人物簡況都立輝 男,1981年3月生,南京財經大學食品科學與工程學院博士、講師。

發表論文[1] Lihui Du, Fang Liu, Xingrong Ju and Guicheng huo. Adhesion capability of first two domains at N terminus of NP_785232 protein and their interaction with a UV-absorbing component from human mucus. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2010 51(4):400-405.
[2] Lihui Du, Fang Liu, Guicheng Huo. 2007. Amplification and Verification of the nisin Promoter from Lactic Acid Bacteria Predominately Inhabited in Chinese Traditional Dairy Products. The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology VOL.4 NO.1----Proceedings of the 5 Annual Science Conference for Ph.D.
[3] Fang Liu, Lihui Du, Peng Du and Guicheng Huo. Possible promoter regions within proteolytic system in Streptococcus thermophilus and their interaction with CodY homologue. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2009 297(2):164-172.
[4] Liu Fang, Du Lihui, Wang Yutang, Huo Guicheng. 2007. Detection of Lactic Acid Bacteria against Streptococcus mutans and Purification of its Bacteriocin. The Proceedings of the China Association for Science and Technology VOL.4 NO.1----Proceedings of the 5 Annual Science Conferrence for Ph.D.
[5] 都立輝, 劉芳, 霍貴成, 鞠興榮. 2010.一株植物乳桿菌的分離鑑定及其隱蔽質粒的序列分析. 食品科學. 31:236-239.
[6] 都立輝, 劉芳, 霍貴成, 鞠興榮. 2010. 與宿主相互作用的乳酸桿菌表面蛋白研究進展. 食品科學. 31:323-328.
[7] 都立輝, 劉芳, 霍貴成. 2007. Nisin 產生菌株的篩選及其鑑定. 食品工業科技. 6: 107-109.
[8] 都立輝, 劉克生, 劉芳, 霍貴成. 2006. NICE 系統在表達其他物質研究中的套用. 中國生物工程雜誌. 26 增: 199-202.