Google App谷歌提供的一種個性化域名服務,免費向用戶提供附有私人標誌的電子郵件、即時通信和日曆工具,讓他們可以交流思想,提高做事效率。您也可以設計並發布自己所屬組織的網站。這些都由 Google 託管,不需要您安裝或維護任何軟、硬體。
Google App 給出的申請條件:
The requirements for using Google Apps are that you must have a domain and have access to DNS management settings.
The requirements for acceptance include five main considerations:
Domain name
Number of domains that you have already registered
Involvement in IT decisions for your organization
Domain availability in our system
If you meet the basic considerations, we’ll help you get started with this service. Otherwise, we’ll let you know why we can’t serve your domain at this time and keep your information on file for when we can.
Example: If you include ‘Google’ or ‘Gmail’ in your domain name, you won’t be able to get started with this service because Google trademark names are prohibited.
上面廢話了這么多,其實只要你有一個域名,並且具有可以更改域名的A記錄和別名的許可權,就可以使用Google App的服務了。
註冊其實很簡單,只要關鍵的幾個地方填對就可以了。Google Apps 現在還沒有對中國開放,所以一定要使用美國代理,歐洲代理可能也可以,不過沒試過。註冊通過之後,可以不用代理正常訪問。Country/Region 一定要填 United State。最下面的If so, what does your organization use for email?,填Windows Live domains。這樣的話,只要不是RPWT,基本上都會通過的。
下面需要對你的域名進行一些設定。首先你需要激活你的域名。按照提示添加一個googlexxx.your-domain com的CNAME到谷歌,或者上傳一個名稱位googlexxxx.htm的空白檔案到你的空間,推薦第一種方法吧。