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科菲達生產基地 科菲達生產基地
公司堅持實施科技領先、開拓創新的發展戰略,積極引進國外先進高端技術,研製開發的YG系列移動破碎站、HCS系列液壓圓錐破、VSI新型制砂機、JCE系列 歐版鄂式破碎機、LM系列 立式磨粉機、高壓系列粉碎機、碎石機、系列振動篩、顎式、錘式、反擊式、圓錐式破碎機及砂石生產線( 機制砂生產線)、 選礦機器等系列設備具有國內外領先水平,廣泛適用於礦業、化工、冶金、建材、煤炭、耐火材料等行業。
公司產品已經通過IS09001:2000國際質量體系認證及瑞士的SGS測試和質量認證。YGM、 TGM系列磨粉機已經通過歐盟CE認證,順利進入歐盟市場。其主要部件及易損件均採用優質的耐磨材料和先進的加工工藝,使設備經久耐磨,飲譽國內外,遠銷俄羅斯、哈薩克斯坦、亞塞拜然、土耳其、科威特、南非、埃及、越南、馬來西亞、印度、澳大利亞、朝鮮、加拿大和歐盟等國家和地區。

經營理念 :一切以用戶價值為依歸,力創一流服務品牌
經營宗旨 :以科技為動力,以質量求生存。
企業文化 :協作、進取、創新、專業、誠信


Located in a historic and famous city Zhengzhou, central China, covering 70 thousand square meters, investing in 210 million,Kefid will become one of the largest crushing and grinding production base.
Lots of mobile crushers, crushing plants and grinding mills will be produced here and sold to the customers worldwide.We make much of international technical cooperation and communication, and introduce advanced technology from Germany, Swedish, Finnish and so on. The chief engineer Mr.Bai is a specialist receiving special government allowance, has take part in the designation and development of multi-generation crushing and grinding equipments.
In 2005, all of our products had passed ISO 9001:2000 certificate, our two series patent mills have been certificated CE in 2007. The HPC high efficieny cone crusher and VSI sereis sand making machine have been proved by many tests in the middle of 2007. The wheeled-mounted and tracked-mounted mobile crushing plant are successfully launched in 2008.
We keep the service idea of “creat more value to customers” , with the times, to provide the high quality products, global service and advanced technology for our customers.Our company is well known in Russia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijian, Turkey, Indonesia, India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Middle east, South Afica, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Australia, America, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and much more regions and countries.Persisting in “Brand bases on its quality, sevice pomotes brand”, Kefid builds the largest and most powerful global company and contributes to the national mining industry.


