義 示例 常用詞組 詞性變化Profiles star - shaped Chinese name: Zhang Zhan Yang ☆ English N...
Profiles Learning Experience Personal Recordconsecutive won the first prize... consecutive years won the first...
Introduction Historical EvolutionCity Introduction In 1935, the Communist Party held here was the...
City Introduction Sister CitiesCONSECUTIVE,simultaneous...