Rich Gaspari,里奇 蓋斯帕里,出生於1963年5月16日,曾是一位活躍於20世紀80年代到90年代初的職業健美運動員。

退役之後,於2001年Gaspari創辦了自己的專業健身營養補充劑的公司,以自己的名字命名,叫做Gaspari Nutrition,中文名字叫做蓋世營養。
該公司推出了一系列健身營養食品,其中最出名的兩款產品名字叫"SuperPump250(氮泵)" 和"Size ON(肌酸)"。
MyoFusion™ Protein – 緩釋乳清蛋白粉
IntraPro™ Pure Whey Protein Isolate – 分離乳清蛋白粉
Real Mass™ Protein – 增肌粉
Novedex XT™ – 睪酮促進劑
PlasmaJet™ - 30 Day Supply – 液態氮氧增肌素
CytoleanV2 – 脂肪燃燒彈
2004年Gaspari入選IFBB Hall of Fame (國際健聯名人堂)。
1983 NPC Junior Nationals Overall Winner
1983 NPC Junior Nationals HeavyWeight, 1st
1983 NPC Nationals HeavyWeight, 6th
1984 NPC Nationals Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
1984 World IFBB Amateur Championships Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
1985 IFBB Night of Champions 2nd
1985 IFBB Mr. Olympia 3rd
1986 IFBB Los Angeles Pro Championships Winner
1986 IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
1986 IFBB World Pro Championships Winner
1987 IFBB Grand Prix France Winner
1987 IFBB Grand Prix Germany 2nd
1987 IFBB Grand Prix Germany (2) Winner
1987 IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix England 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix France Winner
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Germany Winner
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Greece 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Italy Winner
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Spain (2) 2nd
1988 IFBB Grand Prix Spain Winner
1988 IFBB Mr. Olympia 2nd
1989 IFBB Arnold Classic Winner
1989 IFBB Mr. Olympia 4th
1990 IFBB Mr. Olympia 5th
1991 IFBB Arnold Classic 7th
1991 IFBB Mr. Olympia 10th
1992 IFBB Arnold Classic 13th
1994 IFBB Chicago Pro Invitational 16th
1994 IFBB Niagara Falls Pro Invitational 15th
1994 IFBBNight of Champions- Did not place
1995 IFBB Canada Pro Cup 5th
1995 IFBB Night of Champions 12th
1996 IFBB Canada Pro Cup 11th
1996 IFBB Florida Pro Invitational 12th
1996 IFBB San Jose Pro Invitational 16th