
The School of Arts and Communications
The School of Arts and Communications was established, in June 16 of 2004, following the three department-Arts, Music and Chinese Language and Literature-from the School of Humanities & Social Sciences. In The School, there are six academic departments: Department of Art Design, Department of Industrial Design, Department of Fine Arts, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of Communications, and the Department of Music. It also hosts the Research Institute of Comparative Literature and Contemporary Culture, Research Institute of International Applied Art, the Center for Plastic Art,The Center for Film and Television and the Music Performance Training Center. The School consists seven bachelor programs, including Art Design, Industrial Design, Drawing, Chinese Language and Literature, Communications, Advertising, Music Performance. We offer Industrial Design doctoral programs and six Master's programs, such as Chinese Language and Literature, Art, Fine Arts, Design Art, Industrial Design and Communications. The total number of full-time students in The School is more than 2300, about 200 master's degrees candidates and doctoral candidates, there also 200 students of Adult Education.
The School of Arts and Communications has a strong faculty team with 140 members, more than 37% of whom are professors and associate professors. Many of them are Chinese scholars and artists come from Austria, Japan, Germany and Russia. We also engaged more than 40 famous scholars and artists as adviser or Visiting Professor.The School will serve as a center of media talent training and talent information exchange, scientific research and technology development, information and literature collecting and distribution. Besides, it will also be a platform for art and communication content creativity and international exchange of art and communication education and co-operation.
辦公:學院行政辦公室, 成人教育及網路教育辦公室, 學生工作組
教學:藝術設計系, 工業設計系, 美術學系,中文系,傳播學系, 音樂系
實驗:藝術創作綜合實驗中心, 傳播與影視實驗中心,音樂專業實踐中心
趙菁 王瑋 項立新 周華溢 范斌 唐莉英
曾勇 繆根生 吳貴涼 李 英 胡劍忠 陳立民
萬 萱 李朝輝 李雨 李馨 馬靜 郭錚
劉永黎 張松 林 江 侯 兵 馮 彬 房開柱
徐伯初 黃濤 董時羽 苟銳 支錦亦 駱小翀
王超 李科平 董磊 許永生 張靜 楊建
洪毅 陳海鳴 李江 史朝陽 劉春堯 謝南星
毛 鋼 張小濤 楊 冕 李傳忠 朱麗婭 舒興川
舒 群 彭 肜 陳宇虹 閔銳 任平山
徐行言 柏樺 阮航 曾傑 黃曙光 王長才
陳國強 汪啟明 李 崗 趙 靜 羅 寧 常 健
趙品莉 李自芬 段莉萍 周俊勛 沈如泉 宋伶俐
吳德利 楊建軍 劉玉珺 王 捷 周東升
高力 黃曉鍾 武小林 梅紅 吳小玲 胡明川
蔣寧平 馮智敏 劉林沙 朱潔 李麗娜 張鐳
胡睿 楊琴
譚贇 郭清波 胡紅 黃梅 李帆 李珊
劉飛雲 劉蕊 路瑜 馬健 孫軼 塗覃平
汪漾 王軍 王強 王慶利 吳毅 肖蓓
熊娜 徐嬋娟 楊淑莉 楊自力 張娟霞 甘霖