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1 A Manual of Chinese Quotations

2 Essay On the Principles of Translation


4 OVID with an Englishtranslation: Tristia, Ex Ponto

5 Latin Translation at Sight

6 Translation: an Elizabethan art

7 A translation of the Kharosthi documents from Chinese Turkestan

8 THE LIFE OF Edward FitzGerald

9 The Art of Letters: LU CHI?S “WEN FU,”A.D. 302, A Translation and Comparative Study

10 On Romanticism and the Art of Translation

11 The Art of Translation

12 Aspects of Translation: Studies in Communication 2

13 On Translation

14 Across the lines:travel, language, translation

15 An Introduction to Machine Translation

16 The Chinese Classics: With a Translation, Critical and Exegetical Notes, Prolegomena, and Copious Indexes

17 The Craft & Context of Translation

18 1961 International Conference on Machine Translation of Languages and Applied Language Analysis, Proceedings of the conference held at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middleses, on 5th, 6th and 8th September, VolumeII

19 A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay in Applied Linguistics

20 Helps For Translators Volume VII, Bible Translations for Popular Use

21 The Translation of CultureEssays to E.E.EvansPritchard

22 Translating

23 Mirror on Mirror: Translation, Imitation, Parody

24 Dictionary for the Analysis of Literary Translation

25 Literature and Translation : New Perspectives in Literary Studies with a Basis Bibliography of Books on Translation Studies

26 The Translation of Art—Essays on Chinese Painting and Poetry

27 Scientific and Technical Translation

28 The Art and Profession of Translation: Proceedings of The Asia Foundation Conference on Chinese?English Translation

29 Adam?s Dream: A Preface to Translation

30 The Linguistic Basis of Logic Translation

31 In Search of A Theory of Translation

32 The Languages of Theatre: Problems in the Translation and Transposition of Drama

33 A Model for Translation Quality Assessment


35 Meaning Across Cultures

36 Principles and problems of translation in seventeenth?century England

37 The Third Language: Recurrent Problems of Translation into English

38 Translation Spectrum: Essays in Theory and Practice

39 BHAGAVADG?T?NUV?DA: a study in transcultural translation

40 The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods

41 The theory and practice of translation

42 Translating Meaning

43 Better TranslationFor Better Communication ( A survey of the translationmarket, present and future, prepared for the commission of the European Communities, DirectorateGeneral Information Market and Innovation)

44 Style and Discourse

45 Bridging the Language Solitudes: Growth and Development of the Translation Bureau of the Government of Canada 193484

46 Meaning?based TranslationA Guide to Cross?Language Equivalence


48 The Art of Translation, Kornei Chukovsky?s A High Art

49 The Translator?s Handbook ( with special reference to translation from French and Spanish)

50 Training Translators and Conference Interpreters

51 Translation: Literary, Linguistic, and Philosophical Perspectives

52 Difference in Translation

53 Second Hand: Papers on the Theory and Historical Study of Literary Translation

54 Text and Translation

55 The Ear of The Other: Otobiography, Transference, Translation: texts anddiscussions with Jacques Derrida

56 The Manipulation of Literature: Studies in Literary Translation

57 Translation and Communication: Translating and the Computer 6:proceedings of a conference jointly sponsored by Aslib, the Association for Information Management, the Aslib Technical Translation Group, the Translators? Guild

58 Translation in Foreign Language Teaching and Testing

59 Interlingual and intercultural communication: discourse and cognition in translation and second language acquisition studies

60 MachineTranslation: Past, Present, Future

61 Translation Determined

62 Word Expert Semantics: an Interlingual Knowledge?Based Approach

63 Beppe Fenoglio and English Literature: A Study of the Writer as Translator

64 Computer translation of natural language

65 Machine Translation: Theoretical and Methodological Issues

66 Machine translation today : The state of the art (Proceeding s of the third Luganotutorial Lugano, Switzerland 27 April1984)

67 Principles of Chinese Bible Translation

68 Translating and the Computer 8, A Profession on the Move

69 Translation and Lexicography

70 Translation Excellence: Assessment, Achievement, Maintenance

71 Translation in the Modern Languages Degree

72 A Textbook of Translation

73 Essays on Translation


75 Machine translation systems

76 Mapping Literature: The Art and Politics of Translation

77 Text Coherence in Translation

78 The Science of Linguistics in the Art of Translation: Some Tools from Linguistics for the Analysis and Practice of Translation

79 Translation StudiesAn Integrated Approach

80 Translation Theory in Scandinavia: Proceedings from SSOTT III, University of Oslo

81 Creativity of Translators: The Translation of Metaphorical Expressions in Nonliterary Texts

82 Interpretation: Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler

83 Lu Xun as a Translator

84 Machine TranslationHow Far Can It Go?

85 Machine Translation Summit

86 Miraculous Retribution: A Study and Translation of T?ang Lin?s Mingpao chi

87 Readings in Translation Theory

88 The Art of Translation


90 Translation and the Nature of Philosophy: A New Theory of Words

91 Bible Translation and the Spread of the Church

92 Bridging the Gap: African Traditional Religion and Bible Translation

93 Hermeneutics and the Poetic Motion: Translation Perspectives V

94 Justice as Translation: An Essay in Cultural and Legal Criticism

95 Translation, History and Culture

96 About Translation

97 Empirical Research in Translation and Intercultural Studies: selected papers of the TRANSIF Seminar, Savonlinna 1988

98 Redefining translation : the variational approach

99 Rhetoric, hermeneutics, and translation in the Middle Ages: academic traditions and vernacular texts

100 Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation?Oriented Text Analysis

101 The Poetics of Imperialism: Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan

102 The Translator?s Turn

103 Towards high?precision machine translation : based on contrastive textology

104 Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context

105 Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice

106 Translation Performance,Translation Process and Translation Strategies

107 Two Worlds, One Art: Literary Translation in Russia and America

108 Computers in Translation: A practical appraisal

109 In Other Words: A Coursebook on Translation

110 Introduction to Spanish Translation

111 Oppositional Voices: Women as Writers and Translators of Literature in the English Renaissance

112 Rethinking Translation: Discourse, Subjectivity, Ideology

113 Sitting Translation

114 Teaching Translation and InterpretingTraining, Talent and Experience

115 The Experience of the Foreign: Culture and Translation in Romantic Germany

116 Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida

117 Translating Literature: Practice and Theory in a Comparative Literature Context

118 Translation and text transfer: an essay on theprinciples of intercultural communication

119 Translation as text

120 Translation East and West: A Cross?Cultural Approach

121 Translation/History/Culture: A Sourcebook

122 Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame

123 A Bibliography of Pedagogy & Research in Interpretation & Translation

124 Contemporary Translation Theories

125 Epistemological Problems in Translation and its Teaching: A Seminar for thinking Students

126 Paragraphs on translation

127 The Art of Literary Translation

128 The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice

129 The Poetry and Poetics of Nishiwaki Junzaburo

130 There?s a Double Tongue: An investigation into the translation of Shakespeare?s wordplay, with special reference to Hamlet

131 Translation and Knowledge: SSOTT IV: Scandinavian Symposium on Translation Theory

132 Translation as Social Action

133 Translation theory and practice: reassembling the tower

134 Bridgingthe Gap: Empiricalresearch in simultaneous interpretation

135 Compositional Translation

136 Explorations in Automatic Thesaurus Discovery

137 Language,discourse and translation

138 Language Engineering and Translation—Consequences of Automation

139 Professional Issues for Translators and Interpreters

140 Speech?to?speech translation: a massively parallel memory?based approach

141 Teaching Translation and Interpreting 2

142 Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies

143 Translation and interpreting: Bridging East and West: Selected Conference Papers (Volume 8)

144 Translation Studies: An Interdiscipline

145 Translator?s Workbench: Tools and Terminology for Translation and Text Processing

146 Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training

147 Between Language andCultures: translation andcross?cultural texts

148 Beyond Translation: Essays toward a Modern Philology

149 Buddhist Translations, Problems and Perspectives

150 Comparative Stylistics of French and English, A Methodology for Translation

151 Cultural Functions of Translation

152 Culture in Transit: Translating theLiterature of Quebec

153 Descriptive Translation Studies and Beyond

154 Discourse and Ideologies

155 Machine translation and the lexicon: third International EAMT Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, April 2628, 1993

156 Nagarjuna in China : A Translation of the Middle Treatise

157 The Oxford Book of Classical Verse in Translation

158 THE POSSIBILITY OF LANGUAGE: a discussion of the nature of language, with implications for human and machine translation

159 The Practice of Court Interpreting

160 The Translator?s Invisibility: a History of Translation

161 Thinking Spanish translation: a course in translation method: Spanish to English

162 Training the Translator

163 Translating Chinese Literature

164 Translationand the Law, AmericanTranslators Association Series, ScholarlyMonograph Series , Volume VIII 1995


166 Translators Through History

167 A Bookseller?s HobbyHorse, and the Rhetoric of Translation: Anthony Ernst Munnikhuisen and Bernardus Brunius, and the First Duch edition of ‘Tristram Shandy’(17761779)

168 A Skopos Theory of Translation (Some Arguments For and Against)

169 Dorotheus and his Digest translation

170 Gender in Translation: Cultural Identity and the Politics of Translation

171 Interpretation and the Language of Translation: Creativity and Conventions in Translation

172 Knowledge and Skills in Translator Behavior

173 Stages of Translation

174 Teaching Translation and Interpreting 3: New Horizons: Papers from the Third Language International Conference, Dollerup, Cay and Vibeke AppelLatin

175 Teaching translation in Universities present and future perspectives

176 Terminology, LSP, and Translation: studies in language engineering in honour of Juan C. Sager

177 The Translatability of Cultures: Figurations of the Space Between

178 Translation and Taboo

179 Translation, Power, Subversion

180 Translation Studies in a New Perspective

181 Translating the Message, The Missionary Impact on Culture

182 Words, Words, Words: The Translator and the Language Learner

183 Becoming a Translator

184 Cognitive processes in translation and interpreting

185 Communication across Cultures: Translation Theory and Contrastive Text Linguistics

186 Conference Interpreting: Current Trends in Research—Proceedings of the International Conference on Interpreting: WHAT DO WE KNOW AND HOW? (Turku, August 2527, 1994)

187 Future and Communication: the role of scientific and technical communication and translation in technology development and transfer

188 Memes of Translation: The Spread of Ideas in Translation Theory

189 New Approach to Legal Translation

190 Text Typology and Translation

191 The Art of Translation

192 The critical link: interpreters in the community: papers from the First International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health, and Social Service Set tings (Geneva Park, Canada, June 14, 1995)

193 The Karaite Tradition of Arabic Bible Translation

194 The Translator?s dialogue: Giovanni Pontiero

195 Translating as a Purposeful Activity : Functionalist Approaches Explained

196 Translating Literature

197 Translating Sensitive Texts: Linguistic Aspects

198 Translation and Empire: Postcolonial Theories Explained

199 Translation and Language : Linguistic Theories Explained

200 Translation and Literary Criticism: Translation as Analysis

201 Translation and GenderTranslating in the ‘Era of Feminism’

202 Translation and Interpreting Schools

203 Translation and Subjectivity: on Japan and cultural nationalism

204 Translation as Intercultural Communication, selected papers from the EST congress Prague 1995

205 Translation quality assessment: a model revisited

206 Western Translation Theory: from Herodotus to Nietzsche

207 What Is Translation? Centrifugal Theories, Critical Interventions

208 A Practical Guide for Translators(third edition)

209 After BabelAspects of Language and Translation (Third Edition)

210 Bibliography of Translation Studies, First Edition

211 Breaking Down the Language Barrier

212 Conference Interpreting Explained

213 Contrastive Functional Analysis

214 Four Translation Strategies Determined by the Particular Needs of the Receptor: Translation Theory Backwards

215 Greek Thought, Arabic Culture: The Graeco?Arabic Translation Movement in Baghdad and Early ′Abbāsid Society

216 Investigating Translation: Selected Papers From the 4th International Congress on Translation, Barcelona

217 Machine Translation and the Information Soup

218 Method in Translation History


220 Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies

221 Selected Essays on Poetry & Translation

222 The Practice of Literary Translation: Constraints and Creativity

223 The Scandals of Translation: Towards an Ethics of Difference

224 Translation: An Interpretive Approach

225 Translation into the Second Language

226 Translation & Language Teaching

227 Translation and Minority (Special Issue, The Translator)

228 Translators? Strategies and Creativity

229 Unity in Diversity? Current Trends in Translation Studies

230 Bibliography of Translation Studies, Second Edition

231 Dictionary of Translation Studies

232 Incremental Speech Translation

233 Literary Translation

234 Postcolonial Transition ,Theory and Practice

235 Reading Rilke: Reflection on the Problem of Translation

236 Simultaneous InterpretationA Cognitive?Pragmatic Analysis

237 Tales and translation: the Grimm tales from pan?Germanic narratives to shared international fa

238 Terminologie de la traduction / Translation Terminology/Terminologia de la Traduccion/Terminolgie der Ubersetzung

239 The Translator?s Handbook

240 Tokens of Exchange, the Problem of Translation in Global Circulations

241 Translating Cultures

242 Translation and Interpreting in the 20th Century

243 Translation and Norms

244 Translation and the (Re)Location of Meaning: Selected Papers of the CELTRA Research Seminars in Translation Studies 1994—1996

245 Translation in Systems

246 Translation of Poetry and Poetic Prose: Proceedings of Nobel Symposium 110

247 Word, Text, Translation: liber amicorum for Peter Newmark

248 A Social Constructivist Approach to Translation Education: Empowerment from Theory to Practice

249 Aristotle in China: Language, Categories and Translation

250 Beyond the Western Tradition Translation Perspectives XI 2000

251 Changing the Terms: Translating in the Postcolonial Era

252 Church, Monarch, and Bible in Sixteenth Century England : the Political Context of Biblical Translation

253 Developing Translation Competence

254 Early Years in Machine Translation: Memoirs and Biographies of Pioneers

255 English?Spanish Translation,Through A Cross?Cultural Interpretation Approach

256 Envisioning machine translation in the information future, Association for Machine Translation in the Americas Conference(4th :2000 :Cuernavaca, Mexico)

257 Evaluation and Translation (Special Issue)

258 From World to World: An Armamentarium For The Study of Poetic Discourse In Translation

259 Intercultural Faultlines- Research Models in Translation Studies Ⅰ: Textual and Cognitive Aspects

260 Language Processing and Simultaneous Interpreting

261 Language, text, and knowledge: mental models of expert communication

262 Negotiating the Frontier: Translators and Intercultures in Hispanic History

263 Parallel Text Processing: Alignment and Use of Translation Corpora

264 Science in Translation: movements of knowledge through cultures and time

265 Tapping and Mapping the Processes of Translation and Interpreting Outlooks on Empirical Research

266 Thinking Italian TranslationA Course in Translation Method: Italian to English

267 The Translation Studies Reader

268 Time?Sharing on Stage —Drama Translation in Theatre and Society

269 Translation Criticism

270 Translation in context: selected contribution from theEST Congress, Granada

271 Translation in the Global Village

272 Verbmobil: Foundations of Speech?to?Speech Translation

273 Annotated Texts for Translation: English?German: Functionalist Approaches Illustrated

274 Approaches to Translation

275 Bibliography of Translation Studies, Fourth Edition

276 Contemporary Translation Theories,revised second edition

277 Deconstruction and Translation

278 Discourse and the Translator

279 Disturbing Strangeness: Foreignisation and domestication in translation procedures in the context of cultural asymmetry

280 Electronic Tools for Translators

281 Experiences in Translation

282 Exploring translation and multilingual text production: beyond content

283 Indeterminacy of Translation

284 Introducing Translation Studies (Theories and applications)

285 Language and Culture: Context in Translation

286 Lexis and Creativity in Translation—A Corpus?based Study

287 Lives in Two Languages: An Exploration of Identity and Culture

288 Pathways of Translation Studies

289 Revising and Editing for Translators

290 Teaching and Researching Translation

291 The interpreter?s resource

292 The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation

293 The politics of translation in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance

294 The Pragmatics of Translation

295 Thinking Through Translation

296 Translation and Nation: Towards a Culture Politics of Englishness

297 Translation and Textuality: A Case Study of English?Korean Translation

298 Who Translates? Translator Subjectivities Beyond Reason

299 Byzantium?Rus?Russia: Studies in the translation of Christian culture

300 Can Theory Help Translators? A Dialogue Between the Ivory Tower and the Wordface

301 Changing Philologies: Contributions to the Redefinition of Foreign Language Studies in the Age of Globalisation

302 Computer?aided translation technology: a practical introduction

303 Crosscultural Transgressions: Research Models in Translation Studies II: Historical and Ideological Issues

304 Cultural Studies Interdisciplinarity and Translation

305 Explanatory Translation

306 Interpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities: Selected papers from the 1st ForlConference on Interpreting Studies, 911 November 2000

307 Language Processing in Discourse A key to felicitous translation

308 Nonverbal Communication across Disciplines:Volume III: Narrative literature, theater, cinema, translation

309 On translation

310 Teaching translation and interpreting 4: building bridges

311 The Art of War: the Denma translation/Sun Tzu, Translation, Essays and Commentary

312 The Culture of Translation in Anglo?Saxon England

313 The Map — A Beginner?s Guide to Doing Research in Translation Studies

314 Thinking French Translation: A Course in Translation Method: French to English(Second Edition)

315 Translating for the European Union Institutions

316 Translation and Power

317 Translation Studies (Third edition)

318 Translation Studies: Perspectives on an Emerging Disciplined

319 Translation, Text and Theory, The Paradigm of India

320 Translation Theory in the Age of Louis XIV: The 1683 De optimo genere interpretandi (On the best kind of translating) of PierreDaniel Huet (16301721)

321 Translation?mediated Communication in a Digital World: Facing the Challenges of Globalization and Localization

322 Translator Self?Training (Chinese)Practical Course in Technical Translation

323 Transpacific Displacement: Ethnography, Translation, and Intertextual Travel in Twentieth?Century American Literature

324 Apropos of ideology : translation studies on ideology ideologies in translation studies

325 Beyond the Ivory Tower: Rethinking translation pedagogy (American translators association scholarly monograph Series, Volume XII 2003)

326“Borrowed Plumage” Polemical Essays on Translation

327 Computers and Translation: A translator?s guide

328 Corpora in Translation Education

329 Corpus?based Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies

330 Cross?Linguistic Variation in System and Text: A Methodology for the Investigation of Translations and Comparable Texts

331 Crossing Barriers and Bridging Cultures: The Challenges of Multilingual Translation for the European Union

332 One into Many: Translation and the Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature

333 Performative Linguistics: Speaking and translating as doing things with words

334 Recent Advances in Example?Based Machine Translation

335 The Bible through Metaphor and Translation

336 The Critical Link 3 Interpreters in the Community, selected papers from the Third International Conference on Interpreting in Legal, Health and Social Service Settings, Mointréal, Québec, Canada 2226 May 2001

337 Translating Cultures: Perspectives on Translation and Anthropology

338 Translating Official Documents

339 Translation and ethnography: the anthropological challenge of intercultural understanding

340 Translation and Globalization

341 Translation Teaching, from Research to the Classroom: a handbook for teachers

342 Translation Today: Trends and Perspectives

343 Triangulating translation: perspectives in process oriented research

344 A Practical Guide for Translators(Fourth Revised Edition)

345 Building Coherence and Cohesion: Task?oriented dialogue in English and Spanish

346 Claims, changes and challenges in translation studies: selected contributions from the EST Congress, Copenhagen 2001

347 Creative Writing: translation, bookkeeping, and the work of imagination in colonial Kenya

348 Drama Translation and Theatre Practice

349 Fundamental Aspects of Interpreter Education

350 Globalization and Cultural Translation

351 Inference and Anticipation in Simultaneous Interpreting: A probabilityprediction model

352 Introducing Corpora in Translation Studies

353 Introducing interpreting studies

354 Joyful Babel: Translating H l ne Cixous

355 Machine Translation: From Real Users to Research

356 Multiple Voices in the Translation ClassroomActivities, tasks and projects

357 Revisiting the Interpreter?s Role: A Study of conference, court, and medical interpreters in Canada, Mexico, and the United States

358 Shakespeare and Canada: Essays on Production, Translation, and Adaptation

359 Shakespeare, Reception and Translation, Germany and Japan

360 Shakespeare?s History Plays: Performance, Translation and Adaptation in Britain and Abroad

361 The Discourse of Court Interpreting: Discourse practice of the law, the witness and the interpreter

362 The Missing Link: Evolution, Reality, and the Translation Paradigm

363 The Moving Text: Localization, translation, and distribution

364 Translating the heavens : Aratus, Germanicus, and the poetics of Latin translation

365 Translation: An advanced resource book

366 Translation and Corpora, Selected Papers from the G?teborgOslo Symposium 1819 October 2003

367 Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti and Desiderius Erasmus

368 Translation Research and Interpreting Research: Traditions, Gaps and Synergies

369 Translation quality assessment: an argumentation?centred approach

370 Translation?based Corpus Studies: Contrasting English and Portuguese tense and aspect systems

371 Twentieth?Century Chinese Translation Theory: Modes, Issues and Debates

372 A layered declarative approach to ontology translation with knowledge preservation

373 Challenging the Traditional Axioms: Translation into a Non?mother Tongue

374 Foreign Words: TranslatorAuthors in the Age of Goethe

375 Gender, Sex and Translation: the Manipulation of Identities

376 Identity and Difference: Translation Shaping Culture

377 In Translation Reflections, Refractions, Transformations

378 Interpretation: Techniques and Exercises

379 Less Translated Languages

380 Linguistics and the Language of Translation

381 Nation, Language, and the Ethics of Translation

382 New Tendencies in Translation Studies—Selected Papers from a Workshop G?teborg 12 December 2003

383 On the relationships between translation theory and translation practice

384 Text Analysis in Translation: Theory, Methodology, and Didactic Application of a Model for Translation?Oriented Text Analysis (Second Edition)

385 The Enlightenment Bible

386 The Italian Encounter With Tudor England: A Cultural Politics Translation

387 The Oxford History of Literary Translation in English—Volume 3 (16601790)

388 Training for the New Millennium: Pedagogies for translation and interpreting

389 Translating Tolkien : philological elements in the Lord of the Rings

390 Translation and cultural change : studies in history, norms and image projection

391 Translation and Religion: Holy Untranslatable

392 Translation in undergraduate degree programmes

393 Translation, Linguistics, Culture: A French?English Handbook

394 The Translation Zone

395 Translation and Conflict: A Narrative Account

396 Tudor Translation in Theory and Practice



