趙雙珍(筆名趙倩)籍貫:湖北襄陽,媒體人,擅長策劃,喜愛評論,多家媒體撰稿人,現居北京朝陽區。 曾就職於中央級媒體7年,現任中央級財經類媒體總監。Zhao Shuangzhen (pseudonym Zhao Qian) place of origin: Hubei Xiangyang, media people, be good at planning, like comments, many media writer who lives in Beijing, Chaoyang District. Worked for the central media for 7 years, the central finance and economics media director.
獨家格言:生正念,行正道,得正果,愛新聞,愛傳播,相信佛度有緣人。“知己必知心, 交人定交品,看人須看相,做事先做人”。“記住該記住的,忘記該忘記的,一 切代表個人觀點。
Motto: Mindfulness, row exclusive right, Zhengguo, news spread love, love, believe in Buddha somebody. "The friend will close, turn to the product, people must visit fortune-teller, a man to do in advance". "Remember what should be remembered, and forget what should be forgotten, all represent personal views.
Hobbies: like to visit the beauty world, make honest letter.
趙雙珍(趙倩)現任CCTV證券資訊頻道《財智匯》欄目總監,她與團隊打造的《財智匯》節目是CCTV證券資訊頻道唯一一檔周播的訪談節目,每期邀請與選題密切相關的政府官員、經濟學者、金融高管,企業管理者等進行深度訪談,話題深入近期最有價值的財經新聞,把握經濟動態,引導觀眾投資理財。Work achievement
Zhao Shuangzhen (Zhao Qian) at CCTV securities information channel 《Choi Chi Hui》 program director, she and the media to create 《Choi Chi Hui》program is CCTV securities information channel only a week multicast chat show, invited each and topics closely related to government officials, economists, financial executives, carry out in-depth interviews with managers, topic the most recent value of the financial news, grasp economic trends, guide the audience investment.

"Authoritative comment" on recent current economic trends for the selected topic background, invited and economic activity is closely connected with political, business, academic elites or news anchors and reporters for parties and dialogue, discussion and analysis of the current financial news, grasp the economic dynamic wind standard, guide the audience the right investment.
"The money book" display form please financial planner for different ages, occupation, family status case, given the financial planning advice, recommend the new optimal financial products, such as fund, insurance, bank financial products, trust, bonds, investment and other precious metals and works of art.
《Choi-chi sink"》since 2012 since the premiere in February, has been more and more favored the audience, not only is CCTV securities information channel viewing three, each episode in the official website click rate are broken million, network echo was good.