CARMEN R. Lorch (ex Schäfer) - Vocals (Fangorn (Ger), Ferro Ignique, Guest in brainstorm (Ger), Guest in Wolfswinter, Mighty D.)
Lisa Lasch - Vocals
Jo Lang - Guitar
Chriz DiAnno - Bass
Mats Kurth - Drums (Lyfthrasyr, Might of Lilith)
Fabian Merkt - Keyboards
Lux Nocti發行時間:2007年10月01日

01. Interrotte Speranze, Pt.1
02. Scream of the Butterfly
03. Silberlicht
04. Dunkle Blume
05. My Rose Desire
06. Winter
07. Hot & Cold
08. Requiem Tabernam
09. Ich ATME Zeit
10. In Remembrance
11. Volles LebenPorta Obscura

01. Prologue
02. Exitus
03. Fallen
04. In Silence
05. Beauty in Black
06. Cast My Spell
07. In Your Hands
08. Mein Herz
09. Am Kreuz
10. Der Vierter Reiter
11. Strahlendster Erster
12. Flos Obscura
13. Volles Leben 2002Fabula Magna

01. Intro
02. Geisterkirche
03. Tantalos
04. Wolfstanz
05. Der Fluch
06. Flying By (Alone)
07. Kristallklares Wasser
08. How Far
09. Der Letzte Tanz
10. Est Carmen...
11. Blind
12. Josy
13. Scream of the Butterfly (Speci)
14. Hot and Cold (Rework2009)