
Isobella 是一首由歌手Enya 演唱,在華納唱片公司發行的歌曲。



歌手: Enya
所屬專輯:《希望如此May It Be》
歌曲標籤:新世紀 節日 輕音樂 sagambience


I thought it was funny when you missed the train
When I rang you at home they said you left yesterday
I thought it was strange when your car was found
by the tree in Ennis where we used to hang around
Dear Isobel
I hope you're well and what you've done is right
Oh it's been such hell
I wish you well and hope your safe tonight
It's been a long day coming and long will it last
when it's last day leaving, and I'm helping it pass
by loving you more
And who he would become, all the things he'd have done
would he have loved you, and not let you down
and would he be stronger than his father
don't punish yourself, leave it well alone
Dear Isobel
I hope you're well and what you've done is right
Oh it's been such hell
I wish you well and hope your safe tonight
It's been a long day coming and long will it last
when it's last day leaving, and I'm helping it pass
by loving you more


中文名: 恩雅
外文名: Enya
國籍: 愛爾蘭共和國
出生日期: 1961年5月17日
職業: 歌手
代表作品: amarantineA day without rain
本名: Eithne Patricia Ní Bhraonáin
恩雅(愛爾蘭蓋爾語:Eithne Ní Bhraonáin ,英文:Enya Brennan,1961年5月17日-),愛爾蘭共和國著名獨立音樂家。她是來自愛爾蘭的The Celts,作為新世紀音樂的代表人物之一,她的聲音純美安靜,為我們洗滌塵世的浮躁。



