英文歌詞 | 中文歌詞 |
I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh you can't put out all these flames You can't keep me down in my seat I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh those get out of this place If you can't take the heat Fire I tripped and I stumbled Watched my world crumble Sometimes you eat dirt You live and you learn The lamb and the lions The tigers and titans Afraid to get hurt But now I'm making them purr I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh you can't put out all these flames You can't keep me down in my seat I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh go get out of the blaze If you can't take the heat Fire Fire Was drowning in quicksand Nobody grabbed my hand Thought it buried me Instead I'm set free Moving on to bigger things I begin to spread my wings No longer in chains I'm dancing over these flames I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh you can't put out these flames You can't keep me down in my seat I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh go get out of the blaze If you can't take the heat Fire Fire I got fire This may not be Not be perfect But I'm happy And I've earned it Every tear shed,we'll be worth it Step by step Ain't looking back I've no regrets It's fire I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh you can't put out these flames You can't keep me down in my seat I got fire under my feet And I feel it in my heartbeat Oh go get out of the blaze If you can't take the heat Fire Fire Yeah yeah yeah I got fire I got fire Yeah yeah yeah Yeah yeah yeah Yeah Fire fire fire fire Can you feel it Fire Can you feel it Can you keep it Can you hold me Can you hang that Can you feel it Can you feel it Fire Can't put out these flames | 熊熊烈火蔓延足下 我心跳為之灼熱加速 你無法撲滅這跳動的火焰 更不能輕易將我擊垮 熊熊烈火吞噬雙足 伴隨著我的心跳咆哮 你可以突破這火焰 若你不能承受這熱度 盡情燃燒吧! 我步履蹣跚 眼睜睜地看著我的世界湮滅 你時常含垢忍辱 你活著並感悟著 羔羊與獅子 老虎與巨人 曾害怕受傷 但現在我卻讓他們臣服 熊熊烈火蔓延足下 我心跳為之灼熱加速 你無法撲滅這跳動的火焰 更不能輕易將我擊垮 熊熊烈火吞噬雙足 伴隨著我的心跳咆哮 你可以突破這火焰 若你不能承受這熱度 咆哮吧! 怒吼吧! 身陷流沙之中 無人給以幫助 以為會深埋地底 反而我重獲自由 向更遠大的事物進發 我暨展翅高飛 不再有枷鎖束縛 我翩翩飛舞在這熊熊火焰之上 熊熊烈火蔓延足下 我心跳為之灼熱加速 你無法撲滅這跳動的火焰 更不能輕易將我擊垮 熊熊烈火吞噬雙足 伴隨著我的心跳咆哮 你可以突破這火焰 若你不能承受這熱度 燃燒吧! 熊熊之火! 這一切也許 也許不完美 但我為之振奮 樂在其中 所有流過的眼淚 都是值得的 腳踏實地 永不回頭 不留遺憾 花火綻放 熊熊烈火蔓延足下 我心跳為之灼熱加速 你無法撲滅這跳動的火焰 更不能輕易將我擊垮 熊熊烈火吞噬雙足 伴隨著我的心跳咆哮 你可以突破這火焰 若你不能承受這熱度 烈火! 燃燒! 耶耶耶 我縱情燃燒!我沸騰澎湃! 耶耶耶 耶耶耶 耶耶耶 熾熱火焰! 君可有悟 心之烈焰 君可有悟 不可抵擋 緊緊把握 無法承受 君可有悟 君可有悟 烈焰火光 無法撲滅這烈焰火光 |
《Fire Under My Feet》是一首融合流行音樂、節奏藍調、靈魂樂和福音元素的歌曲。歌曲的音調為#c小調,節奏為四四拍 ,內部設有每分鐘103次的節拍 。而作為錄唱歌手,麗安娜·劉易斯的聲音介於G#到G#之間 。