出 版 社: 清華大學出版社
出版時間: 2010-1-1
字 數: 731000
頁 數: 480
開 本: 16開
紙 張: 膠版紙
I S B N : 9787302211082
包 裝: 精裝
所屬分類: 圖書 >> 醫學 >> 基礎醫學
Apart from basicprinciples of acupuncture, topics include acupuncture analgesia, acupunc-ture-drug balanced anesthesia, acute and chronic body pain, stroke, car-diac diseases, hypertension, hypoteusion, epilepsy, neuroimmuno suppres-sion, female infertility, menopausal & perimenopausal syndrome, smoking,depression, and drug addiction. Each chapter is written by experts in thefield, This unique book provides a broad perspective on the principles ofacupuncture for acupuncture researchers and neuroscientists. It summa-rizes clinical applications of various acupoints and optimal conditions inthe treatment of neurological diseases. For a medical student, this book isa modern course in ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine, especially acu-puncture.內容簡介
Dr. Ying Xia is Associate Professor at Yale University School of Medicineand Guest Professor at Shanghai Research Center for Acupuncture andMeridians. Drs. Xiaoding Cao, Gencheng Wu and lieshi Cheng areProfessors in the State Key Laboratory of Medical Neurobiology andDepartment of Integrative Medicine and Neurobiology, Shanghai MedicalCollege of Fudan University.目錄
Introduction to the EditorsContributors.
1 History of Modern Acupuncture Research in China
2 Neuroanatomic Basis of Acupuncture Points
3 Neural Transmission of Acupuncture Signal
4 Acupuncture-Induced Activation of Endogenous Opioid System
5 Effect of Acupuncture on Neurotransmitters/Modulators
6 Acupuncture-Drug Balanced Anesthesia
7 Acupuncture Analgesia in Clinical Practice
8 Neurochemical Basis of Electroacupuncture Analgesia on Acute and Chronic Pain
9 Acupuncture Therapy for Stoke
10 Effects of Acupuncture on Arrhythmia and Other Cardiac Diseases
11 Acupuncture Therapy for Hypertension and Hypotension
12 Effect of Acupuncture on Epilepsy
13 Neuroimmuno-effect of Acupuncture on Immune-mediated Disorders
14 Acupuncture Treatment for Female Infertility
15 Acupuncture Therapy for Menopausal and Perimenopausal Syndrome
16 Acupuncture for Smoking Cessation..
17 Beneficial Effect of Acupuncture on Depression,
18 Effect of Acupuncture on Drug Addiction.