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Isharya品牌由Gauri和Radhika Tandon共同創立。Isharya的這對親姐妹Gauri and Radhika Tandon的設計風格深受印度皇室以及20世紀早期國際新藝術主義風格的影響。一直以來,Isharya品牌都在尋求,將傳統的印度理念與特別的現代材料相結合,從而追求製作出完美無瑕的無接縫奢侈品。Isharya品牌正是目前被國際上認可的,最具有印度風格的高級時尚珠寶品牌。GwynethPaltrow,jennifer lopez,Brooke Burke,Drew Barrymore,Eva Longoria,Selena Gomez 和Hilary Duff 等社會名流都曾經佩戴過Isharya的珠寶。如今Isharya已經成為最被國際認可的印度風格奢華時裝珠寶品牌。其品牌在全球已有超過500個的零售商和線上商店,其中包括了Net-a-Porter, Harvey Nichols, Stanley Korshak和Henri Bendel等.


India & USA  
Isharya品牌由Gauri和Radhika Tandon共同創立。一直以來,Isharya品牌都在尋求,將傳統的印度理念與特別的現代材料相結合,從而追求製作出完美無瑕的無接縫奢侈品。Isharya品牌正是目前被國際上認可的,最具有印度風格的高級時尚珠寶品牌。GwynethPaltrow,Jennifer Lopez,Brooke Burke,Drew Barrymore,Eva Longoria,Selena Gomez 和Hilary duff 等社會名流都曾經佩戴著Isharya的珠寶.


Isharya is a luxury fashion jewelry brand with wearablestatement pieces which effortlessly fuse California chic with Bollywoodglamour. 
Season after season, Isharya continues to create a seamlessfusion of luxurious global vitality in each impeccable Collection withtechniques from their Indian heritage combined with unique modern materials.The sister-in-law duo behind Isharya, Gauri and Radhika Tandon, design their collectionsbased on the innate influences of Indian royalty and the international ArtNouveau style of the early 20th century. Isharya has become one of the mostrecognized and internationally accepted Indian-inspired luxury costume jewelrybrands today. Isharya Collections can be found in over 500 retail and onlinestores worldwide, including Net-a-Porter, Harvey Nichols, Stanley Korshak andHenri Bendel. 
Isharya是一個融合了瀟灑的加利福尼亞風格和寶萊塢魅力的可穿戴式奢華時尚珠寶品牌。賽季後,isharya繼續用無可挑剔的全球性奢華技術,結合獨特的印度文化,創造出完美的現代化材料。Isharya的這對親姐妹Gauriand Radhika Tandon的設計風格深受印度皇室以及20世紀早期國際新藝術主義風格的影響。如今Isharya已經成為最被國際認可的印度風格奢華時裝珠寶品牌。其品牌在全球已有超過500個的零售商和線上商店,其中包括了Net-a-Porter, HarveyNichols, Stanley Korshak和Henri Bendel等.

Isharya is a favorite for stylists ofAmerican celebrities such as Drew Barrymore, Duffy, Eva Longoria-Parker, HaydenPanettiere, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Simpson, Jessica Szohr, LindaEvangelista, Lucy Liu and Vanessa Williams. 
Ambassadors of Indian jewelery in America, sisters-in-lawRadhika and Gauri Tandon of Isharya, hit gold when their pieces made it to theearlobes of actresses on American hit TV show "gossip girl". Hilary Duff, Jessica Szohr and others woretheir designs sourced by celeb stylists from Neiman Marcus, Henri Bendel,Harrods, Harvey Nichols and Anthropologie in the United States.
Since 2004, San Francisco-based Radhika and her sister-in-lawGauri in Mumbai have been spreading their brand of intricate necklaces,dangling earrings, rock solid rings and confidence-building bejeweled cuffsthrough the United Kingdom and the Middle East, but their exclusive Mumbailaunch at Bungalow 8 in July was their first showing in India. 
Influenced by their families' culture, and named after theirthree children (Ishaan, Armaan and Arya), Isharya's jewelry designs areinspired by Indian royalty, an early 20th century Art Nouveau style and theirincessant traveling. 
"Isharya is a delicious mix of Bollywood glamor and coolCalifornian style. Think gleaming yellow gold necklaces and Bedouin chandelierearrings in a vibrant spectrum of papaya, turquoise, black and gold -- sure toadd a dazzling finishing touch to any outfit," says Net-a-porter,where you can buy Isharya. 
Isharya是現今美國名人諸如德魯巴里摩爾,達菲,伊娃朗格莉亞- 帕克,海登Panettiere,希拉蕊達芙,珍妮弗洛佩茲,傑西卡辛普森,傑西卡Szohr,琳達傑利斯塔,劉玉玲和凡妮莎威廉斯專屬造型師們最喜歡一個的設計品牌。 
Radhika和Gauri Tandon姐妹通過使館,得以在美國合法的打造她們黃金印度風格珠寶首飾。當他們的飾品出現在美國熱播電視節目“緋聞女孩”女演員的耳垂上時。 Hilary Duff, Jessica Szohr和其它的名人造型師紛紛從美國Neiman Marcus, Henri Bendel, Harrods, Harvey Nichols andAnthropologie等各大商場採購他們的設計。 
自2004年以來,品牌總部位於舊金山的Radhika和Gauri Tandon姐妹在孟買推廣她們精緻的項鍊,耳環、戒指,也通過珠寶建立起了信任。透過英國和中東,7月8日在孟買的別墅第一次獨家展出了設計。 

Isharya was created in 2004, by the sister-in-law team Radhikaand Gauri Tandon, Inspired by their family’s rich culture, Radhika and Gauri combinedthe names of their children: Ishaan, Armaan and Arya, to invent the symbolicname of Isharya, behind their personally designed collection. 
Isharya has quickly become one of the most recognized andinternationally accepted Indian-inspired fashion jewelleryIsharya Collectionscan be found in over 500 retail and online stores worldwide, including NeimanMarcus, Net-a-Porter, Harrods, Harvey Nichols, Henri Bendel, Liberty, Fragmentsand Anthropologie. 
Isharya創建於2004年,Radhika和Gauri Tandon,受其家庭的豐富文化的啟發, Radhika和Gauri Tandon 結合自己的孩子的名字:Ishaan,Armaan和Arya,他們親自設計集合成了Isharya這個象徵性的名稱。 Isharya已迅速成為最被認可的國際公認的印度風格時尚首飾品牌,現在全球已有超過500個的零售和線上商店,包括奈曼馬庫斯的Net - a - Porter的,Harrods百貨公司。

sharya jewelry is a seamless fusion of luxurious global vitalitycombined with Indian techniques and unique modern materials. The sister-in-lawduo behind Isharya, Gauri and Radhika Tandon, design their collections based onthe innate influences of Indian royalty and the international Art Nouveau styleof the early 20th century. Their passion for family has inspired the nameIsharya, from the combined names of their children: ishaan, armaan and arya.Isharya has become one of the most recognized and internationally acceptedIndian inspired luxury costume jewelry brands today.
Isharya珠寶是印度技術和獨特的現代化材料相結合的全球奢華品牌。Isharya的設計師Radhika和GauriTandon ,她們自己的藏品深受印度皇室成員和20世紀初國際藝術主義風格的影響。她們對家庭的熱情激發她們以Isharya命名,是她們子女ishaan,armaan和arya的合併名稱。Isharya已成為最被認可的和國際公認的當今以印度風格為靈感的奢侈品牌之一。

Froma royal Indian origin, Isharya was founded by the sister-in-law team Radhika and Gauri Tandonin 2004. Treated with innovativeness and modernization, the traditional craftedjewelry has been transformed into fashionable elegant charms. Isharya'scollections are personally designed by mixing Indian culture and Art Nouveau asEast and West blend in the handcrafted fashion jewelry.
Ina span of minimal time, Isharya has been crowned with success as the brandgained recognition and appreciation internationally. The collection has beenpart in the fashion lifestyle of prominent Hollywood and Asian celebrities asfeatured in most influential fashion magazines in the world.
Tobetter respond and cater the demands of its rapidly increasing clients in otherparts of the world, Isharya chose KHT International to be the ambassador of thebrand in the Middle East, North Africa, Turkey, Iran, India and Pakistan. KHTInternational will be providing support to increase the exposure of the brandin the market. 
"Ihave selected KHT International as a sole agent for my brand in the MiddleEast, North Africa, Turkey, Iran, India and Pakistan as I believe in theirprofessionalism and committed team. Taking into consideration the company'swide regional network markets, indeed I am on the right track," saidIsharya. Bringingsophisticated satisfaction to its patrons, KHT International only works withinternationally recognized top brand designers like Isharya. True passion,professionalism and dedication bring forth perfection and clientelegratification in their represented brands.
“我選擇一個在中東,北非,土耳其,伊朗,印度和巴基斯坦的品牌合作,他們的敬業精神和致力於團隊值得相任,讓KHT國際唯一代理也考慮到該公司的廣泛區域和網路市場,確實是我正需要的”Isharya。 其顧客帶來的滿意度,讓KHT國際與國際公可像Isharya這樣的頂級品牌的設計師的作品。Isharya用真正的激情,敬業奉獻帶來完善品牌和滿足客戶。


簡約奢華 皇族貴氣金碧輝煌耳環 


Isharya是現今美國名人諸如德魯巴里摩爾,達菲,伊娃朗格莉亞- 帕克,海登Panettiere,希拉蕊達芙,珍妮弗洛佩茲,傑西卡辛普森,傑西卡Szohr,琳達傑利斯塔,劉玉玲和凡妮莎威廉斯專屬造型師們最喜歡一個的設計品牌。 
Radhika和Gauri Tandon姐妹通過使館,得以在美國合法的打造她們黃金印度風格珠寶首飾。當他們的飾品出現在美國熱播電視節目“緋聞女孩”女演員的耳垂上時。 Hilary Duff, Jessica Szohr和其它的名人造型師紛紛從美國Neiman Marcus, Henri Bendel, Harrods, Harvey Nichols andAnthropologie等各大商場採購他們的設計。



