副研究員,計算數學與科學工程計算研究所,中國科學院,2008 – 現在。研究人員(Research associate),霍華德休斯醫學研究所,2006 - 2008.
博士後, 加州大學聖地亞哥分校化學與生物化學系, 2003 - 2006.
訪問學生, 義大利,底里亞斯特國際理論物理中心(ICTP), 1999.6-1999.9
助教,雲南農業大學,昆明,中國, 1993-1997. 教育經歷
1997 - 2002, 博士,生物化學與分子生物學,中國科技大學,合肥,中國
1989 - 1993, 學士,物理學,華東師範大學,上海,中國
計算生物物理/化學。現在主要集中於生物分子體系及其溶劑化效應的連續模擬,數值方法與軟體的發展,以及蛋白質的分子動力學模擬的研究上。 專業活動學士刊物評審:
Journal of Computational Physics, Biophysical Journal, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Journal of Chem. Phys., Communications in Computational Physics, Journal of Phys. Chem. A, B.等的審稿人。
組委會主席(Co-Chair),會議主席(Co-Chair):國際生物分子連續模擬方法會議(WCMB), 九月14日-16日, 2009, 北京,中國。
國際生物分子連續模擬方法會議(WCMB),中國科學院數學與系統科學研究院,2009年9月14-17日,北京 計算與套用數學前沿研討會,2009年8月9-10日, 清華大學,北京,2009.Continuum modeling of electrodiffusion around single molecule, KITPC Workshop on "Dynamics and Biomolecular Machinery", Jul 29-Aug 10, 2009, 中國科學院-卡弗里理論物理研究所(Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics),2009-7-29.
2009 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 6-10, Denver, Colorado, July 10, 2009.
分子模擬中的自由能計算方法,北京基因研究所, 中國科學院, 北京,2009-5-8
生物分子體系的電擴散模型, 清華大學周培源套用數學中心,2008.-12-15.
序列報告(I, II, III), 計算數學與科學工程計算研究所,中國科學院,北京,2008十二月8, 11, 17日。
Modelling of Electrostatics and Diffusion Processes in Biological Systems, Frontiers in Science (FIS) program -- Integrated Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Science, a CTBP-CSUSM Seminar Series, California State University San Marcos, Sept. 25, 2008.
Fully-continuum diffusion -- the Poisson-Nernst-Planck model and some extensions, the 2008 CTBP Summer School, Coarse-Grained Physical Modeling of Biological Systems: Advanced Theory and Methods, San Diego, CA, August 11-15, 2008.
Continuum modeling of electrodiffusion: from equlibrium to nonequilibrium states,Dept. of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, University of California at Irvine, 4/25/08.
Informal Seminars on Mathematics and Biochemistry-Biophysics, "Boundary integral methods for electrostatics in biomolecules: An overview", 4/8/08, 2008; And "Electrodiffusion", 10/2/07, 2007. Department of Mathematics, UCSD.
"Toward more efficient and accurate continuum modeling",2007-12-22, 北京工業大學。
Cyberinfrastructure and multiscale modeling approaches,NBCR (National Biomedical Computation Resource) Summer Institute 2006, La Jolla, California, August 7-11 August, 2006
"Electrostatics, density distribution, and diffusion - A continuum modeling frame with realistic spatiotemporal resolution" on March 7, 2007 at the Biophysical Society 51st Annual Meeting . Baltimore, Maryland, MD, March 3-7, 2007.
"Accelerating computations to order N for electrostatic interactions of biomolecular systems" on Sep. 11, 2006 at the 232nd ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, September 10-14, 2006.
"Molecular Simulations of Protein Kinase A: Release of ADP from the catalytic subunit of PKA: A MD simulation study" on July 12, 2005 at ICAM Frontiers of Science Symposium: Signal Transduction and Protein Phosphorylation, UC San Diego, CA.