

百無禁忌的Busted是由來自Southend-On-Sea的十八歲派對狂男孩JamesBourne,來自Ipswich現年才16歲的CharlieSimpson,他長得活像是Caivin Klein廣告模特,以及18歲髮型超酷的Matt Jay所組成。三位團員的相識過程非常的簡單,Mattie和James兩人是在Southend的一場派對中一拍即合、決定一起組團,但因為還缺一位團員,所以在報紙上登了廣告,因此Charlie在2001年10月加入。出道短短的時間以來,以極具感染力的男孩活力,以吉他為基調的流行搖滾樂風征服了英國金榜,虜獲了無數歌迷的心!首發專輯躍登英國金榜亞軍,迅速突破白金唱片銷量,“What I GoTo School For”與“Year 3000”接力跳上單曲榜TOP3之列! 如果你還搞不懂Busted到底是什麼調調?那就想像一下電影《美國派》男主角Jason Biggs(James)、 性格演員James Dean(Charlie),以及英國電視影集《East Enders》中的角色Billy(Matt) 湊在一起,鬼靈精怪中帶點復古個性神采,差不多就是這樣啦!
Busted有一托拉庫好貨。首發單曲 “What I Go To School For”是這三個搞怪高校生寫給叫做Miss Mackenzie老師的歌,爆發的吉他和激昂流動的聲線超級精彩!拿下英國金榜No.2的單曲“Year 3000”讓Busted直接快轉998年,帶領樂迷進行異想逗趣的時光旅行,在英國金榜TOP10足足待了7個星期!“All The Way”在Charlie的解讀下是一首被女孩子牽著鼻子走的歌;因被女仔拋棄得名的“Losing You”是一首心碎抒情曲,而有著流暢悅耳旋律的“Psycho Girl”則自我解嘲的意味濃厚。另外,喜歡 小甜甜的三個少男還特地寫了一首獻給小甜甜布蘭妮的情歌“Britney”。如果你想了解當代英國年輕人的生活縮影、青春光明的音樂生命力、引人入勝的吉他彈奏,那你一定得聽聽Busted。活潑有趣無厘頭,流行搖滾有聽頭,帥氣LOOK有看頭,這就是Busted!
Matt Willis
Birthday:8th May 1983
James Bourne
Birthday:13th September 1983
Charlie Simpson
Birthday:7th June 1985
Charlie Simpson是名來自英格蘭的創作歌手,於2001年進入歌壇,現簽約於“PIAS”音樂公司。
Charlie Simpson是“Busted”樂隊的成員,而這個樂隊是英國音樂大獎“ BRIT Award”的得主。
Charlie Simpson也是搖滾樂隊“Fightstar”的主唱及主音吉他手。
多才多藝的Charlie Simpson即是歌手,也會寫歌,懂得吉他,也會鍵盤、鋼琴和架子鼓!
“Young Pilgrim”這張專輯是Charlie Simpson的第一張獨立專輯,由“Danton Supple”編輯
專輯音樂風格為:Acoustic, folk, indie rock。

Busted: Without You
The way you always made me look at you
With all the simple things you said
The way so many things surrounded you
And all the tears it seemed to make
And now I'm falling
There's nothing left to say
And I can't break free
Out from in me there
And I can't breathe without you
I can't breathe without you
I can't breathe without you
Without you, without you, without you
The way I never thought I'd leave this place
The way you made it seem so real
Cause you have faith and you had empathy
And all I needed was this
And now we're falling
Got nothing left to say?
And I can't break free
Out from in me there
And I can't breathe without you
I can't breathe without you
I can't breathe without you
Without you, without you, without you
How can I let you leave this way?
Without you I'm not at all
And I see things now in these memories
Just to see you...again
Busted: Year 3000
one day when i came home at lunchtime,
i heard a funny noise
went out to the back yard to find out if it was,
one of those rowdy boys.
stood there with my neighbour called peter,
and a Flux Capacitor.
he told me he built a time machine
like the one in a film i've seen,
yeah yeah... he said...
i've been to the year three thousand
not much has changed but they lived under water,
and your great great great grand daughter,
is pretty fine (is pretty fine)
he took me to the future in the flux thing and i saw everything,
boybands and another one and another one ... and another one!
triple breasted women swim around town... totally naked!
we drove round in a time machine,
like the one in the film i've seen..
yeah yeah... he said...
i've been to the year three thousand
not much has changed but they lived under water,
and your great great great grand daughter,
is pretty fine (is pretty fine)
i took a trip to the year 3 thousand
this song had gone multi platinum,
everybody bought our 7th album.
it had outsold michael jackson,
i took a trip to the year 3 thousand
this song had gone multi platinum,
everybody bought our 7th album, 7th album.
he told me he built a time machine
like the one in a film i've seen,
yeah yeah... he said...
PS:美國當紅punk樂隊jonas brothers翻唱過“year 3000"
busted 是《飛哥與小佛》
中十大金曲中的第三名,由凱蒂絲和 凡妮莎演唱。
I can see the things you doing(我可以看清你做的事情)
And you think that I'm naive(別以為我還天真)
But when I get the goods on you(但是只要找到一些證據)
She'll finally believe(她終究會相信)
She says it's all just drama(而她說我太戲劇化)
But every bubble's got to pop(但泡泡總有天破滅)
She's gonna see just what you're doing(她對你徹底了解後)
And then your finally gonna have to STOP(你就必須要停止這一切)
Don't think you're gonna win this time(別以為你可以逃避)
Cause you better believe I'm gonna drop a dime on you(最好相信這次會讓你死的很難看)
I'll get ya(我逮到)
I'll get ya(我逮到)
And when I do, you're gonna be busted(等我逮到你就要到大霉)
I don't wanna put the hurt on you(其實我不想要傷害你)
But you better believe me when I tell you(但你最好相信這一次)
That I've finally got the dirt on you(會努力找到所有邪惡證據)

she's finally gonna see the light(她最後一定明白)
This is how it's gonna be(結局就該是這樣)
When she finds out that I was always right(我說過的話攤在她面前)
There's a new cop on the beat (一個警察在執勤)
And I'm bringing down the heat(壞蛋休想要逃避)
My eyes are wise to all your lies(我睜大雙眼)
Cause you're not that discreet(注意著你的謊話不停)
And I don't care what you've heard(不論他們怎么說)
Cause there's one six letter word(只有我自己最懂)
It's gonna set me free(它讓我心開闊)
Gonna set me free(讓我心開闊)
It starts with a B(只要逮到)
Starts with a B(要逮到)
It goes B-U-S-T-E-D(你就是B-U-S-T-E-D)
you are BUSTED(你倒大霉)
I don't wanna put the hurt on you(其實我不想要傷害你)
But you better believe me when I tell you(但你最好相信這一次)
That I've finally got the dirt on you(會努力找到所有邪惡證據)
she's finally gonna see the light(她最後一定明白)
This is how it's gonna be(結局就該是這樣)
When she finds out that I was always right(我說過的話攤在她面前)