

禹繼國,1972年生,山東泰安人,2004年畢業於山東大學獲博士學位。現任曲阜師範大學信息科學與工程學院副院長 ,教授,碩士生導師;是中國計算機學會(CCF)高級會員;IEEE會員;中國運籌學會會員;山東省運籌學會理事。作為主要成員參與完成了國家和省部級項目4項。主持完成省部級科研項目2項。



禹繼國,1972年生,山東泰安人,2004年畢業於山東大學獲博士學位。現任曲阜師範大學信息科學與工程學院 副院長,教授,碩士生導師;是中國計算機學會(CCF)高級會員;IEEE會員;中國運籌學會會員;山東省運籌學會理事。作為主要成員參與完成了國家和省部級項目4項。主持完成省部級科研項目2項。2004年獲校教學比賽一等獎,2007年獲市科技進步二等獎,2008年獲省高校優秀科研成果二等獎,2009年獲省計算機套用優秀成果二等獎,研究生創新教育省級教學成果二等獎,多次被評為研究生管理先進個人和優秀研究生指導教師。現承擔(第2位)省自然科學基金項目2項,和省科技攻關計畫項目各一項。指導研究生33名,其中16名已獲碩士學位。近年來一直從事無線網路路由協定、對等網路拓撲構造與搜尋、近似算法與分散式算法設計、圖的匹配與染色理論方面的研究。關於分數因子的有關結果有三篇文章被寫入Qinglin Roger Yu和Guizhen Liu的專著《Graph Factor and Matching Extension》中。



[1] Jiguo Yu, Wenjun Liu, Jingjing Song, Baoxiang Cao, EEMR: An energy-efficient multi-hop routing protocol for wireless sensor networks, In Proceedings of IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Application (AICCSA) 2008, 291-298. (EI/ISTP)

[2] Jiguo Yu, Wenjun Liu, Jingjing Song, C2WSN: A Two-Tier Chord Overlay Serves for Efficient Queries in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of 15th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2007), 237-242.(EI)

[3] Jiguo Yu, Suxia Cui, Guanghui Wang, An Algorithm with Better Approximation Ratio for Multicast Traffic in Unidirectional SONET/WDM Rings, COCOA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5573 Springer, 530-540.(EI/ISTP)

[4] Jiguo Yu, Jingjing Song, Baoxiang Cao, REIK: A Novel P2P Overlay Network with Byzantine Fault Tolerance, skg, pp. 146-151, In Proceedings of Third International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid 2007.(EI)

[5] Jiguo Yu, Jingjing Song, Wenjun Liu, Li Zhao and Baoxiang Cao, KZCAN: A Kautz based content-addressable network, In Proceedings of Eighth ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking, and Parallel/Distributed Computing(SNPD 2007), 299 – 304.(EI)

[6] Jiguo Yu, Qiuju Bian, Guizhen Liu and Na Wang, Some results on fractional n-factor-critical graphs, J. Appl. Math. & Computing, 25(2007) No.1-2, 283-291.(EI)

[7] Yu Jiguo,Liu Guizhen,Ma Meijie and Cao Baoxiang, A degree condition for graphs to have fractional k-factors, Advan. Math., 35(5)(2006), 621-628.

[8] Jiguo Yu, Suxia Cui, Guanghui Wang, Approximating the Multicast Traffic Grooming Problem in Unidirectional SONET/WDM Rings, COCOA 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5573 Springer, 519-529.(EI/ISTP)

[9] Jiguo Yu, Jingjing Song, Wenjun Liu, Li Zhao and Baoxiang Cao, BGKR: A Novel P2P Network Based on Generalized Kautz and Ring with Constant Congestion, In Proceedings of ChinaCom2007, 50-55.(EI)

[10]Jiguo Yu, Guizhen Liu, Notes on fractional (1,f)-odd factors of graphs, FAW2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4613, 310-316.(EI/ISTP)

[11] Wenjun Liu, Jiguo Yu, Jingjing Song, Xiaoqing Lan, Baoxiang Cao, ERASP: An Efficient and Robust Adaptive Superpeer Overlay Network, In Proceedings of APWeb 2008, 468-474.(EI/ISTP)

[12] Wenjun Liu, Yu Sun, Jiguo Yu, Baoxiang Cao, A Grid-Based Distributed Multi-Hop Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks, In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC)2008,: 330-336. (EI)

[13]Wenjun Liu, Yue Sun, Yang Bai, Jiguo Yu, Baoxiang Cao, "DCR: An Energy-Efficient Distributed Clustering and Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," In Proceedings of International Conference on Communication Software and Network (ICCSN2009), 786-790.

[14] Jiguo Yu, Lihua Han and Guizhen Liu, Some Results on the Classification for f-colored Graphs, ISORA'06, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 6(2006), 292-298.(ISTP)

[15] Jiguo Yu, Na Wang and Baoxiang Cao, Some Results on fractional covered graphs, ISORA06, Lecture Notes in Operations Research, 6(2006), 334-341.(ISTP)

[16] Jiguo Yu, Na Wang, Xingjian Feng, Guizhen Liu, A note on fractional extendable graphs,Leture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, IMECS2007, 2270-2273.(ISTP)

[17] Fengyin Li, Jiguo Yu, Hongwei Ju, A New Threshold Group Signature Scheme Based on Discrete Logarithm Problem, In Proceedings of SNPD 2007, 1176-1182. (EI)

[18] Guanghui Wang, Guizhen Liu and Jiguo Yu, Circular list colorings of some graphs, J. Appl. Math. & Computing, 20(1-2) (2006), 149 - 156.(EI)

[19] Yu Jiguo, Diao Kefeng and Liu Guizhen, The Minimum Edge Number of a 4-Uniform Co-Hypergraph, OR Transactions, 10(1)(2006), 95-98.

[20] Yu Jiguo, Wang Guanghui, Liu Guizhen, Girth and circular choosability of series parallel graphs, 數學研究與評論, 29(3)(2006), 495 - 498.

[21] Yu Jiguo, Guizhen Liu, Bian Qiuju, Han Lihua, Connected Factors in 2-connected Claw-free Graphs, Appl. Math., 19(1)( 2006) 169-175.

[22] Yu Jiguo, Wang Na, Bian Qiuju, Liu Guizhen, Some results on fractional deleted graphs, OR Transactions,, 11(2), (2007) 65-72.

[23] Jiguo Yu and Baoxiang Cao, Fractional Matchings of graphs, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 5, Book Chapter in Advances in Industrial Engineering and Operational Research, Alan H. S. Chan and Sio-long Ao Editors, (2008), 209-226.

[24] Suxia Cui, Jiguo Yu, Baoxiang Cao, On minimizing the number of ADMs—better boundes for an algorithm with preprocessing, In Proceedings of ISORA2008, 219-230.(ISTP)

[25] Jing Qi, Jiguo Yu, Scale-free overlay structures for unstructured peer-to-peer networks, In Proceedings of GCC2008, 369-373.(EI/ISTP)

[26] Xing Li, Jiguo Yu, A novel P2P overlay network based on cycloid and folded hypercube, In Proceedings of GCC2008, 374-379.(EI/ISTP)

[28] Yu Jiguo, Zheng Yongmeng, Zhang Yonghong, 2-Induced-Matching Partition Problem and 2-Induced-Matching Cover Problem of Graphs with Diameter 5 are NP-complete, OR Transactions,, 2009 13(2).

[29] Jingjing Song, Zhaojun Xiang, Jiguo Yu, A Novel Hierarchical Overlay for Structured Peer-to-Peer Network. In Proceedings of ScalCom 2009, 183-188. (EI/ISTP)

[30] Jingjing Song, Jiguo Yu, Zhaojun Xiang, An Efficient Search Algorithm for REIK Overlay Network, In Proceedings ofACIS-ICIS 2009,166-170.(EI/ISTP)



