

盧春龍,1976年4月出生,男,漢族,博士,中共黨員,教授,1998年7月畢業於中國人民大學並獲國際政治學專業學士學位,2001年7月畢業於中國人民大學並獲國際政治學專業碩士學位,2007年5月畢業於美國老領地大學(Old Dominion University)並獲國際研究專業博士學位。


盧春龍 中國政法大學教務處處長


主要研究領域有: 比較政治學理論、政治參與與公民文化、政治心理學、政治學研究方法。

主要研究課題有: 中國社會階層研究、公民政治參與的心理研究、公民政治文化的探究、多變數之間的路徑研究(path analysis)。




1、2007. “Popular Support for Grassroots Self-government in Urban China: Findings from a Beijing Survey,” Modern China 33 (4): 505-528 (co-author with Jie Chen, Yiyin Yang, second author).

2、2007. “Social Capital in Urban China: Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects on Grassroots Self-Government,” Social Science Quarterly 88 (2): 422–442 (co-author with Jie Chen, second author) .

3、2007. “China’s Middle East Policy since the Post-Mao Reform,” in Jack Covarrubias and Tom Lansford, eds., Strategic Interests in the Middle East: Opposition and Support for US Foreign Policy (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, September 2007) (co-author with Jie Chen, first author).

4、2006. “Does China’s Middle Class Think and Act Democratically? Attitudinal and Behavioral Orientations of Middle Class toward Urban Self-Government,” Journal of Chinese Political Science 11 (2): 1-20 (co-author with Jie Chen, second author).



2、評詹姆斯·馬奇和喬漢·奧爾森:《重新發現制度:政治的組織基礎》(紐約:自由出版社, 1989), 載《中國書評》2005年第二輯.

3、“轉型中國的環境保護,”載《 “轉型中的中國政治與政治學發展”國際學術研討會論文集1-4輯》 第二輯, 2002年, 北京。

4、“試析美國的利益集團及其產生髮展的原因,” 載《新視野》, 2000年第5期, 北京 (與苗晨波合著,第一作者) 。 獲獎情況: 2006--2007年, 獲美國老領地大學(Old Dominion University)博士論文獎學金(Dissertation Fellowship)。 2004年, 獲中國國家留學基金管理委員會頒發的2003年度國家優秀自費留學生獎學金(首批中國國家優秀自費留學生獎學金)。


1、2006. “Social Capital in Urban China: Attitudinal and Behavioral Effects on Grassroots Self-Government,” The 2006 Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 31-September 3, 2006 (co-author with Jie Chen, second author).

2、2005. “Social Capital in Contemporary China,” The International and Domestic Implications of the Rise of China, hosted by the Global Forum of Chinese Political Scientists and Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia, October 28-29, 2005 (co-author with Jie Chen, second author).

3、2005. “Political Participation of the Middle Class in China,” The 2005 Annual Meeting of American Political Science Association, Washington, D.C., Sep 1-4, 2005 (co- author with Jie Chen, second author).

4、2003. “The Environmental Crisis in Transitional China: Local State Corporatism as an Explanatory Variable,” The 16th Annual Conference Of Association of Chinese Political Studies (ACPS), hosted by ACPS and University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, April 4-6, 2003.



