
王建文 中國電信集團公司家庭客戶事業部副總經理 王建文


The Value-Added Service Committee (VASC) was founded in December 2002 with the approval of China’s Ministry of Civil Administration. It is affiliated to the China Association of Communication Enterprises (CACE) and under the direction of Ministry of Information Industry (MII). The committee is consisted of companies, undertaking units as well as social bodies (such as academic societies, publishing houses, etc.) in telecom value-added service sector. The committee is headed by Ms. Chen Jiachun, Deputy Director General of Telecom Administration in MII. The deputy directors of the committee are senior executives from operators such as China Telecom, China NETCOM, China Mobile, China Unicom and value added service providers such as Sina, Tom and etc.
Tenet of the committee: Promote the development of China’s Telecom Value Added Service industry by solidifying all circles of society; Carry out self-discipline, coordination, supervision as well as consumer protection; Bridge between government and enterprises, enterprises themselves as well as enterprises and society.


錢庭碩 原信息產業部綜合規劃司副司長
王建文 工業和信息化部電信管理局副局長
陳家春 工業和信息化部通信發展司副司長
王占寧 中國通信企業協會榮譽理事
王紅宇 中國移動通信集團公司數據部副總經理
張 新 中國電信集團公司家庭客戶事業部副總經理
李更新 中國聯合網路通信有限公司個人客戶部副總經理
楊 萍 中國通信企業協會 理事
楊可可 中國聯合網路通信有限公司產品創新部總經理
陳建華 中國衛星通信集團公司網路通信部總經理
趙 佳 中國鐵通集團有限公司市場部副總經理
常 承 TOM線上有限公司執行副總裁
曹國偉 新浪科技有限公司總裁
眭世榮 深圳市力德訊通信技術有限公司CEO
楊 萍 中國通信企業協會 理事
陸建文 工業化信息化部電信管理局市場處處長
陶國健 中國通信企業協會增值服務專業委員會
曹峰光 中國通信企業協會增值服務專業委員會
游建青 工業化信息化部電信管理局服務監督處處長
王占寧 王紅宇 王建文 王貴君 盧 健 任 文 劉成敏 孫迎宏
何曙波 佟立群 張建新 張 新 李更新 楊可可 楊放春 楊 萍
蘇佩瑜 陸建文 陳建華 陳家春 陳曉丹 陳 輝 岳國峰 趙 佳
趙 明 徐玉林 徐恪寧 錢庭碩 陶國健 常 承 曹國偉 曹峰光
眭世榮 黃 翊 游建青 謝 芳


1、 行業標準的研究和協助制定:在市場調研的基礎上,協助主管部門探究增值服務行業的業務規範與標準、服務質量標準、職業道德規範等相關行業標準;開展標準化工作,推動標準的實施。
2、 公關策劃服務:結合企業單位的具體需求,為企業提供公共關係、市場推廣、媒體傳播、品牌策劃等方面的公關服務。
3、 諮詢服務:研究相關政策法規及總結行業發展經驗,為企業提供政策法律、戰略規劃、市場研究、行銷管理、項目規劃、投資與融資、尋求合作夥伴等諮詢服務。
4、 會展服務:定期或不定期地舉辦各種展覽展示會、研討會與高層論壇等,探討並解決業內關注的熱點問題,促進企業間的交流與合作。
5、 培訓服務:對國家和行業的相關政策進行解讀和宣貫;根據企業實際情況和未來發展需要,設計和開發培訓課程,為企業提供個性化的、具有時效性的培訓;組織開展會員單位員工的知識更新、管理技術、專業認證資格等培訓工作,為提高企業員工素質服務。
6、 信息服務:通過開發信息定製、出版《增值信息》電子雜誌、運維協會官方網站、收集整理國內外有關資料等為會員企業提供靈活的、不同形式的信息服務。
Business Introduction
Research and assistance in designing on industry standard: assist the government body in charge to design industry standard and criterion on service and quality as well as business ethics based on market research; promote standardization and implementation of the standards.
Public Relation service: offers PR, market development as well as media communication and brand design based on specific requirements of the member enterprises.
Consulting service: research on relevant policies , provide consulting service on policy and law, market research, investment and financing, partner seeking and etc.
Seminars and EXPOS service: holds different types of exhibitions, conferences to discuss and solve widely concerned issues and problems in the industry, and promote cooperation among enterprises.
Training service: Understand, analyze as well as publicize relevant industry policies and regulations; organize member enterprise’s staff training such as new technology, management as well as certification to improve staff quality.
Information service: develop customized information, operate and maintain official website, gather and compile relevant information from China and abroad to provide flexible and various types of information service for the member enterprises.
International cooperation and exchange: organize enterprises’ visit to abroad or assist foreign enterprises’ visit to China in the form of seminar, exhibition and other exchange activities; offer consulting service for foreign enterprises entering China market.
Support of government: as the assistant to the government, the committee offers support and assistance to the government in the area of market research, policy consulting, feedback execution.
Member service: to meet the need of the members, the committee organizes salons, work groups as well as information consulting and feedback gathering and etc. , among other types of social activities.


