1996年6月-2005年1月分別在德國Freiburg大學解剖系、美國田納西大學解剖與神經生物系和布朗大學做博士後和助理研究員。從事過海馬神經纖維歸巢,酒精的毒性對視皮質錐體細胞發育影響及小腦突觸能動性與可塑性等神經科學前沿問題的研究。其中所做有關小腦平行纖維與Purkinje細胞突觸發生和能動性研究,由於用DiI標記前突觸終末和GFP標記Purkinje細胞樹突小棘,在世界上屬首次,故該研究有極高的科學價值,由於該研究是利用分子生物學技術對突觸進行活體觀察,科技含量很大,並在2004年全美神經科學大會作了一小時報告,受到大家好評。有近十餘篇論文在Development, Eur.J.Neuroscience, Brain ReSearch, Anatomy and Embryology, Developmental Biology等國際著名雜誌發表。回國後鄧博士擬展開如下幾方面的研究:1.神經纖維再生與突觸重建研究;2.對Reeler基因敲除小鼠內嗅皮質--海馬神經纖維歸巢進行研究;3.酒精濫用對視皮質錐體細胞突觸發育影響研究。4. 神經精神性疾病的轉基因模型的建立。這些研究是他在國外研究的延續,並有很大的創新及發展前景。
[1]. Deng J and Elberger A. The corpus callosum and visual cortex of mice with deletion of the NMDA-NR1 receptor: II. Attenuation of prenatal alcohol exposure effects. Development Brain Research. 2003, 144 (2):135-150
[2]. Deng J and Elberger A. Corticothalamic and Thalamocortical Pathfinding in the Mouse: Dependence on Intermediate Targets and Guidance Axis. Anat Embryol (Berl) 2003 Oct;207(3):177-92.
[3].Deng J. & Duneavsky A. Dynamics of dendritic spines and their afferent
terminals: spines are more motile than presynaptic boutons. Dev Biol. 2005 Jan
[4]. Deng J and Elberger A. The roles of pioneer neuron in development of visual cortex, pathfinding of corpus callosum. Anatomy & Embryology 2001, 204: 437-453
[5]. Elberger A. and Deng J. The corpus callosum and visual cortex of mice with deletion of the NMDA-NR1 receptor: I. Accelerated development of callosal projected neuron. Developmental Brain Research, 2003, 144(2): 121-133
[6]. Kaltschmidt B, Linker RA, Deng J, Kaltschmidt C. Cyclooxygenase-2 is a neuronal target gene of NF-kappaB. BMC Mol Biol 2002 Dec 4;3(1):16-22
[7]. Ceranik K, Deng J, Heimrich B, Lubke J, Zhao S, Forster E, Frotscher M. Hippocampal Cajal-Retzius cells project to the entorhinal cortex: retrograde tracing and intracellular labeling. Euro J Neuroscience 1999, 11:4278-4290
[8]. Foester E., Kaltschmidt C., Deng J. et al. Lamina-specific cell adhesion on living slices of hippocampus. Development, 1998, 125: 3399-3410.