





Join millions of Wizards today and save the Spiral!
The forces of evil are gathering.
The former professor of Death Magic, Malistaire Drake, has marshaled flights of ghosts, floats of kroks, and herds of helephants to create chaos in the worlds of the Spiral.
Merle Ambrose and the faculty of the Ravenwood School of Magical Arts have stood to challenge Malistaire and his evil. But they need the help of student Wizards like you that are willing to learn the ways of magic and use it for good.
Will you come to Wizard City and challenge this threat?
死亡魔法的前教授(或黑魔法),Malistaire Drake(人名),已經集結鬼的飛行隊,krok(某種生物)們的船隊和成群的象怪用來在Spiral地區造成破壞。
Merle Ambrose 和魔法藝術學院教授已經站出來去挑戰Malistaire和他的惡行。但他們需要從像你一樣學習使用魔法的方法並正確使用它們的學生巫師中得到幫助。





Discover Magic
1.加入一個學校 Join A School
2.學習魔法 Learn Magic
3.收穫能量 Gain Power


Explore the World
1.參觀巫師城 Visit Wizard City
2. 參觀格林海姆 Visit Grizzleheim
3.參觀克羅克托帕 Visit Krokotopia
4.參觀馬拉利本 Visit Marleybone
5.參觀摩蘇 Visit Mooshu
6.參觀火龍大殿 Visit Dragonspyre
7.參觀克里斯提亞 Visit Celestia


Learn the Story
1.關於Ravenwood學校的故事 Ravenwood School
2.關於惡魔的首領的故事 Forces Of Evil
3.Spiral的歷史 Story Of The Spiral


Origin of Magic(魔法的起源)

Although magic existed before the written word, it derives from well-known sources. The magic of Fire, Ice, and Storm comes from ancient Titans that ruled the world in the Days Before. The magic of Myth, Life, and Death come from the power of the mind, body, and spirit of the Wizard casting them. The magic of Balance combines all of them.
Each school of magic is very different and has its own philosophy, rhythm, and nature that combine with the elements of the universe.

風暴學院(Storm School)

座右銘:能想像的,就能達到。That which can be imagined, can be achieved.
Storm Magic is all about creativity. It represents that flash of insight, or the spark of inspiration that makes you yell, "Eureka!" It is about the pleasure of catching lightning in a bottle. Wizards that embrace the School of Storm, known as Diviners, are driven by the thrill of investigation and discovery, the joys of invention and ingenuity, the power of creating and building. The drawback to such pursuits is the tendency to get lost in the maze of thoughts and being paralyzed to make a decision. Diviners use Verses to charm, enthrall or hypnotize creatures to help them.
Storm Magic has roots in the power of the majestic Storm Lords, the race of Titans that ruled the seas in the Days Before.
The Storm School will train its student wizards to do a lot of damage. Storm Wizards have the ability to unleash high amounts of damage from an early level, which is good, but they place too much emphasis on power, and therefore suffer in terms of accuracy. They also have the least amount of base health points of any of the schools. When enemies cast damage buffs on themselves or damage reducers on a friendly player, storm wizards can remove those spells.

生命學院(Life School)

座右銘:既然我們被創造,因此我們必須創造。As we have been Created, so must we Create.
Life is spirit, the force of awareness and existence. It is about constant growth and movement. Practitioners of Life Magic, known as Theurgists, are positive, enthusiastic people who seek to appreciate the simple pleasures. At times, however, they can be too flighty or frivolous when circumstances demand otherwise. Theurgists use Songs to breathe life and spirit into a vessel. Unlike other magic, which relies on Summoning, coercing or beseeching, Life Magic harnesses the power of the Song of Creation to create something new. Scholars believe that Theurgy channels the tapestry of music from which the Spiral was created, and that in echoing portions of the great symphony, a Wizard can bring forth and create Life where none previously existed.
Life Magic rests between Fire and Storms, for the spark of Life comes from those two forces.
The Life School will train its student wizards to heal themselves and other players. Life Wizards are given the ability to heal themselves the most effectively, as well as the unique ability to heal other players. Combined with this, they do low to moderate damage attack spells with extremely high accuracy rates. They also possess the sole group heal spell.

火焰學院(Fire School)

座右銘:如果頭腦像蠟燭,那么心靈就像太陽。If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.
Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line, having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out! Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding.Fire Magic traces its origins back to the fierce Fire Dragons, the race of Titans that ruled the land in the Days Before.
The Fire School will train its student wizards to do damage over time. Fire Wizards pile on spells that will continually do damage to the enemy. Initially these spells will not do much damage, but they eventually stack for possible large amounts of damage in short amounts of time. Fire wizards also learn the ability to stun, which disables the enemy from acting for one turn. They can heal themselves enough to get by, but nothing substantial.

天平學院(Balance School)

座右銘:蠑螈的眼睛,和青蛙的腳趾,蝙蝠的毛,和狗的舌頭。Eye of newt, and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat, and Tongue of Dog.
The Magic of Balance is harmony and finding equality in all things. It draws on elements from each of the other schools, incorporating bits and pieces of those other energies to fill in the spaces between the Schools. Wizards who focus on Balance Magic, known as Sorcerers, are broad-minded. In their minds, all things deserve consideration, and there may be many answers to a single question. The drawback to this point of view, is a tendency to seem impassive or indecisive and never willing to embrace a side or position. Sorcerers use transmutation to blend the forces of the other schools for their spells.
sorcery does not draw upon internal aspects of the caster, nor does it rely on external forces. Instead, it is the creation of something new by combining elements in unique and powerful ways.
The Balance School will train its student wizards to be effective in group play. Balance Wizards are most effective in group play because they have the ability to buff other players as well as themselves. Although effective in group-play, they can still sufficiently play alone. They have a little bit of everything, which allows them to surpass most monster resistances, heal themselves a little bit, and buff players.

死亡學院(Death School)

座右銘:毀了我死亡的恐懼。“Timor mortis conturbat me.” (The Fear of Death Confounds Me)
The Death School will train its student wizards to steal and support themselves. Death Wizards belong to an advanced school, simply because most of their spells take multiple step combinations to use effectively.
Their spells aren’t the strongest, but some have the ability to absorb health from the enemy, which serves as a way for them to heal themselves. They have many preparatory spells that allow them to build up high-damage spells.
Death is about ending and closure. All things pass eventually, and time cannot be held back forever. Wizards devoted to Death Magic, known as Necromancers, understand this fact about everything around them and strive to face it without fear. They try to make the most of their time. Beware, though; some Wizards become morbid or try to cheat death through undeath. Necromancers use Whispers to strengthen their will, and draw on the power of courage to channel their own fears out of themselves and at their opponents. Death Magic sits between Ice and Storms, for the cold energy of undeath draws on those two forces.

神話學院(Myth School)

座右銘:為了控制未來,必須回望過去。To control the Future, one must look to the Past.
Myth is imagination. The power of the mind, and everything it can create, drives Myth Magic. It is illusion and dreams made real. If the Wizard can conceive it, it can be brought forth and even brought to life. Beware, though, for when imagination becomes too fanciful and whimsical, dreams can escape control and run wild. Wizards of the Myth School, known as Conjurers, use Naming to summon beasts of legend by memorizing and calling out their True Name.
Myth dwells between Fire and Ice, for that is where the shadows lie, and Myths are the shadowy forms of thought made real.
The Myth School will train its student wizards to summon minions. Myth Wizards eventually get four different types of minions, each with a little different function. They have their own moderate damage spells with moderate accuracy, but a lot of their more functional spells deal with buffing, healing, and protecting their minions. They also have the ability of taking down defenses on other players, so if someone is stacking a bunch of defensive spells, a Myth wizard can get rid of them.

雪學院(Ice School)

座右銘:有了堅持,勝利是有保證的。(堅持就是勝利)“. . . with Persistence, Victory is assured.”
Ice Magic is all about persistence, slow but steady progression and advancement, like the great glaciers forever sliding across the landscape. Those who embrace the power of Ice, known as Thaumaturges, exhibit great patience and strength, but as a result they sometimes become rigid and inflexible. Thaumaturges use Chants to bargain or plead with Ice creatures to serve them.
Ice Magic has its origins in the great Ice Giants, a race of Titans that built massive castles in the sky in the Days Before.
The Ice School will train its student wizards to take high amounts of damage and survive. Ice Wizards have the highest natural health points and defenses which enable them to take large amounts of damage without dying. It is very hard to defeat them. A lot of their functional spells have to do with increasing their defenses and absorbing damage. They also have the ability to taunt enemies, which forces the enemy to focus attacks on them. This can come in handy when playing in a group.




Halston Balestrom
Fashionable hats 時尚帽子
Kites 風箏
Patent officers 專利人員
Naysayers 反對者
Favorite Spell(最喜歡的法術):
Lightning bats 閃光拍子
Favorite Food(最喜歡的食物):
Pizza 披薩


Moolinda Wu
Flowers 花
Rainbows 彩虹
Mean people 有內涵的人
Favorite Spell:
Sanctuary 避難咒
Favorite Food:
Chocolate chip cookie dough 朱古力餅乾麵團


Dalia Falmea
Soft jazz 輕爵士樂
Sunrises 日出
Snow Skiing 滑雪
Casual wear 休閒裝
Favorite Spell:
Summon Fire Elemental 召喚火元素
Favorite Food:
Pasta Arrabiata 某種麵食


Arthur Wethersfield
Travelling 旅遊
Hospitality 招待費
Lost luggage 行李丟失
Tardiness 緩慢
Favorite Spell:
Balance Blade 平衡刀片
Favorite Food:
Scones 烤餅


Malistaire Drake
長相: 類似斯內普,不過有類似盧修斯的魔杖。(食死徒的特徵混合體吧
Moonlight 月光
Symphonies 交響曲
Reunions 團員
Team sports 團隊運動
Favorite Spells:
Beguile 欺騙
Animate 動畫
Favorite Food:
Monk fish with leeks 魚和韭菜


Cyrus Drake
長相:光頭,黃衣服,鷹鉤鼻,長臉= = 這個更像斯內普,是個人類。
Quiet 安靜
Research 研究
Everything, except quiet and research 一切,除了安靜和研究
Favorite Spell:
Earthquake 地震
Favorite Food:
Sushi 壽司(看來是個日本人)


Lydia Greyrose
Cookies 餅乾
Knitting 針織
Windy days 颳風天
Tardiness 緩慢
Favorite Spell:
Tower shield 塔盾
Favorite Food:
Toffee 奶糖





在這嚴冬的酷寒中,遙遠的大洋彼岸的網遊世界中卻默默進行著一場溫馨的“交易”:哈利波特題材網遊《魔法學院101》(Wizard101)的開發者KingsIsle Entertainment公司作出承諾:他們在遊戲中出售一種白老虎坐騎,全部銷售所得將捐獻給當地兩家兒童慈善機構——奧斯丁兒童收容所和兒童遊戲院,以促進保護兒童的慈善事業。從活動開始的2009年12月14日到2010年的1月5日,短短20餘日,玩家們共同籌集了12萬6000美元善款。按照每隻坐騎15美元的價格計算,共有8400隻白老虎得以售出。白老虎全面占領《魔法學院101》。
奧斯丁兒童收容所和兒童遊戲院(Austin Children’s Shelter and Child’s Play)是當地奧斯丁社區中兩家從事兒童慈善事業的機構。兒童收容所專門接納被遺棄和虐待的兒童;兒童遊戲院是一家遊戲工業的慈善機構,專門為全世界醫院中的孩子們提供玩具和遊戲用品等。
KingsIsle Entertainment公司的CEO埃利·阿基連(Elie Akilian)說:“在《魔法學院101》中,玩家們真正的展現了什麼叫‘人多力量大’。我們非常激動的看到遊戲中社區裡的人們幫助了兩個非常好的機構。”
《魔法學院101》是一款結合魔法和卡牌的網路遊戲,非常適合孩子和父母一起遊戲。遊戲的內容對青少年很有親和力,最近剛剛獲得2008年度父母測試認可媒體大獎,並被娛樂軟體分級組織ESRB列為E10+級別。玩家將在遊戲中以魔法學校學員的身份鑽研魔法,並通過與其他玩家之間的魔法對戰展開娛樂。對戰模式從1對1到最多4對4的團體戰。 《魔法學院101》的世界是一個魔法師的世界,人物角色進入“魔法學校”學習,跟同學們一起鑽研各種魔法,一起修行,最終掌握如何去控制以及使用魔法,成為一名“魔法師”!然後帶著你的魔法去遠方冒險,運用你的魔力去擊敗怪物拯救自己的同伴!



