久違的Gatecrasher,讓人感到興奮的Christopher Lawrence,當源自Sheffield歐洲最紅的Party Project遇上2006年度DJ Mag百大DJ第四、排名急速竄升的天王巨星,將會燃燒出如何熾熱的火焰?聽聽Gatecrasher移籍Ministry Of Sound所發表最贊的一張現場專輯《Live in Moscow》,熱度就從莫斯科的超級Gaudi Arena club散發而出,Christopher Lawrence展現其所擅長的澎湃節奏與細膩旋律,堆疊出現場氣氛的微妙轉變,激起每位舞客內心最渴望解放的舞動因子!CD 1收錄了Dan Stone快意單曲〈Made in Bahrain〉與Vibrasphere燒遍歐陸的〈Landmark〉,CD 2則有傳奇DJ John 00 Fleming與Lawrence合作的〈Beyond the Limit〉,並迅以高壓脈衝貝斯聲線送達〈Rasa Lila〉;輯中更含括了Tidy Trax、Lee Haslam等名家出神入化的作品,神奇添加了神來一筆的妙效!
CD 1
⒈ Oerception [ Activa ]
⒉ Made in Bahrain [ Dan Stone ]
⒊ Tabriz [ Kaveh Azizi Presents Rhythmia ]
⒋ Astralis [ Solar Flare ]
⒌ Landmark [ Vibrasphere ]
⒍ Dominator [ U-Recken ]
⒎ Dynamic Swell Part 2 [ Tikal Vs Polaris ]
⒏ Offender [ Sunrize vs. Magnetik Fusion ]
⒐ Connexions [ Sinrize ]
⒑ Mind Factor [ Basic vs. Echotek ]
⒒ Vimana Pt. 2 [ Pleiadians ]
CD 2
⒈ New Technologies [ Yuri Lima aka Nuclear Device ]
⒉ Experience [ Tikal ]
⒊ Kickwave [ Project FM ]
⒋ Beyond the Limit [ Christopher Lawrence and John Fleming ]
⒌ Driven [ Protoculture ]
⒍ Rasa Lila [ John 00 Fleming ]
⒎ The Future [ Lee Haslam ]
⒏ Checkmate [ Lee Haslam ]
⒐ Fised [ John 00 Fleming & Digital Blonde ]
⒑ Awakening [ Nick Rowland ]
⒒ Backlash Original [ Jussu Soro ]
⒓ Lift [ Sean Tyas ]