就是在愛沙尼亞,阿福的感覺也跟我們的一模一樣......我喜歡他的音樂,我喜歡他的勇氣和天份......他跟時代精神完全脫節,但卻是那么的受歡迎,真是發人深省。他的音樂滿足人心深處的需要,跟潮流一些關係也沒有。 ─史蒂夫·里奇

佩爾特所有作品一般可分為兩個時期。他的早期作品是嚴格的新古典風格作品,這是受簫斯達高維契、普羅歌菲夫、巴托的影響。後來他開始用荀白克的十二音技法和十二音階作曲。,這令當時的蘇聯政府很憤怒,結果亦證明這創作行不通。佩爾特的傳記作家保羅·希利爾(Paul Hillier)說:“......他完全失落到覺得音樂最無用,連寫一個音符的信心及意志也沒有。”
曼佛·艾赫(Manfred Eicher)於1984年錄了佩爾特的幾篇作品,歐西地區因而開始注意。 佩爾特曾經說過他的音樂猶如光通過三稜鏡:每人理解音樂都不同,夾雜在一起就好像彩虹般多種音樂體驗。
好幾齣戲,由1962年的“Väike motoroller”到2004年的“Promised Land”都用過佩爾特的音樂。 憶布列頓被利奧·卡拉克斯(Léos Carax)用於1991年的Les Amants du Pont-Neuf那裡,而被Michael Moore's於Fahrenheit 9/11用來襯托2001年9月11日紐約市的場面。Spiegel im Spiegel被 米克·尼高斯用於2001年的 Wit、2003年爬山紀錄片Touching the Void及格斯·范·桑特 2003年的 Gerry中,這裡亦用了Für Alina。
佩爾特篇新作《For Lennart》,在2006年4月2日愛沙尼亞總統倫納特·梅里的葬禮道有奏。
聲樂及樂團Our Garden, Cantata for children's chorus and orchestra (1959/2003)
Credo for chorus ----樂團與鋼琴獨奏 (1968)
Wallfahrtslied for tenor or baritone and string orchestra (1984/2000)
Te Deum for chorus, string orchestra and tape (1984-5, rev 1992)
Berlin Mass for chorus and organ or string orchestra (1992)
litany for soloists, chorus and orchestra (1994)
Como cierva sedienta for soprano, chorus and orchestra (1998)
Cantiques des degrés for chorus and orchestra (1999/2002)
Cecilia, vergine romana for chorus and orchestra (1999/2002)
In Principio for chorus and orchestra (2003)
An den Wassern zu Babel saßen wir und weinten for voices or choir and organ or ensemble (1976/1984)
Sarah Was Ninety Years Old for three voices, percussion and organ (1977/1990)
De profundis for chorus, percussion and organ (1980)
Passio Domini Nostri Jesu Christi secundum Joannem for soloists, vocal ensemble, choir and instrumental ensemble (1982)
Es sang vor langen Jahren for alto, violin and viola (1984)
Wallfahrtslied for tenor or baritone and string quartet (1984)
Stabat Mater for 3 voices and string trio (1985)
悲憐經 (Miserere) 給獨唱者、合唱、樂隊(1989)
Zwei Wiegenlieder for two women’s voices and piano (2002) L'Abbé Agathon 女高音、四支中提琴、四支大提琴(2004/2005)
Missa syllabica for chorus and organ (1977)
Summa for chorus (1977)
Magnificat for chorus (1989)
Bogoroditse Djevo for chorus (1990)
Dopo la Vittoria for chorus (1996)
慚悔卷 ( Kanon Pokajanen)-- 合唱 (1997)
Triodion for chorus (1998)
Which Was the Son of... (2000)
Nunc Dimittis for chorus (2001)
Peace upon you, Jerusalem for female chorus (2002)
Nekrolog for orchestra op.5 (1960)
Symphony No.1 for orchestra op.9 (1963)
Perpetuum mobile for orchestra op.10 (1963)
Symphony No.2 for orchestra (1966)
Symphony No.3 for orchestra (1971)
Wenn BachBienen gezüchtet hätte ... for piano, wind quintet, string orchestra and percussion (1976)
Fratres for chamber ensemble (1976 and on, many versions)
Arbos for brass and percussion (1977/1986)
Cantus In Memoriam Benjamin Britten ---弦樂團和鍾(1977)
Psalom --弦樂團 (1985/1995/1997)
Festina Lente --弦樂團和豎琴 (1988)
Summa --弦樂團 (1991)
Silouans Song --弦樂團 (1991)
Trisagion --弦樂團 (1992)
Mein Weg 十四支弦樂器和敲擊 (1999)
Orient & Occident --弦樂團 (2000)
Lennartile / Für Lennart -- 弦樂團(2006)
La Sindone for orchestra and percussion (2006)
Pro et Contra, Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1966, for Mstislav Rostropovich)
Credo for chorus, orchestra, and piano solo (1968)
Tabula Rasa, Double Concerto for two violins, string orchestra and prepared piano (1977)
Fratres for violin, string orchestra and percussion (1992)
Concerto piccolo über B-A-C-H for trumpet, string orchestra, harpsichord and piano (1994)
Darf ich ... for violin, bells and string orchestra (1995/1999)
Lamentate for piano and orchestra (2002)
Two Sonatinas, Op.1, for piano (1958)
Für Alina for piano (1976)
Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka for piano (1977)
Spiegel Im Spiegel for violin or cello and piano (1978)
Fratres for violin and piano (1980)
Summa for string quartet (1990)
Mozart-Adagio for violin, cello and piano (1992/1997, from Mozart's Piano Sonata in F major (K 280))
Passacaglia for violin and piano (2003)
Annum per Annum (organ) Pari Intervallo (organ)
^ (Even in Estonia, Arvo was getting the same feeling that we were all getting. )