

范同祥 1971年7月生 上海交通大學金屬基複合材料國家重點實驗室教授 博士,國家傑出青年基金獲得者,上海交通大學金屬基複合材料國家重點實驗室副主任、教授、博士生導師。










[1].Tong-Xiang Fan*, Suk-Kwun Chow, Di Zhang, Biomorphic Mineralization: From Biology to Materials, Progress in Materials Science, 2009, 54(5): 542-659

[2]. Han Zhou, Xufan Li, Tongxiang Fan*, Frank E. Osterloh, Jian Ding, Erwin M. Sabio, Di Zhang, Qixin Guo. Artificial Inorganic Leafs for Efficient Photochemical Hydrogen Production Inspired by Natural Photosynthesis, Advacned Materials, 2010, 22(9):951-957 (Featured inside Cover in Advacned Materials; Highlighted in New Scientist and NPG Asia Materials)

[3].Xufan Li, Tongxiang Fan*, Han Zhou, Suk-Kwun Chow, Wang Zhang, Di Zhang. Enhanced Light-Harvesting and Photocatalytic Properties in Morph-TiO2 from Green-Leaf Biotemplates. Advacned Functional Materials, 2009, 19(1): 45-56 (Entilted as Light Harvesting, Nature Way highlighted by Materialview.com on Decmber 15, 2008; Entiltled as leaf-shaped Material harvests more Light and highlighted by American Energy Research News on December 17, 2008; Highlighted in American VerticalNews.com on Feb.23, 2009);

[4].Han Zhou, Tongxiang Fan*, Xufan Li, Di Zhang. Biomimetic photocatalyst system derived from the natural prototype in leaves for efficient visible-light-driven catalysis, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2009,19(18):2695-2703(Assigned as Back cover story in JMC, 2009, Volume 19, No.18; Entitled as Energy Material: If you can’t beat them, Join them and Highlighted in NatureChina and Nature Asia-pacific on April 8th, 2009);

[5].Han Zhou, Tongxiang Fan*, Di Zhang. A novel bacteria-templated sonochemical route for the in situ one-step synthesis of ZnS hollow nanostructures, Chem. Mater., 2007,19(9):2144 – 2146, ( Most-Accessed Articles in Chemistry of Materials: April–June, 2007; highlighted by MRS Bulletin(June 2007, Volume 32, No.6);

[6]. Zhaoting Liu, Tongxiang Fan*, Di Zhang, etal. Hierarchically porous ZnO with high sensitivity and selectivity to H2S derived from biotemplates, Sens. Actuator B-Chem., 2009 (136): 499-509

[7].Tongxiang Fan*, Xufan Li, Zhaoting Liu, Di Zhang. Microstructure and infrared absorption of biomorphic chromium oxides templated by wood tissues, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2006,89(11):3511-3515

[8]. Suk-Kwun Chow, Tong-Xiang Fan*, Jian Ding, Di Zhang Meso/Macroporous Ceria with Enhanced Surface oxygen Activity via Plant-Leaf Mineralization, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 2010, 93(1):40-43

[9].Han Zhou, Tongxiang Fan*, Ting Han, Xufan Li, Di Zhang.Bacteria-based controlled assembly of metal chalcogenide hollow nanostructures with enhanced light-harvesting and photocatalytic properties, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20(8): doi: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/8/085603

[10].Ting Han, Tongxiang Fan, Suk-Kwun Chow, Di Zhang. Biogenic N-P-codoped TiO2: Synthesis, characterization and photocatalytic properties, Bioresource Technology, 2010, (101): 6829-6835

[11]. Congfa Zhang, Tongxiang Fan*, Wei Cao, Di Zhang. A model for work of solid liquid adhesion in multicomponent melts, Acta Mater. 57 (12), 3623-3632

[12]. Jianqi Chen, Tongxiang Fan*,Di Zhang, Ternary diffusion coefficients - theoretical treatment and application to the In-situ-reinforced TiB2/Al composite, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2006 (37A): No.7, 2275-2281

[13]. Tongxiang Fan*, Guang Yang, Di Zhang. Thermodynamic effect of alloying addition on in-situ reinforced TiB2/Al composites, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2005 (36A): 225-233

[14]. Feng Qin, Tongxiang Fan*, Di Zhang. Thermodynamic Effects of Alloying Elements on Solid-State Interfacial Reactions in a Multicomponent System: Theoretical Treatment and Application in SiC (f) /Ti Composites, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2009 (40A): 462-471

[15] Tongxiang Fan*, Congfa Zhang, Wei Cao, Di zhang. Thermodynamics and Kinetics to Alloying Addition on In-Situ AlN/Mg Composites Synthesis via Displacement Reactions in Liquid Mg Melt, Metall. Mater. Trans.A (40A): 2743-2750


所開展研究先後獲上海市自然科學一等獎(2006年)、山東省科技進步二等獎(1997年)、日本AIEJ Scholarship(1998年)、日本科技廳STA Fellowship(2000年)、教育部“優秀青年教師資助計畫”(2002年)、“全國優秀博士論文提名獎”(2002年)、上海市優秀博士論文獎(2003年)、“霍英東基金優選資助課題”(2003年)、教育部首批“新世紀優秀人才資助計畫”(2004年)、上海市科技啟明星資助計畫和跟蹤計畫(2005年和2010年),上海市教育委員會“曙光學者”(2008年)。



