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獲得第五屆施維雅青年藥物化學獎,在J. Am. Chem. Soc、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Nature Chem. Biol.、PNAS、Org. lett、Antimicrob. Agents Chemother.、ChemBioChem、J. Nat. Prod. 等化學和生物學領域發表論文90篇(其中SCI論文65篇),多篇論文被Nature Chemical Biology, Faculty of 1000, Science-Perspectives和Global Medical Discovery等評為研究亮點,申請發明專利13項,其中6項獲專利證書。






2006.07—2008.02,美國威斯康星–麥迪遜大學 (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 藥學院,美國國家藥物研究與開發協作組成員,助理研究員(Assistant Researcher)。

2003.03—2006.07, 美國威斯康星–麥迪遜大學 (University of Wisconsin- Madison) 藥學院天然產物及其生物合成實驗室,研究助理(Research Associate)。



1. 學科組團隊成員。副研究員兩名:馬俊英(博士,副研,分子生物學),黃洪波(博士,副研,天然產物化學);助理研究員3名:宋永相(博士,助研,天然產物化學),王博(博士,助研,微生物學、分子生物學),丁傑(博士,助研,藥理學);博士後1名,博士生3名,碩士生4名,聯合培養碩士生1名,已畢業博士生2名,碩士生5名。

2. 招收碩士/博士研究生。招生專業一:海洋生物學(方向1:海洋微生物代謝工程、海洋生物技術;方向2:海洋微生物天然藥物化學);招生專業二:生物工程。每年9月份接受985、211工程院校生物技術、生物工程、化學和藥學專業推薦免試直博生或碩士生1名,接受聯合培養碩士/博士研究生。

3. 招收博士後、創新崗位助理研究員/副研究員。歡迎分子生物學/微生物學、天然產物化學或藥理學領域的博士學位獲得者或博士後出站人員發email聯繫。



(1)海洋微生物活性次級代謝產物的發現(Marine Bioactive Natural Products Discovery)。利用化學生態學原理和多種發酵培養技術,從海洋微生物中篩選、分離和鑑定結構新穎、活性顯著的生物活性物質。研究海洋微生物產生的活性物質在特定海洋生態系統中的化學防禦機理;發現生理活性顯著藥物先導化合物,為開發具有我國獨立智慧財產權的創新藥物提供物質基礎。

(2)海洋微生物複雜活性天然產物的代謝工程和組合生物合成(Metabolic Engineering and Combinatorial Biosynthesis of Complex Bioactive Natural Products)。包括:抗生素生物合成基因簇的克隆、序列測定和生物信息學分析;重要活性化合物產生菌全基因組的序列測定及其功能基因研究;新的生物合成途徑的發現及其調控機制;基因阻斷、置換、重組或異源表達構建工程菌,產生“非天然”的天然產物或提高目標天然產物的產量;利用基因克隆、蛋白表達、純化手段,對酶促反應機理和動力學進行表征,發掘新型酶促反應催化劑;重要活性天然產物的體外全生物合成(in vitro total biosynthesis),體外構建重要天然產物的生物合成途徑,用生物酶快速合成天然產物衍生物庫。


1. Wang, B.; Song, Y.; Luo, M.; Chen, Q.; Ma, J.; Huang, H.; Ju, J.* Biosynthesis of 9-methylstreptimidone involves a new decarboxylative step for polyketide terminal diene formation. Org. Lett.

2. Zhang, Y.; Zhou, X.; Huang, H.; Tian, X.; Song, Y.; Zhang, S.; Ju, J.* 03219A, a new Δ8,9-pregnene isolated from Streptomyces sp. SCSIO 03219 obtained from a South China Sea sediment. J. Antibiot.

3. Mo, X.; Ma, J.; Huang, H.; Wang, B.; Song, Y.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* D11,12-double bond formation in tirandamycin biosynthesis is atypically catalyzed by TrdE, a glycoside hydrolase family enzyme. J. Am. Chem. Soc.

4. Zhu,Q.; Li, J.; Ma, J.;Luo, M.;Wang, B.; Huang, H.; Tian, X.; Li, W.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* Discovery and engineered overproduction of antimicrobial nucleoside antibiotic A201A from deep sea marine actinomycete Marinactinospora thermotolerans SCSIO 00652. Antimicrob. Agents. Chemother

5. Xie, Y.; Wang, B.; Liu, J.; Zhou, J.; Ma, J.; Huang, H.; Ju, J.* Identification of the biosynthetic gene cluster and regulatory cascade for the synergistic antibacterial antibiotics griseoviridin and viridogrisein in Streptomyces griseoviridis. ChemBioChem

6. Ma, J.; Zuo, D.; Song, Y.; Huang, H.; Yao, Y.; Li, W.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* Characterization of a single gene cluster that is responsible for methylpendolmycin and pendolmycin biosynthesis in the deep sea bacterium Marinactinospora thermotolerans. ChemBioChem

7. Huang, H.; Yang, T.; Ren, X.; Liu, J.; Song,Y.; Sun, A.; Ma, J.; Zhang, Y.; Huang, C.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* Cytotoxic angucycline class glycosides from the deep sea actinomycete Streptomyces lusitanus SCSIO LR32. J. Nat. Prod.

8. Chen, Z.; Song, Y.; Chen, Y.; Huang, H.; Zhang, W.; Ju, J.* Cyclic heptapeptides, codyheptapeptides C–E, from marine-derived fungus Acremonium persicinum SCSIO 115. J. Nat. Prod.

9. Huang, H.; Wang, F.; Luo, M.; Chen, Y.; Song, Y.; Wang, B.; Ma, J.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, S.; Ju, J.* Halogenated anthranquinones from the deep sea-derived fungus Aspergillus sp. SCSIO F063

10. Zhou, X.; Huang, H.; Chen, Y.; Tan, J.; Song, Y.; Zou, J.; Tian, X.; Hua, Y.; Ju, J.* Marthiapeptide A, an anti-infective and cytotoxic polythiazole cyclopeptide from a 60-L scale fermentation of the deep sea-derived marinactinospora thermotolerans

11. Chen, Z.; Zheng, Z.; Huang, H.; Song, Y.; Zhang, X.; Ma, J.; Wang, B.; Zhang C.; Ju, J.* Penicacids A-C, three new mycophenolic acid derivatives and immunosuppressive activities from the marine-derived fungus Penicillium sp. SOF07. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.

12. Ma, J.; Wang, Z.; Huang, H.; Zuo, D.; Luo, M.; Wang, B.; Sun, A.; Cheng, Y.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* Biosynthesis of himastatin: Assembly line and characterization of three cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in the post-tailoring oxidative steps. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed

13. Mo, X.; Huang, H.; Ma, J.; Wang, Z.; Wang, B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, C.; Ju J.* Characterization of TrdL as a 10-hydroxy dehydrogenase and generation of new analogues from a tirandamycin biosynthetic pathway. Org. Lett.

14. Huang, H.; Yao, Y.; He, Z.; Yang, T.; Ma, J.; Tian, X.; Li, Y.; Huang, C.; Chen, X.; Li, W.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* Antimalarial b-carboline and indolactam alkaloids from Marinactinospora thermotolerans, a deep sea isolate. J. Nat. Prod

15. Mo, X.; Wang, Z.; Wang, B.; Ma, J.; Huang, H.; Tian, X.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* Cloning and characterization of the biosynthetic gene cluster of the bacterial RNA polymerase inhibitor tirandamycin from marine-derived Streptomyces sp. SCSIO1666. Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun

16. Chen, Z.; Huang, H; Chen, Y.; Wang, Z.; Ma, J.; Wang, B.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, C.; Ju, J.* New cytochalasins from the marine-derived fungus Xylaria sp. SCSIO 156. Helv. Chim. Acta.

17. Ma, M.; Kwong, T.; Lim, S.-K.; Ju, J.; Lohman, J. R.; Shen, B.* Post-polyketide synthase steps in iso-migrastatin biosynthesis, featuring tailoring enzymes with broad substrate specificity. J. Am. Chem. Soc.

18. Huang, Y.; Huang, S. X.; Ju, J.; Tang, G.; Liu, T.; Shen, B.* Characterization of the lnmKLM genes unveiling key intermediates for b-alkylation in leinamycin biosynthesis. Org. Lett

19. Schneider-Poetsch, T.; Ju, J.; Eyler, D. E.; Dang, Y.; Bhat, S.; Merrick, W. C.; Green, R.; Shen, B.; Liu, J. O*. Inhibition of eukaryotic translation elongation by cycloheximide and lactimidomycin. Nat. Chem. Bio

20. Ju, J.; Rajski, S.R.; Lim S.K.; Seo, J.W.; Peters, N.R.; Hoffmann, F.M., Shen, B.* Lactimidomycin, iso-migrastatin and related glutarimide-containing 12-membered macrolides are extremely potent inhibitors of cell migration. J. Am. Chem. Soc

21. Ju, J.; Li, W.; Yuan, Q.; Peters, N.R.; Hoffmann, F.M., Rajski, S.R.; Osada, H.; Shen, B.* Functional characterization of ttmM unveils new tautomycin analogs and insight into tautomycin biosynthesis and activity. Org. Lett

22. Ju, J.; Lim, S.K.; Jiang, H.; Seo, J.W.; Shen, B.* Isomigrastatin congeners from Streptomyces platensis and generation of a glutarimide polyketide library featuring the dorrigocin, lactimidomycin, migrastatin, and NK30424 scaffolds. J. Am. Chem Soc

23. Ju, J.; Lim, S.K.; Jiang, H.; Shen, B.* Migrastatin and dorrigocins are shunt metabolites of iso-migrastatin. J. Am. Chem. Soc

24. Ju, J.; Seo, J.-W.; Her, Y.; Lim, S.-K; Shen, B*. New lactimidomycin congeners shed insight into lactimidomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces amphibiosporus. Org. Lett

25. Ju, J.; Lim, S.-K; Jiang, H.; Seo, J.-W.; Her, Y.; Shen, B*. Thermolysis of isomigrastatin and its congeners via [3,3]-sigmatropic rearrangement: a new route to the synthesis of migrastatin and its analogues. Org. Lett

26. u, J.; Ozanick, S.G.; Shen, B.; Thomas, M.G.* Conversion of (2S)-arginine to (2S, 3R)-capreomycidine by VioC and VioD from the viomycin biosynthetic pathway of Streptomyces sp. strain ATCC11861. ChemBioChem

27. Kennedy, D.R.; Ju, J.; Shen, B.; Beerman, T.A.* Designer enediynes generate DNA breaks, interstrand cross-links, or both, with concomitant changes in the regulation of DNA damage responses. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A

28. Zhang, J.; Lanen, S.G.V.; Ju, J.; Liu, W.; Dorrestein, P.C.; Li, W.; Kelleher, N.; Shen, B.* A phosphopantetheinylating polyketide synthase producing a linear polyene to initiate enediyne antitumor antibiotic biosynthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A

29. Luo, Y.; Li, W.; Ju, J.; Yuan, Q., Peters, N.R.; Hoffmann, F.M.; Huang, S.; Bugni, T. S.; Rajski, S.; Osada, H.; Shen, B.* Functional characterization of TtnD and TtnF, unveiling new insights into tautomycetin biosynthesis. J. Am. Chem. Soc

30. Zhao, C.; Coughlin, J. M.; Ju, J.; Zhu, D.; Wendt-Pienkowski, E.; Zhou, X.; Wang, Z.; Shen, B.*; Deng, Z.* Oxazolomycin biosynthesis in Streptomyces albus JA3453 featuring an “acyltransferase-less” type I polyketide synthase that incorporates two distinct extender units. J. Biol. Chem

31. Chen, Y.; Wendt-Pienkowski, E.; Ju, J.; Lin, S.; Rajski, S.R.; Shen, B.* Characterization of FdmV as an amide synthetase for fredericamycin A biosynthesis in Streptomyces griseus ATCC 43944. J. Biol. Chem

32. Lim, S.K.; Ju, J.; Zazopoulos, E.; Jiang, H.; Seo, J.-W., Chen, Y.; Feng, Z.; Rajski, S.R.; Farnet, C. M.; Shen, B*. iso-Migrastatin, migrastatin, and dorrigocin production in Streptomyces platensis NRRL 18993 is governed by a single biosynthetic machinery featuring an acyltransferase-less type I polyketide synthase. J. Biol. Chem

33. Li, W.; Ju, J.; Rajski, S.R.; Osada, H.; Shen, B*. Characterization of the tautomycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces spiroverticillatus unveiling new insights into dialkylmaleic anhydride and polyketide biosynthesis. J. Biol. Chem

34. Li, W.; Ju, J.; Osada, H.; Shen B.* Utilization of the methoxymalonyl-acyl carrier protein biosynthesis locus for cloning of the tautomycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces spiroverticillatus. J. Bacteriol.

35. Zhao, C.; Ju, J., Christenson, S.D.; Smith, W.C.; Song, D.; Zhou, X.; Shen, B.;* Deng, Z.* Utilization of the methoxymalonyl-acyl carrier protein biosynthesis locus for cloning the oxazolomycin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces albus JA3453. J. Bacteriol

36. Ju, J.; Rajski, S.R.; Lim, S.K.; Seo, J.W.; Peters, N.R.; Hoffmann, F.M., Shen, B*. Evaluation of new migrastatin and dorrigocin congeners unveils cell migration inhibitors with dramatically improved potency. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett.

37. Guan, C.; Ju, J.; Borlee, B.R.; Williamson, L.L.; Shen, B.; Raffa, K.F.; Handelsman, J.* Signal mimics derived from a metagenomic analysis of the gypsy moth gut microbiota. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.

38. Lanen, S.G.V.; Dorrestein, P.C.; Christenson, S.D.; Liu, W.; Ju J.; Kelleher, N.L.; Shen, B.* Biosynthesis of the beta-amino acid moiety of the enediyne antitumor antibiotic C-1027 featuring beta-amino acyl-S-carrier protein intermediates. J. Am. Chem. Soc

39. Kennedy, D.R.; Gawron, L.S.; Ju, J.; Liu, W.; Shen, B.; Beerman, T. A.* Single chemical modifications of the C-1027 enediyne core, a radiomimetic antitumor drug, affect both drug potency and the role of ataxia-telangiectasia mutated in cellular responses to DNA double-strand breaks. Cancer Res

40. Galm, U.; Hager, M.H.; Lanen, S.G.V.; Ju J.; Thorson, J.S.*, Shen, B.* Antitumor antibiotics: bleomycin, enediynes, and mitomycin. Chem. Rev

41. Li, W.; Luo Y.; Ju, J.; Rajski, S. R.; Osada, H.; Shen, B*. Characterization of the tautomycetin biosynthetic gene cluster from Streptomyces griseochromogenes provides new insight into dialkylmaleic anhydride biosynthesis. J. Nat. Prod

42. Ju, J.*; Liu, D.; Lin, G.; Xu, X.; Han, B.; Yang, J*. Tu, G.; Ma, L.; Beesiosides A-F, Six new cycloartane triterpene glycosides from Beesia calthaefolia. J. Nat. Prod.

43. Ju, J.*; Liu, D.; Lin, G.; Zhang, Y.; Yang, J.*; Lu, Y.; Gong N.; Zheng, Q. Beesiosides G, H, and J-N, Seven new cycloartane triterpene glycosides from Beesia calthifolia. J. Nat. Prod.

44. 鞠建華,黃洪波,姚月良,田新朋,張長生. β-咔啉生物鹼及其在製備抗瘧疾藥物中的套用

45. 鞠建華,姚月良,田新朋,張長生,張偲. 一種海洋鏈黴菌以及利用該菌製備替達黴素A和B的方法

46. 鞠建華,周俊勇,黃洪波,馬俊英,王博,汪中文,田新朋,張偲,張長生. 一種海洋鏈黴菌及利用其製備星形孢菌素和K-252d的方法


1. 863計畫海洋技術領域主題項目:“深海與極地生物探測獲取與套用技術體系研究”–深海微生物活性物質的挖掘及其利用技課題負責人(鞠建華);

2. 973計畫項目:海洋微生物次生代謝的生理生態效應及其生物合成機制–海洋微生物次生代謝產物的生物合成機制

3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:灰綠黴素和綠灰黴素的生物合成機制及其結構改項目負責人(鞠建華);抗生素A201A的生物合成機制及其工程改造項目負責人(鞠建華);抗菌環肽抗生素ilamycins的生物合成研項目負責人(馬俊英);國家自然科學青年基金項目:抗腫瘤抗生素海溝黴素A和B的生物合成及其功能基因研究項目負責人(馬俊英);三株南海深海珊瑚礁碳酸鹽台地鏈黴菌抗菌抗腫瘤活性次級代謝產物的研究項目負責人(黃洪波);四株深海放線菌抗菌活性次級代謝產物的研究項目負責人(宋永相)。

4. 廣東省科技計畫項目:“海洋抗腫瘤藥物格瑞克黴素的工程改造和研究開發”(鞠建華)。



