Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as a man on an unstoppable mission of vengeance--with nothing left to lose--after his family becomes Collateral Damage.
Gordon Brewer's (Scharzenegger) wife and child were killed in a terrorist bombing. Now, frustrated with the failure of the official investigation and obsessed with bringing the perpetrator to justice, Brewer teams up with an unlikely ally--the spouse of the terrorist--to exact his revenge, and no one is going to stop him.
一群中南美洲反美的國際恐怖分子,策動一場爆炸攻擊事件,這場攻擊行動造成多人死亡與輕重傷,造成的損失無法估計。愛家的消防隊員Gordon( 阿諾德·施瓦辛格飾),家人無端地捲入這一場國際恐怖爆炸行動當中,成了無辜的犧牲者,對政府而言,套句標準的官方說法,Gordon的損失只是這場恐怖行動中的「間接傷害」,但是對Gordon來說,這場恐怖災難讓他失去所有。儘管政府知道恐怖份子是誰,但是卻礙於國際法的規定,遲遲無法將兇嫌繩之於法。