
閔長俊 性 別: 男 所屬部門: 南開大學現代光學研究所 職 稱: 副教授

學 歷: 博士 研究方向: 微納光學,表面等離激元光學,光鑷,矢量光束
個人簡介: 教育經歷:
· 1999年9月-2003年6月,中國科學技術大學,物理系光學專業,本科
· 2003年9月-2008年6月,中國科學技術大學,物理系光學專業,博士
· 2008年9月-2011年6月,美國路易斯安那州立大學,計算技術中心,博士後研究員
· 2011年8月-2011年12月,新加坡南洋理工大學,電子工程系,Research Fellow
· 2011年12月至今,南開大學,信息技術科學學院,現代光學研究所,副教授
科研項目、成果、獲獎、專利等情況: 科研成果:
2003年以來一直從事表面等離激元(SP)亞波長光學相關機理和套用研究,曾在SP光柵透射增強機理、SP高速全光開關和調製器、SP增強效應在光電探測器和新型太陽能電池方面的套用、SP全光動態光鑷等諸多方向上做出具有創新意義的科研成果。截至2012年已在Appl.Phys.Lett、Opt.Lett.、Opt.Express、Plasmonics等國際知名期刊上發表SCI論文20餘篇,他引200餘次。研究成果被《Nature Photonics》、《Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics》、《雷射與光電子學進展》、中科院網站等國內外多家媒體報導。
1, 國家自然科學基金青年項目 2013.1-2015.12
2, 天津市自然科學基金一般項目 2012.10-2015.9
3, 南開大學科技創新基金, 2012.7-2014.6
4, 教育部博士點基金, 2013.1-2015.12
· 2012 中國儀器儀表學會獎學金-金國藩青年學子獎學金
· 2012 入選天津市首批“用三年時間引進千名以上高層次人才”項目
· 2008 中國科學院院長優秀獎
· 2007 中國科學院大恆光學特別獎
撰寫論文、專著、教材等: 代表性論文:
[1] Z. Shen, Z. J. Hu, G. H. Yuan, C. J. Min, H. Fang, and X.-C. Yuan, "Visualizing orbital angular momentum of plasmonic vortices", Opt. Lett. 37, 4627-4629 (2012).
[2] X. D. Wang, K. Xiao, C. J. Min, Q. Q. Zou, Y. Hua, and X.-C. Yuan, “Theoretical and Experimental Study of Surface Plasmon Radiation Force on Micrometer-sized Spheres,” Plasmonics (Published online DOI 10.1007/s11468-012-9449-y).
[3] L. J. Guo, C. J. Min, G. H. Yuan, C. L. Zhang, J. G. Wang, Z. Shen, and X. -C. Yuan, "Optically stitched arbitrary fan-sectors with selective polarization states for dynamic manipulation of surface plasmon polaritons", Opt. Express, 20, 24748-24753 (2012).
[4] Y. Huang, C. Min, and G. Veronis, "Compact slit-based couplers for metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides", Opt. Express, 20, 22233-22244 (2012).
[5] Rui Cao, Yi Hua, Changjun Min, Siwei Zhu, and X.-C. Yuan, "Self-healing optical pillar array", Opt. Lett., 37, 3540-3542 (2012).
[6] Y. Huang, C. Min, L. Yang, and G. Veronis, "Nanoscale plasmonic devices based on metal-dielectric-metal stub resonators", International Journal of Optics, 2012, 372408 (2012).
[7] C. Min, L. Yang, and G. Veronis, "Microcavity enhanced optical absorption in subwavelength slits", Opt. Express, 19, 26850-26858 (2011).
[8] Y. Huang, C. Min, and G. Veronis, "Subwavelength slow-light waveguides based on a plasmonic analogue of electromagnetically induced transparency", Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 143117 (2011).
[9] L. Yang, C. Min, and G. Veronis, "Guided subwavelength slow-light mode supported by a plasmonic waveguide system", Opt. Lett., 35, 4184-4186 (2010).
[10] C. Min and G. Veronis, "Theoretical investigation of fabrication-related disorders on the properties of subwavelength metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides", Opt. Express, 18, 20939-20948 (2010).
[11] C. Min, J. Li, G. Veronis, J. Y. Lee, S. Fan, and P. Peumans, "Enhancement of optical absorption in thin-?lm organic solar cells through the excitation of plasmonic modes in metallic gratings", Appl. Phys. Lett., 96, 133302 (2010).
[12] T. –W. Lee, S. D. Huver, H. Lee, L. Kaplan, S. B. McCracken, C. Min, D. B. Uskov, C. F. Wildfeuer, G. Veronis, and J. P. Dowling, "Optimization of quantum interferometric metrological sensors in the presence of photon loss", Phys. Rev. A, 80, 063803 (2009).
[13] C. Min and G. Veronis, "Absorption switches in metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides", Opt. Express, 17, 10757-10766 (2009).
[14] C. Min, P. Wang, C. Chen, Y. Deng, Y. Lu, H. Ming, T. Ning, Y. Zhou, and G. Yang, "All-optical switching in subwavelength metallic grating structure containing nonlinear optical materials", Opt. Lett., 33, 869-871 (2008).
[15] C. Min, P. Wang, X. Jiao, Y. Deng, and H. Ming, "Beam focusing by metallic nano-slit array containing nonlinear material", Appl. Phys. B, 90, 97-99 (2008).
[16] C. Min, P. Wang, X. Jiao, Y. Deng, and H. Ming, "Optical bistability in subwavelength metallic grating coated by nonlinear material", Opt. Express, 15, 12368-12373 (2007).
[17] C. Min, P. Wang, X. Jiao, Y. Deng, and H. Ming, "Beam manipulating by metallic nano-optic lens containing nonlinear media", Opt. Express, 15, 9541-9546 (2007).
[18] C. Min, X. Jiao, P. Wang, and H. Ming, "Investigation of enhanced and suppressed optical transmission through a cupped surface metallic grating structure", Opt. Express, 14, 5657-5663 (2006).
[19] D. Zhang, P. Wang, X. Jiao, C. Min, G. Yuan, Y. Deng, H. Ming, L. Zhang, and W. Liu, "Polarization properties of subwavelength metallic gratings in visible light band", Appl. Phys. B, 85, 139-143 (2006).



