


電影時間與空間的概稱.電影是一門時空藝術.它的時間性和空間性,由和,規定為多種時間形式和空間形式,及由此.一方面,攝影機與放映機以每秒24格的速率攝錄、放映畫面,使電影獲得了與生活中的時間同步對應的紀錄效果;而畫面透視、光影、色彩的變化,人物、物體和攝影機的運動以及音響效果的作用,又在銀幕上創造出了四維空間的幻覺.另一方面電影又是人操縱和構造的表達系統,具有明顯的假定性;電影創作者可以根據表達的需要進行時間的省略、壓縮或延伸.甚至能夠擺脫具體時間過程的限定和約束,深入到人的意識空間.也可以運用蒙太奇,場面調度等手段對空間重新安排,聯結、創造出符合表述需要的電影空間.電影的時間與空間是不可分割的,它們始終統一於運動過程之中. The film takes time and space, said. Film is an art space and time.Itstemporal and spatial nature of the records generated by mechanical and artistic expression of the hypothetical to provide the form for a variety of time and space forms, and the resulting generated by each other. On the one hand, the cameras and projectors, 24 frame rate per second video, showing images of the film won the life time synchronization with the corresponding records of results; the picture perspective, light and shade, color change, the characters , objects and camera movement, as well as the role of sound, but also on the screen to create theillusionof a four-dimensional space. On the other hand the film is manipulated and constructed the expression system, withobvioushypothetical; film creators can express the needs of the time is omitted, compression or extension. even be able to get rid of the process of a specific time limit and constraints deep into people's consciousness of space. You can also use montage, scenes of space by means of re-scheduling arrangements, linked to create a consistent presentation needs the movie space. film time and space are inseparable, they are always unified in the movement process.



