Nationality: American

Place of Birth: New York City
Death Date: September 28, 1891
Place of Death: New York City
Herman Melville, who died almost forgotten although he had once been a popular author and had left behind ten notable books of prose fiction and four of verse, has gathered increasing fame, especially for his metaphysical whaling novel, Moby-Dick. Like much of his writing, Moby-Dick originates in his experiences as a common sailor and in the complex reactions of his lively mind to ageless spiritual questions and to the ebullient society of his time. One of the few American books recognized as a world classic, it has overshadowed the considerable achievement of his other work, which is diverse and experimental and, though sometimes flawed, often shows remarkable control. His narratives of adventure in the South Seas are small masterworks of the genre. His short tales, "Bartleby" and "Benito Cereno," are carefully crafted and profoundly sensitive critiques of his own age that emerge as fables applicable to a later day. His paired sketch, "The Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids," combines cunning social criticism and psychological insight. He wrote perhaps a dozen poems of distinction, most of them brief and the outgrowth of his travels or his musings on the events of the Civil War. It can be argued that his last published prose work, The Confidence-Man, is the first modern American novel. Without doubt, it is an uncanny tour de force.
Because so much of it appears in his writing, the study of Melville's life has more than ordinary interest. Early and conspicuously autobiographical novels like Omoo he prefaces with an assertion that "he has merely described what he has seen." White-Jacket, he states, is an account of his "man-of-war experiences and observations." But more and more, as he became landlocked, his books grew to be inside narratives, the voyages of a mental traveler. So, in addition to the obvious biographical facts, a more difficult study, that of Melville's mind and spirit, should be pursued, and it should embrace not only his psychological and intellectual history but his responses, frequently deviant and always ambivalent, to nineteenth-century American culture.
Melville's father, Allan, an "importer of French Goods and Commission Merchant" who traveled abroad, was a member of a substantial if colorful Boston family. His grandfather, Major Thomas Melvill, was a venerable survivor of the Boston Tea Party whose refusal to change the style of his clothing or his manners to fit the times made him an emblematic figure in Oliver Wendell Holmes's poem "The Last Leaf." Herman would visit him in Boston and his father would turn to him in times of financial need, which were all too frequent. The other side of the family was Hudson Valley Dutch. His maternal grandfather, General Peter Gansevoort, a hero of the Saratoga campaign, was an imposing subject in his goldlaced uniform for the painter Gilbert Stuart. The portrait would appear in Melville's later novel, Pierre, for Melville wrote out of his familial as well as his nautical background. Like the titular character in Pierre , Melville found satisfaction in his "double revolutionary descent."
Allan Melvill's family lived comfortably in New York. He had his children baptized in the Dutch Reformed Church and sent his sons to the New York Male School where they could get something more than a common education. But he overextended himself and was emotionally unstable. His attempt to recoup in 1830 by moving his family to Albany, New York, and going into the fur business ended in disastrous failure. He died in 1832 of a sudden illness that included mental collapse, and left his widow in genteel poverty, largely dependent upon her well-off kin.
For young Melville his father's death brought an end to what seems, outwardly at least, to have been a stable and unremarkable childhood. At twelve he was forced to leave Albany Academy, where he had been a satisfactory student, to take a job as a bank clerk. henceforth he would educate himself, and for some time to come he would drift from one thing to another. He clerked in the family fur and cap business now run by his older brother Gansevoort, worked on his Uncle Thomas Melvill's farm at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, taught irregularly in various district schools, and in 1839 he made "his first voyage"--to quote the subtitle of Redburn , an initiation story based on this experience--as a member of the crew of the merchant ship St. Lawrence, bound for Liverpool with a cargo of cotton. A decade later, when he wrote about this first voyage, he had his sailor-boy narrator think of himself as "a sort of Ishmael," a drifter and fatherless.
He returned to try his fortune in the West. His Uncle Thomas Melvill had moved to Galena, Illinois. With a friend, Eli Fly, Melville left Albany, following the Erie Canal to Buffalo, where he took a steamer. In the end he saw the prairies and the western wilderness and visited the headwaters of the Mississippi, the spectacular Falls of St. Anthony, but he found that his uncle could not secure his future, for there was a business recession. So he set out for home by Mississippi riverboat, with stops at St. Louis and Cairo. Melville's life on the Mississippi would be put to literary use in The Confidence-Man, but for the moment it appeared to serve no purpose.
By the fall of 1840 he was back in New York but still unsettled. If going west had proved bootless, there was another possibility open to venturesome young men: he could go to sea. Other members of his family had sought nautical careers, and besides, he was fresh from reading Richard Henry Dana , Jr.'s, Two Years Before the Mast. The words he put into Ishmael's mouth at the beginning of Moby-Dick fit his own case: "having little or no money in my purse, and nothing in particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." In December 1840 he signed articles to serve as an ordinary seaman on a new whaling ship, the Acushnet, Valentine Pease, master, of Fairhaven, Massachusetts. On the crew list he is described as "Age 21 Height 5 feet 9-1/2 inches Complexion dark Hair brown." The Acushnet cleared the port of New Bedford on 3 January to cruise for whales in the Pacific. Such voyages usually lasted three or four years.
On 3 October 1844, the frigate United States anchored at the Boston Navy Yard and its captain wrote for permission to discharge the crew. Among them was Herman Melville, age twenty-five. Word of his arrival soon reached the family, probably by way of his cousin, Lieutenant Guert Gansevoort, then stationed on a naval receiving ship in Boston harbor following his difficult duties in connection with the alleged mutiny aboard the brig Somers. Melville was paid off with the rest of the crew on 14 October. He saw his brother, Gansevoort, by now a New York lawyer and flashy political orator, who instructed him to shave and clean himself up before proceeding to Albany and the nearby village of Lansingburgh to receive the family welcome. He found there an admiring audience for his sailor yarns and was encouraged to write them down. That winter he began a series of personal narratives of his wanderings in Polynesia and his life on whaling ships, in the merchant marine, and in the United States Navy. In the summer of 1851, at work on Moby-Dick, he would reminisce to Hawthorne: "Until I was twenty-five, I had no development at all. From my twenty-fifth year I date my life. Three weeks have scarcely passed, at any time between then + now, that I have not unfolded within myself."