Growth Habit
Production of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet and other provinces and autonomous regions on the Production of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Hubei, Jiangxi, Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet and other provinces and autonomous regions on the . alt. 800 - 3850 - meter mountain understory
in the Soviet Union, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, North America is also localized in the Soviet Union, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, North America is also localized . crystal completely from the soil to obtain organic nutrition crystal completely from the soil to obtain organic nutrition .
Crystal Langen throughout the epidermis are covered with a serape; he had some sort of fungal mycelium, the mycelium itself than the epidermal thickness 1 ~ 2 times Crystal Langen throughout the epidermis are covered with a serape; he had some sort of fungal mycelium, the mycelium itself than the epidermal thickness 1 ~ 2 times . of the root tip is small in the fungi in the sheath; and, individually or as a bundle of four - sided with the fungal mycelia from the sheath, which is separated from the parasitic fungi differ, since the latter only hyphae in the root of the surface,but does not intrude into the root of the other organizations - - of the root tip is small in the fungi in the sheath; and, individually or as a bundle of four - sided with the fungal mycelia from the sheath, which is separated from the parasitic fungi differ, since the latter only hyphae in the root of the surface,but does not intrude into the root of the other organizations - - .
Obviously, Monotropa is mitigated by the assumed the task of supplying a nutritional, physiological hyphae in substituting for the pinesaps hairs by the action of the Obviously, Monotropa is mitigated by the assumed the task of supplying a nutritional, physiological hyphae in substituting for the pinesaps hairs by the action of the .
Morphological Feature
Monotropa is referred to as a flower that dies, due to crystal white orchid has no chlorophyll, photosynthesis is not semi - saprophytic plants, mostly long in shady and moist woods, the growth of its nutrition from fungi, decomposed humus, it grows at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 metres of places, the common cold and moist mixed forest of coniferous and broadleaf perennial vegetation Monotropa is referred to as a flower that dies, due to crystal white orchid has no chlorophyll, photosynthesis is not semi - saprophytic plants, mostly long in shady and moist woods, the growth of its nutrition from fungi, decomposed humus, it grows at an altitude of 1500 - 2500 metres of places, the common cold and moist mixed forest of coniferous and broadleaf perennial vegetation . fleshy saprophytic, white, dry after blackening; root in the soil is thin and dense branches, which shall be submitted to the form of a bolus of nest - shaped; erect stems, a single, cylindrical, and a height of 10 - 30 fleshy saprophytic, white, dry after blackening; root in the soil is thin and dense branches, which shall be submitted to the form of a bolus of nest - shaped; erect stems, a single, cylindrical, and a height of 10 - 30 .
scaly leaves, suberect, alternate, lanceolate or narrowly oblong - shaped, somewhat fleshy,white, glabrous or slightly hairy flowers below only scaly leaves, suberect, alternate, lanceolate or narrowly oblong - shaped, somewhat fleshy,white, glabrous or slightly hairy flowers below only . perennial, herbaceous, saprophytic; stems erect, single, not branched, a height of 10 - 30 cm tall, chlorophyll - free, white, fleshy, brown root dry weight after perennial, herbaceous, saprophytic; stems erect, single, not branched, a height of 10 - 30 cm tall, chlorophyll - free, white, fleshy, brown root dry weight after .
thin and densely branched, became associated with nest like thin and densely branched, became associated with nest like . scalelike leaves, erect, alternate, oblong or narrowly oblong or broadly lanceolate, length 1. 4 - 1. 5 cm long, 4 - 4. 5 mm, apex obtuse, glabrous or slightly hairy leaves, margin nearly entire
spent a single, terminal, pendulous, back erect, bell - shaped corolla is tubular, with a length of 1. 2 - 4 cm and a diameter of 1. 1 - 1. 6 cm; a scale - like bracts, with Ye isomorphic;Sepals scaly, caducous; petals 5 - 6, free, wedge - shaped or obovate - oblong, 2 - 1. 6 cm, the upper portion of the maximum width of 5. 5 - 7 mm, the irregular teeth, the inside of the often densely shaggy with long, caducous; stamens 10 - 12, filaments with coarse, yellow anthers; the faceplate 10, tooth - lobed; ovary of placentation axile, 5 - loculed; style long 2 - 3 mm, stigma dilated into a funnel - like, oval - spherical capsule , upright, upwardly, with a length of 1. 3 - 1. 4 cm
florescence 8 - 9; fruiting (9 - 10 - 11 month) florescence 8 - 9; fruiting (9 - 10 - 11 month) .
Flowers terminal, a single, nodding, bell - shaped cylindrical, ca. 2 cm long, white; sepals caducous, scalelike; petals 3 - 4, separating, fleshy, wedge - shaped or obovate - oblong, erect, and the upper part of the irregular teeth, the office usually has long dense brown hairs, base saccate, caducous; stamens 8 - 10, long filaments reach on stigma, has brown hair, orange anthers; disk has 9 teeth; ovary 5 - locular, styles short; stigma dilated into funnel
Capsules ellipsoidal, vertically upward, and has a length of about 12 mm Capsules ellipsoidal, vertically upward, and has a length of about 12 mm . florescence 8 - 9, 9 ~ 11 month florescence 8 - 9, 9 ~ 11 month .
monotropein flowers only in dark moist leaf litter, in what appeared to be pure white, if there are crystalline bucket monotropein flowers only in dark moist leaf litter, in what appeared to be pure white, if there are crystalline bucket . at which time the slight droop of the flowers, sheet is born at the top end of the plant in the dark to the notice issued by the inviting white bright, people stopped to admire the at which time the slight droop of the flowers, sheet is born at the top end of the plant in the dark to the notice issued by the inviting white bright, people stopped to admire the .
Geographical Distribution
China is mainly distributed in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet and other regions, most of the growth in the regions of altitude 800m ~ 3000m of the cold and moist coniferous and broadleaved mixed between, ordinary people rarely China is mainly distributed in Shanxi, Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Tibet and other regions, most of the growth in the regions of altitude 800m ~ 3000m of the cold and moist coniferous and broadleaved mixed between, ordinary people rarely . specific distribution of Kunming to Tengchong, Hao Ming, Luquan, Yunnan, the Chuxiong, Jingdong, Menghai, Xichou, Guangnan, Lijiang, Zhongdian, Deqin; hillside forests at an elevation of 1650 meters specific distribution of Kunming to Tengchong, Hao Ming, Luquan, Yunnan, the Chuxiong, Jingdong, Menghai, Xichou, Guangnan, Lijiang, Zhongdian, Deqin; hillside forests at an elevation of 1650 meters .
3200, Russia, Japan, India, Southeast Asia,North America is also localized 3200, Russia, Japan, India, Southeast Asia,North America is also localized . This species distributed in southwest and northwest China This species distributed in southwest and northwest China .
plant some scholars had been recorded in northeastern China (Heilongjiang, Jilin) plant some scholars had been recorded in northeastern China (Heilongjiang, Jilin) . 2) also have this species, but we never found in the Northeast or contact to this species, while studies are also in accordance with the specimen, found in the Northeast in the past by this species, are in a false dwarf monotropein humilis () by Don H. Keng mistakes (see this), northeastern China and crystalline forms of distribution
Lan Lan.
Cultivation Techniques
Crystal growing orchids, strong seedling, is critical to maintain the first Crystal growing orchids, strong seedling, is critical to maintain the first . Lan Miao of ramets Lan Miao of ramets .
ramets, i.e. can not be kept in the above three Miao, conjoined cultivation - - - - - - - " cultivation environment of air with sufficient temperature, while maintaining enough light, water, promoting grow orchids, keeping the body robust protection cultivation environment of air with sufficient temperature, while maintaining enough light, water, promoting grow orchids, keeping the body robust protection .
Lan Miaomiao Langen of orchids is crystal blue, near - root nutrition absorption of Lan Miaomiao Langen of orchids is crystal blue, near - root nutrition absorption of . Langen of apical blackening, or rot, so they are not in a timely manner to the orchids' plants will supply moisture and nutrition, as well as analysis of the main reasons for the pinesaps charred Langen of apical blackening, or rot, so they are not in a timely manner to the orchids' plants will supply moisture and nutrition, as well as analysis of the main reasons for the pinesaps charred .
thus protection to its root, must be held within a hydrophobic gas - permeable pot, watering to not wet the outer inner dry;summer periodic flushing Langen, lest residual fertility and water retained in the basin, so that the root damage thus protection to its root, must be held within a hydrophobic gas - permeable pot, watering to not wet the outer inner dry;summer periodic flushing Langen, lest residual fertility and water retained in the basin, so that the root damage . increases greenhouse humidity increases greenhouse humidity, is a species of the important conditions for good crystal blue increases greenhouse humidity increases greenhouse humidity, is a species of the important conditions for good crystal blue .
greenhouse humidity is uneven, in particular, high temperature of summer and early spring, the orchids and the water evaporation rate is too large, causing the tip of the monotropein Jiao, Lan shed to try to increase the humidity, the humidity was kept at 70% or more of the crystal grown in the orchid greenhouse humidity is uneven, in particular, high temperature of summer and early spring, the orchids and the water evaporation rate is too large, causing the tip of the monotropein Jiao, Lan shed to try to increase the humidity, the humidity was kept at 70% or more of the crystal grown in the orchid . Lan must never be touched or bruised to the orchids'S LENS Lan must never be touched or bruised to the orchids'S LENS .
- - - - - - - "less change of that pot, to avoid injury to the apical, influence to the orchids grow - - - - - - - "less change of that pot, to avoid injury to the apical, influence to the orchids grow . selected water - permeable,Breathable fertile soil for planting artificial selected water - permeable,Breathable fertile soil for planting artificial .
unless its original wild environments, provided an opportunity for short periods of the monotropein unless its original wild environments, provided an opportunity for short periods of the monotropein . sprout in spring, from the growth, blossom, and to the results, the whole process of life a few months sprout in spring, from the growth, blossom, and to the results, the whole process of life a few months .
therefore, love to spend people's better not to change its growth status, let it grow naturally in the original wild environment more suitable for therefore, love to spend people's better not to change its growth status, let it grow naturally in the original wild environment more suitable for .
Studies On The Chemical Constituents
Monotropa and whole plants containing monotropein (), beta - sitosterol, p - coumaric acid, ursolic acid, glucose, sucrose, raffinose, Hanshan Monotropa and whole plants containing monotropein (), beta - sitosterol, p - coumaric acid, ursolic acid, glucose, sucrose, raffinose, Hanshan . polyphenol compounds (kaempferol and quercetin of the mono - and diglucoside, sterols, sterol is sitosterol (mainly), fatty acids, mainly in the 16 to 18 - carbon fatty acid and small amounts of linolenic acid (linolenic) polyphenol compounds (kaempferol and quercetin of the mono - and diglucoside, sterols, sterol is sitosterol (mainly), fatty acids, mainly in the 16 to 18 - carbon fatty acid and small amounts of linolenic acid (linolenic) .
Medicinal Function
which was found to be peaceful, saltish hygroscopic, containing monotropein, ursolic acid, glucose, sucrose, raffinose and the like, can be fully used as folk medicine which was found to be peaceful, saltish hygroscopic, containing monotropein, ursolic acid, glucose, sucrose, raffinose and the like, can be fully used as folk medicine . Lan Chang and using crystal 50 g, 250 g lean pork and stewed together for healing in the sputum, has very good curative effect on Lan Chang and using crystal 50 g, 250 g lean pork and stewed together for healing in the sputum, has very good curative effect on .
original morphology: perennial herb 10 - 30cm original morphology: perennial herb 10 - 30cm . saprophytic, Stems single, plants with no chlorophyll, white, fleshy, brown root dry weight after saprophytic, Stems single, plants with no chlorophyll, white, fleshy, brown root dry weight after .
thin and densely branched, became associated with nest like thin and densely branched, became associated with nest like . scalelike leaves, erect, alternate; oblong or narrowly oblong or broadly lanceolate, length 1. 4 - 1. 5 cm, a width of 4 - 4. 5mm, blunt apex, glabrous or slightly hairy leaves,margin subentire
takes a single, terminal, pendulous, the upright post; the corolla tubular bell - shaped, with a length of about 4 cm to 2 cm, diameter 1. 1 - 1. 6 cm; bracts scale - like leaves homomorphic; sepals scaly, caducous; petals 5 - 6, free, wedge - shaped or obovate - oblong, 2 - 1. 6 cm, the upper portion of the maximum width of 5. 5 - 7 mm, the irregular teeth, the inside is often densely shaggy with long, caducous; stamens 10 - 12, filaments has shag; anthers yellow; the faceplate 10, tooth - lobed; ovary 5 - locular, styles 2 - 3mm long, stigma dilated into a funnel - shaped gourd Fruits ellipsoidal, upright, upwardly,The 1.3 - 1.4 cm
florescence 8 - 9, fr. Sep. - Nov.
Main effects: cough, cough for Main effects: cough, cough for . .
Oral: decocted in water, 1 two; or stewed, 3 ~ 5 money Oral: decocted in water, 1 two; or stewed, 3 ~ 5 money . Artemisia source: wintergreen is a plant of the pinesaps root or herb Artemisia source: wintergreen is a plant of the pinesaps root or herb .
harvesting and storage: the summer harvest, much as in fresh.
6 hours after dosing occurs above the mild purgation, mouse laxative of ED50 Dagan 0. 5g / kg
Garden Introduction
Monotropa Park, located in Anning City, Yunnan Province, on the shore of the spa town of Longshan mine crystal to the collection, cultivation of crystal and is named for the orchid species, Anning was one of the larger territory of Lanyuan Monotropa Park, located in Anning City, Yunnan Province, on the shore of the spa town of Longshan mine crystal to the collection, cultivation of crystal and is named for the orchid species, Anning was one of the larger territory of Lanyuan . vineyard from Fu - liang's Yunnan province a RHS Orchid Society, always standing directors, anning, yunnan Orchid Society director, in February 2002 of Anning Orchid Association named the second batch of Family Garden vineyard from Fu - liang's Yunnan province a RHS Orchid Society, always standing directors, anning, yunnan Orchid Society director, in February 2002 of Anning Orchid Association named the second batch of Family Garden .
Lan Lan Crystal Garden covering an area of 40 square meters, the park covers an area of cultivation of various kinds of orchids with more than 300 basin, about 2,000 were left; the main varieties for heavy snow, snow, Punta flap, Bilong odd butterfly,The male butterfly sword, point Cang Mei, potherb mustard, red lotus, crystal dragons, winged Mei, Chunlan jasmine, Chunlan odd butterfly, butterfly orchid green Samsung, Samsung Chunlan butterflies, plum, lotus - like crystal yi grass, Fu's lotus, plum petal Chunlan, Cymbidium longibracteatum plum petal, clad in white, the Red Sword Spring, Longchang, roc (lotus flowers), etc. nearly 100 varieties of Cymbidium goeringii serratum
Folk Culture
Monotropa unique habits and magic, is so configured that its Chinese traditional novels that the legendary, often as a ghost to appear Monotropa unique habits and magic, is so configured that its Chinese traditional novels that the legendary, often as a ghost to appear . it either became deified as Xiancao can reawaken the dead, or is considered to have supernatural powers, does have evil, even to its fragrance which is also described as creepy, maybe this is it "the ghost", and "Dream orchid" the origin of the name! it either became deified as Xiancao can reawaken the dead, or is considered to have supernatural powers, does have evil, even to its fragrance which is also described as creepy, maybe this is it "the ghost", and "Dream orchid" the origin of the name! .
while it's called Underworld flower called it flowers while it's called Underworld flower called it flowers . actually saprophytic, Monotropa neither Revival of magic, he's harmless more deadly, but rather bland in taste of grass can cure deficiency and chronic cough medicine actually saprophytic, Monotropa neither Revival of magic, he's harmless more deadly, but rather bland in taste of grass can cure deficiency and chronic cough medicine .
civil in nature,Monotropa not rare "Ghost", as long as the know their habits, selecting good location and timing, making it accessible to all civil in nature,Monotropa not rare "Ghost", as long as the know their habits, selecting good location and timing, making it accessible to all . Watch Crystal Lan's best season, the Southern General in mid - April, the North may be slightly delayed, and the beginning of the see crystal is the most perfect Watch Crystal Lan's best season, the Southern General in mid - April, the North may be slightly delayed, and the beginning of the see crystal is the most perfect .
prematurely, Monotropa germinated up; too late, Monotropa gradually due to aging, showed up with brown spots, are unable to appreciate its limpid and transparent, dream - like beauty prematurely, Monotropa germinated up; too late, Monotropa gradually due to aging, showed up with brown spots, are unable to appreciate its limpid and transparent, dream - like beauty .