Grow up[英文詞組]

Grow up[英文詞組]
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《grow up》 一首英文歌曲,由King Lil G演唱


grow up

演唱:King Lil G

Good morning boys and girls ⋯
You over there in that black shirt ⋯
What you wanna be when you grow up?
[Verse 1: King Lil G]
母親曾經挑起兩份工作 在那匪幫橫行的年代裡
My mother worked two jobs, gang banging was too raw
1993, I was bumping some of that Snoop Dogg
謀殺都成了常事 我的叔叔曾一度遭受指控【Murder was the Case也是Snoop Dogg的首張專輯Doggystyle中的曲目】
Murder was the Case, my uncle caught a case
我的祖母痛哭流涕 我能體會他的痛心
My grandmother stressing out, I could feel her pain
內心成熟老練 我早該保留童心【King Lil G很小時就和街頭的幫派分子混到了一起】
Acting older than I was, I should have been acting my age
我本該邁入校園 但卻誤入了歧途
I had to walk to school, I got recruited to the gang
My mother tried to do her best, on minimum wage
But it was hard when I seen the drugdealers in the range
我成為了最壞的例子 母親卻渾然不知
Such a bad example, she didn’t even know it
我真的嚮往有父親能夠在我身旁 母親教不了你一切
I truly needed my father with me, you need to know it
你應該了解 我需要一個榜樣
You need to know it, cause I need someone to be heroic
Someone to motivate me when I wanna be a poet
我真的相信我能做到最強 也許會出人頭地
I truly think that I can be the dopest, maybe noticed
時刻堅定信念保持注意 有些寶貴的時光已經失去
Never losing my focus, but you ruined the moments
曾經艱苦度日 菸灰遍地 破舊不堪
Shit was hard in my apartment, roaches and old, carpets
我將成為那閃耀的新星 出淤泥而不染
I’mma enemy target, matresses by the garbage
I know it’s hard to grow up (grow up)
I know it’s hard to grow up (oh)
But it’s time to grow up (grow up)
I know it’s hard to grow up (oh)
But it’s time to grow up (grow up)
What you wanna be when you grow up?
我他媽想做一個街頭混子 你們最好小心點
I wanna be a motherfucking hustler, you better act somebody
[Verse 2: King Lil G]
Yo, I wish my father never met that woman
攪亂了我的家庭 你早該把她給甩掉
Broke my family up, you should have fucking left that woman
整天粗糧度日 母親日夜沉浸於淚水之中
I was eating cereal, my mama cried to sleep
Remember the kisses I gave you on the side of your cheek?
我所定下的目標 我終將達成
I made some promises, that I will make accomplishments
結果罪案纏身 請收下我的歉意
And I became a criminal, please accept my apologies
我要把你們帶出苦海 現在正是我的舞台
I’mma get you out this, show these rappers what time it is
給你們買任何想要的車 連司機都給你配齊
Buy you the car you needed, and have somebody to drive you in it
母親曾緊握我的手 在站台前等候
My mama held my hand, standing at the bus stop
Gave me the love I needed, the streets, covered in gun shots
別再找多餘藉口 別再觸犯法律
Stop making excuses, and stop going to prison
Cause people forget about you when people don’t even visit
這是留給年輕朋友的忠告 人生無路可退
This is for my young homies, thinking there’s no way out
揮霍你的人生 生活支離破碎 這根本沒有意義
Throwing your life away, living broke, that shit is played out
OG’s tell me stories ’bout life in the pen
家破流離 兄弟失散 濫用毒品
A dark cell, homies lost, doing heroin
I know it’s hard to grow up (grow up)
I know it’s hard to grow up (oh)
But it’s time to grow up (grow up)
I know it’s hard to grow up (oh)
But it’s time to grow up (grow up)
[Woman singing:]
倘若跌倒了 再站起來前行
And if you fall, get back up
僅需銘記 成長之路每個人都必經
And just remember, everybody gotta grow up
倘若跌倒了 再站起來前行
And if you fall, get back up
不要忘記 成長之路每個人都必經
And just remember, everybody gotta grow up
茁壯成長 成長 成長之路每個人都必經
Grow up, Grow, everybody gotta grow up
所有人 每個人都要成長前行
Everybody, everybody gotta grow up
[King Lil G:]
兄弟們請相信我 你們終將過的如意
Believe me homie, you can make it


