1996年7月 浙江醫科大學 本科
2003年12月 瑞典卡羅琳斯卡研究院臨床藥理系 博士
2004-2005 年 比利時魯汶大學分子血管中心 博士後
2005-2010 浙江大學醫學院(人才引進) 副教授,副博士生導師
2011- 浙江大學醫學院 教授,博士生導師
在瑞典Karolinska Institute獲得博士學位,其後在世界知名的血管生物和凝血研究中心-比利時魯汶大學分子血管生物中心接受博士後訓練,長期致力於代謝性疾病中的血栓和炎症相互作用,細胞內信號轉導,和抗血栓藥物藥理學研究。對血栓和炎症過程中由細胞間黏附分子介導的細胞間相互作用,血栓細胞的分子信號轉導,流式細胞術檢測,已及抗血栓先導藥物的功能和分子靶點鑑定方面做了大量的工作。共發表SCI收錄論文20多篇,包括ARTERIOSCLEROSIS THROMBOSIS AND VASCULAR BIOLOGY (影響因子6.86),Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (影響因子6.07),DIABETOLOGIA(影響因子6.42)等雜誌,累計雜誌影響因子90,他引234次。回國後建立的研究團隊已發表SCI收錄論文7篇,其中抗血栓先導藥物的功能和分子靶點鑑定工作結果發表於血栓研究領域的國際高影響因子期刊Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (影響因子6.07)。目前主持國家自然基金2項,共同主持瑞典國家自然科學基金項目1項,主持教育部,人事部課題各一項,作為骨幹參與國家支撐項目1項,完成浙江省自然科學基金1項。2006年獲亞太血栓和凝血年會青年研究者獎, 2009年獲國際血栓凝血年會旅行獎。
1.血小板P2X1受體通過激活MAP激酶p38的新信號轉導機制研究(項目負責人), 國家自然科學基金,17萬,2008.1-2010.12,在研,項目編號30700267
2.胞膜微區結構脂筏和Tetraspanin富集區域調控癌細胞-血小板粘附的機制研究 (項目負責人), 國家自然科學基金,8萬,2010.1-2010.12,在研,項目編號30970656
3.血小板淋巴細胞相互作用在動脈粥樣硬化中的意義 (項目共同負責人),
5.2型糖尿病白細胞-血小板相互作用機制(項目負責人),浙江省自然科學基金,7 萬元, 2007.1-2009.12,結題,項目編號Y206095
6.2型糖尿病白細胞-血小板相互作用機制及臨床治療關係(項目負責人),人事部歸國留學人員擇優資助項目 3萬元,2007.1-2009.12, 在研。
7.脂閥與血小板P2X1受體信號轉導通路研究(項目負責人),教育部歸國留學人員 啟動基金,3萬元,在研,項目編號20071108
1. Hu H(胡虎), Daleskog M, Li N. Influences of fixatives on flow cytometric measurements of platelet P-selectin expression and fibrinogen binding. Thromb Res 2000; 100: 161-166.(影響因子2.01)
2. Li N, Hu H(胡虎), Linqvist M, Wikström Jonsson E, Goodall AH, Hjemdahl P. Platelet-leukocyte cross-talk in whole blood. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2000; 20: 2702-2708. (影響因子7.05)
3. Hu H(胡虎), Li N, Ekberg K, Johansson BL, Hjemdahl P. Insulin, but not proinsulin C-peptide, enhances platelet fibrinogen binding in vitro in Type 1 diabetes mellitus patients and healthy subjects. Thromb Res. 2002, 106:91-5. (影響因子2.01)
4. Hu H(胡虎), Hjemdahl P, Li N. Effects of insulin on platelet and leukocyte activity in whole blood. Thromb Res. 2002, 107:209-15. (影響因子2.01)
5. Hu H(胡虎), Zhang W, Li N. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibition attenuates platelet-activating factor-induced platelet activation by reducing protein kinase C activity. J Thromb Haemost 2003, 2:1-8. (影響因子5.26)
6. Hu H(胡虎), Varon D, Hjemdahl P, Savion N, Schulman S, Li N. Platelet-leukocyte aggregation under shear stress: Differential involvement of selectins and integrins. Thromb Haemost 2003, 90: 679-87. (影響因子3.06)
7. Li N, Hu H(胡虎), Hjemdahl P. Aspirin treatment does not attenuate platelet or leukocyte activation as monitored by whole blood flow cytometry. Thromb Res. 2003;111:165-70. (影響因子2.01)
8. Hu H(胡虎), Li N, Yngen M, Österson C-G, Wallen NH, Hjemdahl P. Enhanced leukocyte-platelet cross-talk in type 1 diabetes mellitus: relationship to microangiopathy. J Thromb Haemost. 2004, 2: 58-64. (影響因子5.26)
9. Yngen M, Ostenson CG, Hu H(胡虎), Li N, Hjemdahl P, Wallen NH. Enhanced P-selectin expression and increased soluble CD40 Ligand in patients with Type 1 diabetes mellitus and microangiopathy: evidence for platelet hyperactivity and chronic inflammation. Diabetologia. 2004, 47:537-40. (影響因子5.34)
10. Hu H(胡虎), Johansson B, Hjemdahl P, Li N. Exercise-induced platelet and leucocyte activation is not enhanced in well-controlled Type 1 diabetes, despite increased activity at rest. Diabetologia. 2004, 47:853-9. (影響因子5.34)
11. Perneby C, Wallen NH, Hu H(胡虎), Li N, Hjemdahl P. Prothrombotic responses to exercise are little influenced by clopidogrel treatment. Thromb Res. 2004, 114:235-43. (影響因子2.01)
12. Hu H(胡虎), Forslund M, Li N. Influence of extracellular calcium on single platelet activation as measured by whole blood flow cytometry. Thromb Res. 2005, 116:241-7. (影響因子2.01)
13. Oury C, Daenens K, Hu H(胡虎), Bryckaert M, Hoylaerts MF. ERK2 activation in arteriolar and venular murine thrombosis: role of platelet receptors GPIb and P2X1. J Thromb Haemost. 2006, 4(2):443-52. (影響因子5.26)
14.Dong Z, Hu H(胡虎),Chen W, Li z, Liu G, Yang J. Heat shock does not induce ΓH2AX foci formation but protects cells from N-methyl-N'-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine induced genotoxicity. Mutation Research. 2007, 629:40-8. (影響因子2.18)
15. Razmara M, Hu H(胡虎), Masquelier M, Li N. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa blockade inhibits platelet aminophospholipid exposure by potentiating translocase and attenuating scramblase activity. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2007,64:999-1008. (影響因子4.65)
16.Xu F, Wang F, Di M, Huang Q, Wang M, Hu H(胡虎), Jin Y, Dong J, Lai M. Classification based on the combination of molecular and pathologic predictors is superior to molecular classification on prognosis in colorectal carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2007, 13:5082-8。(影響因子6.18)
17.Ruan W, Xu E, Xu F, Ma Y, Deng H, Huang Q, Lv B, Hu H(胡虎), Lin J, Cui J, Di M, Dong J, Lai M. IGFBP7 plays a potential tumor suppressor role in colorectal carcinogenesis. Cancer Biol Ther. 2007,6:354-9. (影響因子2.71)
18.Ruan WJ, Lin J, Xu EP, Xu FY, Ma Y, Deng H, Huang Q, Lv BJ, Hu H(胡虎), Cui J, Di MJ, Dong JK, Lai MD. IGFBP7 plays a potential tumor suppressor role against colorectal carcinogenesis with its expression associated with DNA hypomethylation of exon 1. Zhejiang Univ Sci B. 2006,7:929-32.
19. Ma Y, Lu B, Ruan W, Wang H, Lin J, Hu H(胡虎), Deng H, Huang Q, Lai M. Tumor suppressor gene insulin-like growth factor binding protein-related protein 1 (IGFBP-rP1) induces senescence-like growth arrest in colorectal cancer cells. Exp Mol Pathol. 2008, 85:141-5. ( 影響因子2.05)
20. Zou XH, Cai HX, Yin Z, Chen X, Jiang YZ, Hu H(胡虎), Ouyang HW. A novel strategy incorporated the power of mesenchymal stem cells to allografts for segmental bone tissue engineering. Cell Transplant. 2009, 18:433-41. (co-corresponding author) ( 影響因子5.13)
21. Chen X, Song XH, Yin Z, Zou XH, Wang LL, Hu H(胡虎), Cao T, Zheng M, Ouyang HW. Stepwise differentiation of human embryonic stem cells promotes tendon regeneration by secreting fetal tendon matrix and differentiation factors. Stem Cells. 2009, 27:1276-87. ( 影響因子7.75)
22. Xu F, Xu J, Lou Z, Di M, Wang F, Hu H(胡虎), Lai M. Micropapillary Component in Colorectal Carcinoma is Associated With Lymph Node Metastasis in T1 and T2 Stages and Decreased Survival Time in TNM Stages I and II. Am J Surg Pathol. 2009, 33:1287-92. ( 影響因子4.06)
23. Hu H(胡虎), Hoylaerts MF. The P2X1 ion channel in platelet function. Platelets 2010, 21:153-66. ( 影響因子2.27)
24. Huang ZS, Zeng C, Zhu L, Jiang L, Li N, Hu H(胡虎). Salvianolic acid A inhibits platelet activation and arterial thrombosis via inhibition of PI3K. J Thromb Haemost. 2010, 8:1383-93.( 影響因子6.07) (corresponding author)
25. Hu XS, Du C, Zeng CL, Yao L, Zhang F, Wang K, Chen J, Li N, Hu H(胡虎). Systemic evaluation of platelet and leukocyte activation and interaction in a rat model of pulmonary arterial hypertension. Cardiology 2010, 117(1):44-53. ( 影響因子1.64) (corresponding author)
26. Hu H(胡虎), Zhu L, Huang ZS, Ji Q, Chatterjee M, Zhang W, Li N. Platelets selectively enhance lymphocyte adhesion and infiltration into arterial thrombus. Thromb Haemost. 2010, 104(6):1184-926. ( 影響因子4.46)