




我很高興I’m Glad

幸運的母親Lucky Mother


為誘惑做好準備Being Prepared for Temptation

你一個,我一個One for You,One for Me

不在這裡Not Here

理論和現實Theory VS.Reality

不要和小孩爭論Don’t Argue with Children

一個樂觀,另一個悲觀0ne An Optimist and the Other Apessimist


拿破崙病了Napoleon Was Ill

他的答案只比正確答案多2 He was Only Wrong by Tw0

誰是喬治·華盛頓Who Is George Washington

寄給上帝的信The Letter tO Lord

我爸爸不如他爸爸富有My Father Isn’t as Rich as His

兩元錢Two Dollars

槍和土豆Gun and Potato

誰醉了Who Is Drunk

一個言出必行的人A Man of Actions

講出故事的結尾Telling Tai

小提琴課Violin Lessons

人盡其才Nothing tO Do with My Morn

出人意料的答案An Unexpected Answer

你是跟我一夥還是跟熊一夥?Are You on My Side or the Bears?

一個數學問題A Problem in Arithmetic

十二張卡片12 Post Cards


兩個男孩The Boys

情書Love Letters

地震The Earthquake

休假A Holiday from SchOOl

聰明的學生參加期末考試Smart Students Taking A Final Exam

第一課First Lesson

給母親的禮物Prasent to Mother

安全垂釣Fishing Safely

牛仔與他的馬Cowboy and the Horse

兩杯啤酒Two Glasses ofBeer


我在德克薩斯州幹的事情What I Did in Texas

狂人馬丁Mad Martin

一隻勇敢的豬A Brave Pi9

第一次與最後一次Mv First and My Last

你的馬打電話來了Your Horse Called

可以選擇You May Sel.ect

你停止打你老婆了嗎?Have You Ceased Bemmg Your Wife?

認識你很高興Very Pleased tO Meet You

一個美妙的周末A Wonderful Weekend

多少錢?How Much Is It?

怎么知道他是個強盜How Did You Know He was A Bandit

不明智的想法Bad Idea

傳過去Pass alon9

記賬Keeping Accounts

守財奴A Penny Pincher

15年的判決A Long Sentence

費迪南德先生的午餐Mr.Ferdinand’S Lunch

摔下樓梯Falling down the Stairs

家規A Family Rule

賄賂與新郎bribeand Groom

晚餐吃什麼?What’S for Dinner?

化裝舞會Masked Ball

如果我先死了怎么辦?What IfI Die First?


並非指控,只是有些證據Not Anaccusation,Just Evidence

完美的丈夫The Perfect Husband

誰死得更慘Who Had the Most Tragic Death

有時是我的Sometimes It’s Mine

我解僱秘書的原因Why I Fired My Secretary

乞丐The Bum

巧妙的說法A Smooth Talker

大嬰兒The Big Baby

兩個比目魚問題The Problem ofTwo Rounders

在空中In the Air

燈里的神怪Genie in the Lamp

可惜,我妻子沒來!Pity My Wife Isn’t Here!

不想弄濕賭博卡Don’t want to Get Bingo Card Wet

早退Leaving Work Early

幹得不錯Good Job


青蛙公主The Princess Frog

牽錯了狗The Dog Was Not Collected

汽車上的小偷A Thiefon the Bus

幸運的顧客A Lucky Customer

照我的辦法去做Do as I Do

郵政快遞Post Haste

鸚鵡的故事(1)parrot Story Ⅰ

鸚鵡的故事(2)parrot Story Ⅱ

讓我的司機來回答Let My Chauffeur Answer It

新律師鬧笑話New LawyerJokes

誰是最偉大的.人who Is the Greatest

二加二等於幾?rkVhat.does Two Plus Two Equal?

快速反應Quick Reaction

速度限制Speed Limit

搞錯了A Mistake

粉紅西裝賣出去了!Pink Suit Sale

我晚飯後從不工作I Never Work after Supper

花招Ways and Means

貓與托盤The Cat and the Saucer

世界上最好的售貨員The Beat Salesman in the World

報復what Goes Around

律師的年齡Lawyer’S Age

技工和外科醫生Mechanic and Surgeon

蘇格蘭人和售票員Scotsman&Ticket Collector

聰明的翻譯A Clever Interpreter

律師諮詢費Consultation Fee

當敵兵襲擊你時When Enemy Soldiers Come at You

真正的算命先生A Real Fortune—teller

只剩一個引擎Only One Engine Left


死的不是時候Die in the Prime Time

畫家與農民The Artist and the Farmer

走私犯A Smugglar

上班時間長出來的頭髮The Hair Growing in Office Time

醫生的聚會Doctors Meetin9

免費的建議Free Advice

長生不老Long Life

無風險的賭注A Safe Bet

執行長的信封CEO Envelopes

大猩猩The Gorilla

能治癒愚蠢的醫生A Doctor WhO can Cure Foolishness.

酒吧間裡的賭博The Bar Bet

律師與農場主The Lawyer and the Rancher

“保護費”Collection Hate

漂亮的毯子Beautifill Carpet


Japanese Lecture on Industrial Management

太多了Too Much


天堂里的教皇Pope in Heaven

地坑This Hole in the Ground

給我一個不同的理由Give Me A Different Reason

與上帝為伍Partners with God

誤機Missing the Plane

感覺很好l’m Fine

兩個獵人Two HunterS


一則新式腳踏車的廣告An Advertisement for Modern Bicycle

絕配Perfect Match

勢均力敵A Fine Match

昏睡者The Snorer

我更喜歡錢I Like Money Better

人皮獨木舟Skin Canoe

一個壞印象A Bad Impression

三隻狗The Three Dogs

吸血蝙蝠的故事Batty Story

世界上最偉大的擊劍手The World’s GreatestSwordsman

預報天氣的印第安人The Indian Who could Foretell the Weather

庸醫A Bad Doctor

這招牌沒用The Sign Is No Need

柯南.道爾與計程車司機Conan Doyle and theTaxi Driver

柯南.道爾與女士Conan Doyle and the Lady

不要把問題複雜化Do Not Complicate the Issues

省錢Save Money

你知道我是乾什麼的嗎?CRY?Do You Know My Work?

都是一家人All in the Family

恐怖笑話Scary Joke

馬克.吐溫和理髮師Mark Twain and the Barber

報喪方式Ways to Keport Death

教皇和上校The Pope and the Colonel


真正的勇氣True Courage

牧羊人與官員The Shepherd and thebureaucrat

逃離荒島Make It offthe Island

幾點了What Is the Time?



倒霉的一天The Bad Day

悲慘的故事A Sad Story

狡詐的百萬富翁Crafty Millionaire

上天堂還是下地獄Go to Heaven or Hell

魔鬼的血The Blood ofthe Devii


健康檢查Health Check

今天早上還沒有呢It Wasn’t There This Morning

等警察來Wait the Police to Come

在軍隊里宣布去世的訊息Death in the Army

短期假日A Short Holiday

合理的選擇The Logical Choice

8點45了It’S 8:45

便宜的西服cheap Suit

兩個好友Two Friends

對懲罰的選擇Choice of Punishments




