賈仲孝,1963年7月生,山西 萬榮 上義村人。清華大學-數學科學系-教授、博導。1984年畢業於山西大學,獲得學士學位;1987年畢業於大連工學院獲得碩士學位;1994年畢業於德國Bielefeld大學獲得博士學位。
所在院系 : 數學系。 研究方向 : 數值代數、科學工程計算,代數特徵值問題的數值方法,大規模奇異值分解的有效計算,大規模稀疏線性方程組的疊代法和預處理,最小二乘問題和整體最小二乘問題,不適定問題的理論和算法。
主要從事計算數學和科學工程計算方面的研究工作。從1995年以來,在國內外著名雜誌上發表文章多篇,SCI收錄40多篇,研究成果在國際上有相當大的影響,被31個國家和地區的學者廣泛引用。1993年6月在英國牛津大學被授予“第六屆國際青年數值分析家獎—Leslie Fox獎”(數值分析最佳研究論文獎),是六名獲獎者之一。該獎由英國“數學及其套用學會(Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications(IMA)”頒發, 每兩年一次在世界範圍內授予幾名對數值分析和科學計算做出重要貢獻的青年數學家(不超過31歲)。1999年度入選“國家百千萬人才工程”第一、二層次,並享受國務院政府專家特殊津貼,2001年1月入選清華大學傑出人才“百人計畫”等等。主持國家自然科學基金·、教育部博士點基金多項,是國家攀登項目和973項目“大規模科學計算方法”與“數學機械化”的骨幹成員。
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[27] Using cross-productmatrices to compute the SVD, Numerical Algorithms, 42 (1) (2006): 31-61.
[28] Jia Z. and Sun Y., AQR decomposition based solver for the least squares problem from the minimalresidual method, Journal ofComputational Mathematics, 25 (5) (2007): 531—542.
[29] 賈仲孝,王震,非精確Rayleigh商疊代和非精確的簡化Jacobi-Davidson方法的收斂性分析, 中國科學 ,A 輯,38 (4) (2008): 365-376.
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[30] Jia Z. and Zhu B., A power sparse approximate inversepreconditioning procedure for large linear systems, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, 16 (4) (2009):259—299.
[31] Applications of the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method in optimal surfaceparameterizations, International Journalof Computer Mathematics, 87 (5)(2010): 1032—1039.
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[33] Some properties of LSQR for large sparse linearleast squares problems, Journal ofSystems Science and Complexity, 23 (4)(2010): 815--821.
[34] Duan C. and Jia Z., A global harmonicArnoldi method for large non-Hermitian eigenproblems with an application tomultiple eigenvalue problems, Journal ofComputational and Applied Mathematics, 234 (2010): 845—860.
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[37] Li B. and Jia Z.,Some results on condition numbers of the scaled total least squares problems, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 435 (3)(2011): 674—686.
[38] On convergence of the inexact Rayleigh quotientiteration with MINRES, J ournal of Computational andApplied Mathematics, 236 (2012): 4276—4295.
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[40] On convergence of theinexact Rayleigh quotient iteration with the Lanczos method used for solvinglinear systems, Science ChinaMathematics, 56 (10)(2013): 2145—2160.
[41] Jia Z. and Li B., Onthe condition number of the total least squares problem, Numerische Mathematik, 125 (1) (2013): 61—87.
[42] Jia Z. and Zhang Q.,An approach to making SPAI and PSAI preconditioning effective for largeirregular sparse linear systems, SIAM Journal onScientific Computing, 35 (4) (2013):A1903—A1927.
[43] Huang T-M, Jia Z.and Lin W-W., On the convergence of Ritz pairs andrefined Ritz vectors for quadratic eigenvalue problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 53 (4) (2013): 941—958.
[44] Jia Z. and Zhang Q., Robustdropping criteria for F-norm minimization based sparse approximate inversepreconditioning, BIT NumericalMathematics, 53( 4) (2013): 959—985.
[45] Jia Z. and LiC., On inner iterations in the shift-invert residual Arnoldi method andthe Jacobi--Davidson method, ScienceChina Mathematics,accepted, August, 2013.
[46] Jia Z.and Li C., Harmonic and refined harmonic shift-invert residual Arnoldi andJacobi--Davidson
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[47] Jia Z.and Lv H., A posteriori error estimates of Krylov subspace approximations tomatrix functions, arXiv: math/1303.7219, 2013.
[48] Jia Z., Lin W.-W and Liu C.-S. An inexact Noda iteration for computingthe smallest eigenpair of an irreducible $M$-matrix, arXiv:math/1309.3926, 2013.