
“現金管理賬戶”,即CMA(Cash ManagementAccount),它最早是美林證券在1977年與一家美國地方銀行合作開發的,是將銀行活期存款、證券投資、清算以及餘額通知等多種金融服務融為一體的理財賬戶。該賬戶因主要面向擁有銀行活期存款的中小機構和個人客戶,又被稱為(私募)基金式理財。它通過巧妙的產品設計,在分業經營的前提下,充分將銀行的客戶資源優勢和券商的專業理財優勢相結合,讓各類金融機構得以鑽過籬笆,到鄰居盤子裡分享別人的美餐。







CMA at Merrill Lynch

What is the Merrill Lynch CMA

At Merrill Lynch, we understand that you want to maximize both yourlong-term investments and day-to-day finances. Managing both within asingle relationship provides you with a more comprehensive view of yourassets, making it easier to monitor and track your overall financialpicture.

When should you consider a CMA account

If you're seeking the convenience and simplicity of an investmentaccount that offers an automatic sweep of cash balances, acomprehensive array of cash management tools and a quick, easy way tomonitor and manage financial assets, you can benefit from consolidatingfunds in a Merrill Lynch CMA account.

What are the benefits of a CMA account

Manage all your financial assets in one place
Witha CMA account, you can invest, save, borrow and spend. Also, you maymanage a wide range of investments and benefit from a full array ofeveryday transaction services, such as check writing, direct deposit,online bill payment, ATM transactions, a deferred debit Visa card and more.
Keep your money working with an automatic sweep
Toensure that your money keeps earning interest, cash balances areautomatically swept into your choice of tax-exempt money market fundsor deposit accounts through the Merrill Lynch bank deposit program.
Earn potentially higher rates by linking accounts
Theinterest rates on deposits made through the Merrill Lynch bank depositprogram vary based on the value of assets in your accounts. With ourstatement-linking feature, the total assets of all the eligible linkedaccounts will be used to determine your interest rate.
Earmark assets for specific needs and goals
You can establish CMA SubAccounts to segregate funds for specific investment goals, such as education, supplemental retirement savings, emergencies or travel.
Access a convenient source of home financing solutions
Witha CMA account, you gain access to an extensive range of loan products,including mortgages and home equity loans. A Financial Advisor can helpyou determine which solutions are right for you in the context of yourfinancial picture and cash flow needs.
Automated Investment Program
Withour Automated Investment Program, you can invest in mutual funds usingyour CMA account. This program takes advantage of dollar costaveraging, which can lower your costs and potentially enhance yourinvestment returns over the longer term.
reinvest cash dividends
Automatically reinvest cash dividends in eligible securities with no commission charges through our Reinvestment Power program.

How does it help you manage your asset

Provides comprehensive and summary information
Acomprehensive monthly statement provides a snapshot of your accountbalances, spending, asset allocation and current portfolio valuations.
Asupplementary, consolidated year-end statement eases tax returnpreparation by providing a detailed, chronological breakdown of taxableinvestment activity and realized capital gain or loss.
Statement-linkingservices conveniently package the individual monthly statements for allthe eligible accounts you choose in one envelope with up to fivesummary pages. The linked statements provide a comprehensive view ofthe accounts, which can include your CMA account, CMA SubAccounts andother linked accounts, such as your IRA. By linking your statements,you'll be able to manage your assets more efficiently and reduce theamount of paper in your mailbox.Offers convenient account access and support
Merrill Lynch OnLine offers a secure online platform for viewing account information and performing a variety of routine transactions:
― Check balances and account activity
― Transfer funds between accounts
reorder checks― Print images of canceled checks
― Establish e-mail alerts
― E-delivery of account materials
When you call (800) MERRILL (637-7455)and provide your account number, you have access to our easy-to-use,voice-activated telephone system for day-to-day service requests, suchas quotes and account balance information.
You also can consult your Financial Advisor for advice and guidance on investments and cash management strategies. Your assets are protected
Yourassets held in a CMA account are protected by the Securities InvestorProtection Corporation (SIPC). The SIPC provides up to $500,000 ofaccount protection per customer, including up to $100,000 for cash.
Throughthe Merrill Lynch bank deposit program, deposits placed at each of theMerrill Lynch Affiliated Banks (FIA Card Services, N.A. (FIA) andMerrill Lynch Bank & Trust Co., FSB) are FDIC-insured up to theapplicable standard maximum deposit insurance amount (SMDIA) for eachownership category per bank.


